Disclaimer: Gundam Wing does not belong to me. I didn't make any profit from this story.

Pairings: 1+2, Sally friendship

Warnings: None, a little fluffy?

December 1st

O' Tannenbaum

It had been a gift when they moved into their house.

A small potted fig tree with a woven trunk. The woman who gave it to them said the braided trunk represented their bond with each other. Heero didn't have the heart to tell her that in many cultures the fig tree was considered an ill omen or sign of futility.

Duo pointed out when they were alone that it was much to cold where they lived for the tree to actually develop fruit and so basically it was just a pretty potted plant.

They accepted the gift graciously though and placed the tree in a sunny spot next to the chair Duo liked to read in. For the most part, other than watering it occasionally, both men forgot about it.

Which is probably why it died.

Neither Heero nor Duo ever seemed to find the time or desire to do anything about the tree though and it remained in its spot next to the chair, the sun shining on its bare twigs.

When the winter months arrived, they both noticed the decorations appearing around the office. They didn't give much thought to the impending holiday however until Sally Po brought up the issue of a Christmas tree.

"Why do we need a Christmas tree?" Heero had asked her, when she pinned him with the question one afternoon in the coffee room. She'd appeared puzzled.

"Because, it's Christmas and during Christmas it's tradition to have a tree and presents and stockingsā€¦" Heero cut her off when her eyes glazed over and he sensed a long and involved history of Christmas' past coming on.

"Duo and I don't usually do anything for Christmas."

Sally looked shocked. "Why not?"

Heero just shrugged and tapped his spoon rhythmically on the counter. Sally looked pointedly at it and he realized he was tapping along to the Christmas music someone had playing quietly in the room. He tossed the spoon down in disgust.

"It's just another holiday. It doesn't even have real meaning anymore, just an opportunity for people to get things."

"Heero Yuy, do not tell me you're a humbug!" Sally folded her arms and scowled.

"Who's a humbug?" Duo entered the room and snagged a mug down from the shelf and poured himself a cup of coffee. Heero rolled his eyes and tipped his chin toward Sally. "She thinks I'm a humbug because I don't see the need to conform to society's idea that we have to celebrate Christmas."

Duo nodded thoughtfully as he put the coffee pot back. "It's not a bad idea though. We could try it just this once." Heero thought about it for a moment and then shrugged. "Sure, why not."

Sally shook her head. "But it's much too late in the season to find a tree, what are you going to do?"

Duo smirked. "Oh I think we have just the thing."

Years later, when it had become their own strange tradition, friends would come over and silently shake their heads. Only Sally Po looked at the sad little fig tree, spruced up with gold wire and small bells and cringed, feeling entirely responsible.

The dead fig tree sat in the corner of the room, still in its pot though now wearing a festive tree skirt as well. Somehow though, despite the sad little twigs which were growing sparser every year, it didn't come across as pathetic.

"You know, this wasn't quite what I had in mind." Sally greeted Duo and accepted the cup of hot cider he handed to her.

"Oh I know," Duo told her cheerfully. "But which has more meaning, the fake plastic trees people buy because they match the Christmas image or our dead twig tree hanging on, even though it's very much abused."

Sally sipped her cider and eyed Duo over the rim of her cup. "If that was a metaphor Duo Maxwell, I think you just insulted me."

Duo laughed and nudged her with his shoulder. "Nah, if I were really going for a metaphor, I'd say you were more like those bells. Beautiful and bright even among the tattered branches."

Sally swallowed, her eyes a little shiny. "Thank you, Duo."

"Only the truth, babe." Then he grinned and kissed her cheek before dashing away, presumably to find Heero.

Sally turned back to the tree, studying it in silence. Finally she smiled and raised her cup to it in a toast. "Ah hell, who needs a fir tree anyway? Merry Christmas."