Sage: Yet another chapter of 'Alternate Eyes' A few more chapters and it will be will...(Er I think)

Step Four: Jealousy

"YOSH CLASS! WE SHALL EXERCISE OUR BODIES AND SOUL AS WE EMBARK AN EXCELLENT JOURNEY THROUGH THE DANGEROUS HILLS!" scream the one and only, Maito Gai. His favorite student, Lee, scream with him and had some anime tears while everyone else just sweatdropped

"S-s-sensei, w-we're only going to go on a hike," Kiba said as his sweatdrop grew bigger. His teacher usually frightens him...or make him deaf. Whichever is worse

"IS EVERYBODY READY!" Gai scream outs once more as everyone blocked their ears while at the same time, they rolled their eyes (I wish I could do that)

"Hai!" chorused everyone including Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Hinata. Kiba and Shino, who were standing next to Naruto, nudge him and whisper

"Why must we do this every year?"

Shino said nothing but agreed with him as he nod along with Kiba. Naruto sweatdrops and shrugs but it was heard by once again, Maito Gai. He grew anime tears and pointed at the mountains

"We must enjoy the scenery and to exercise our legs! It shall be fun! Right Lee?"


Maito Gai gave a cough then a twinkling smile which made everyone sweatdrop again and almost fell down. Their sensei is just far too loud for this...

"Yosh! Now we shall embark this mountain climbing but! You shall be separated in three teams," Gai gave another twinkling smile which made his students all shudder

"In my team: Kiba, Shino, Ino, Lee," When the team members heard they were paired up in Gai's team they all gave a loud groan. Kiba slapped Naruto's back and gave a woeful sigh

"See you at the top of the mountain buddy..."

"Next team will be with Tenten! Oh how grateful you guys will be! Shikamaru! Temari! Gaara! Kankurou!" Shikamaru made a groan. He was stuck with the sand sibs, the most hostile and ferocious group in school. What also makes him uncomfortable is that Tenten and Temari had a heated rivalry since Temari 'accidentally' poured chocolate on her favorite sword

"Last team! Hyuuga Neji!" Naruto began to tense at the name of Hyuuga Neji. He feared he was going to be stuck in his team but it was inevitable. He knew...oh he knew...

"Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Hinata! You shall be with Neji!" gleamed Gai while Neji and Sasuke gave simulatenous 'Hn' and Naruto just groaned with the twins looking confuse. Neji and Sasuke gave each quick glares before swinging their backpacks as Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata gave a head start up the mountain. Naruto felt the intense glares behind his back and just made a small groan

"Naruto-kun, I made lunch. Do you want to eat with me?" Sakura said sweetly. Naruto's heart began bumping and his palms began to sweat then he felt the claws in his hands coming out. He shook his blush off and gave Sakura a nervous grin with a small nod. Sasuke rolled his eyes at the sight of Sakura and Naruto while Hinata just looked down. Neji gave off a smirk toward the Uchiha

"Heh Uchiha, I didn't expect you to be so jealous," he commented. Sasuke glared at him while arguing back

"I'm not jealous," Neji's smirk grew wider "I believe you..."

Sasuke gave a growl as Neji trot on forward in front of the group with an intensifying stare

"All right, we shall take a break here. I will report to Gai-sensei of our current state," He ran off after his last statement. Everyone stared at him as he disappeared. They all give a sigh as they settle to eat

Five minutes later, Neji still hasn't return and they began to tense since it was becoming cold and windy

"Come on Naruto, you should try this dumpling I made," Sakura grin at him. He flushed when she put out the food in front of him. Inwardly, Sasuke and Hinata gave a glare at the couple but on the outside they stared at them blankly

"H-hai," but before Naruto could eat the dumpling, the hasty wind began to grow and the wind blew off Sakura's hat

"It got blown off on that tree!" Sakura cried out "That was my favorite hat!"

Sakura's eyes were full of tears and turned to Naruto who laughed nervously

"N-Naruto-kun, c-can you g-get it for me?" She sniffed. Sakura was a great actress indeed...

"A-ano, i-it's too far off," Naruto said nervously

'Beside I can't show off my skills in front of everyone...especially in front of Sasuke!'

"S-s-sakura-chan, w-we c-can al-always b-buy a n-new one," Hinata said while looking down at the ground. Sakura looked sadly at the ground and made a sniff

"C-come on S-sakura-ch-chan, let's go," Naruto said but then Sakura's eyes widen when she saw someone moving toward the tree

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura said confusingly. Naruto's eyes widen when Sasuke tries to get the hat. Sasuke's eyes twitch when he heard his name cried out

'I'm trying to concentrate!'

"Are you THAT desperate to get cutie-chan's attention?"

"Stop calling her cutie-chan! I'm trying to get that damned-"

"Hey Sasuke, you're falling,"


"Sasuke!" Naruto tried to grab Sasuke's shirt but the weight was too much and he began to fall. Hinata, who had quick reflex, saw Naruto falling also and grabbed on his shirt but the weight on both of them was too immense that she had fell while Hinata's sister stared with confusion

"Sasuke!" She cried out but no one answered


Again no response.

"Hinata!" She feared of what happened to the rest of the group. She made a gulp as she looked was pretty steep...

"Please..." another gust of wind made her shiver and Sakura felt lonely. She stared at the mountain up ahead and gave a determined look. Her sister and her friends were in danger and she's the only one that can help them!

"I...I...I'll do this! For the sake of Hinata-chan and the others!" She said before giving one last gulp as she moved on forward at the top of the mountain

Naruto and the others...

"Itai..." Hinata moaned while rubbing her head "That...hurt..."

"Hinata-chan daijoubu?" said a voice from below. Hinata suddenly froze when she realized she was sitting on something...more like...someone. She abruptly turned to the voice below and noticed it was Naruto!

"Wahh!" She moved slightly with a slight blush as Naruto pats himself down. Hinata held her heart as if she was catching her breath "Y-y-ou s-sca-scared m-me N-Naruto,"

"Are you guys done?" Another voice was heard. They turned to the left to see who the voice belong to. It was Uchiha Sasuke with a grim look. He was crossing his arms and his eyebrows were twitching. He looked up with another serious look

"We really fell a great ways down. Let's go find a way," Hinata and Naruto nodded agreeing with Sasuke. Just as Hinata was about to stand up, she felt a strike of pain shot through her left ankle.

'Itai!' her eyes widen when she felt the pain and her left eyebrow twitch 'This can't be true! My left ankle-!'

"I think I found a long way but it might be the easy way," Naruto commented. He then realized Hinata was lagging behind. He turned and stared Hinata in the eyes

"Daijoubu Hinata-chan?" Sasuke was eyeing her left ankle but he smirked and crossed his arms again

"I'm ok!" she cried out but then blushed when she said that out. Naruto blinked and was leaning toward Hinata's left leg but she swats his hand away with a blush

"N-no don't touch it! I'm f-fine!" Naruto grins at her 'determination' and crouches down. He motions her to climb on his back

"Come on, Hinata-chan I'll carry you," She blushes again and shook her head no

"N-nah it's just a s-sprain," Sasuke rolls his eyes

"Just climb on his back,"

"B-b-but I-I'm heavy!" she retorted back with her blush turning red as a tomatoe

"Just get on. It's starting to get foggy," Sasuke growls. Hinata yelps and went on Naruto's back who huffs in surprise. It's not like she was scared of Sasuke...she was scared of him...

"N-Nar-Naruto i-if y-you f-feel tired, I'll just get off immediately neh?" Naruto flashes his 'Uzumaki' grin and nodded

"Hai, hai..."

Sasuke rolled his eyes once more as he saw the couple climbing the mountain

'Heh, Kyuubi's love life is complicated,'

"Just like yours," Itachi said in the back of his mind

But of course...Sasuke ignored it and he went on climbing the mountain next to the couple...


"Heh that was mean Neji-kun," another girl said beside him while crossing her arms. Neji grunted and focused on the three teens who fell as she rolled her eyes

"Mean? Me?" Neji mocked her. She glared at him but then gave a smirk

"Controlling the wind and making them fall? Hmm I think that's classified as mean..." Neji rolled his eyes

"Well what about trapping your group in the cave? Hm, Tenten-chan?" he shot back. She put back up her glare and you could see lightning between them

"Where's Lee anyways? He's late," Neji growls after breaking the glare. Tenten rolls her eyes once more

"Who knows...meh, why didn't you just capture Kyuubi right there and now?"

"Too risky. Especially with that Uchiha," he grunted. Tenten grinned

"Well he is cute," Neji rolls his eyes at his teammate while crossing his arms. Her grin grew bigger and began to teased him

"Jealous?" Neji grunted once more

"Jealous that I rather fall with Kyuubi and Uchiha than be here with you? Then yeah I'm jealous," Again, she shot a glare at her teammate while Neji did the same

"Heh you're such a bastard Neji,"



"Why is this hill so high up?" Sakura whined. She shivers once more while taking one more step before she fell down to her knees with anime tears coming out

'I shouldn't give up! They might be injured!' Sakura thought while sighing 'Beside it's all my fault...I really hope nothing bad is going to happen to them,'

Naruto and the others

The three teens shiver from the wind but Sasuke felt something if a disturbance...

"You think it's Kyuubi?" Itachi said.

"No, it feels...someone's in trouble,"

"We're in trouble,"

"'s just...nevermind...Mou this mountain is troublesome,"

"Haha...too bad you didn't fell with Sakura-chan alone,"

Sasuke immediately blushed and Naruto was curious of why but he didn't question it as Sasuke glared at him. He yelped and took a step on forward while breathing heavily. Hinata realizes this and also realized the hill was steep

"N-Naru-Naruto-kun, Sa-sasuke sh-shouldn't we go into a different path?" Sasuke shrugged as if he didn't care

"This path is faster. Besides, we need to tend your foot as soon as possible. It'll be rough but we'll get there faster," Sasuke gave a small grin toward the group but then put on back his emotionless face. Hinata looks sadden 'It's all my fault anyways...'

Naruto breathes heavily and took one more last sigh. Hinata's face slowly breaks down and start remembering how Naruto was always caring and always trying

'My leg still hurts badly...but when I see you trying that hard...' Hinata thought sadly. They took another step and was about to be on the road again. She went into a deep thought at the subject of Naruto...

"I always were always clumsy and have that goofy grin on your seem like a wimp...but you're not a coward. You always consider everything carefully and you always care. I know you were in love with my sister...and she shot you down...but that didn't stop from being friends...Naruto-kun..."

"H-Hinata-san I-I'm going to rest for a while," She drops off of his back slowly as Sasuke stood beside them while staring up at the sky. Naruto was still breathing heavily for a while

"We still have a long way to go," Sasuke said but then notices how tired the other two was

"I'll run up ahead. I bet Sakura-chan told to everyone. I'll run up ahead and tell them we're ok," Sasuke said blandly. As Sasuke ran up ahead, Naruto and Hinata are found very awkward...


"Sakura-chan?" He didn't run very far but he notices a timid girl shaking and trying to get up to the top of the mountain. For Sasuke, it was normal for him to run in this type of weather...but not for Sakura

"Sasuke!" She notices him and suddenly gave a huge hug which made him blush slightly

"I thought you were done for! Where's Naruto-kun and Hinata?" Sakura said with a gasp


"Can't talk to a girl?" He could imagine Itachi smirking at him and it made his blood boil but he ignores him once again

"They're lagging behind since Naruto was too tired carrying Hinata," Sakura's eyes widen and immediately broke the hug

"What? Why was he carrying Hinata?"

"Because Hinata hurt her ankle and she-"

"She hurts her ankle?" she yelled out. Sakura started running down the hill but almost trip because of the wind. Luckily for Sasuke's quick reflex, he immediately caught her

"Watch where you're going," he growls. She blushes in embarrassment and nods slowly

"We should go get Naruto-kun and Hinata now," she mumbles as she broke away from him

'Mou she's troublesome...'

Naruto and Hinata

After Sasuke left, both refused to look at each other and both did not talk. Naruto sighs quietly but Hinata heard and immediately turned to him. Her face was in front of his and he felt his breath loosen

"Aahh..." Hinata frowns but then look aways with a mumble.

"D-did y-you say something Hinata-chan?" Naruto questions nervously. Hinata made a quick blush and told him

"M-my l-leg is o-okay, w-we sh-should go now Naruto-kun," Naruto nods slowly


Naruto felt another gust of wind and a strike of thunder was heard. Out of fear, Hinata grabbed Naruto with tears in his eyes. Naruto who was not expecting it started to blush. His breath came short, his eyes widen, and his heart starts rapidly beating

"N-N-Naruto-kun! Gomen nasai!" Hinata shouts when she realizes she was grabbing Naruto


She was looking at him straight in the eye and he feels his heart starts beating again

'I'm going to transform!'

He stood up and let his feet run towards a place where Hinata could not find him

'Why is this happening? I thought I only reacted to Sakura! This starts happening ever since I kis-'

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata yells when she saw him running. She was about to go after him until she realizes her leg still hurts

"Itai..." Then she notices a shadow hovering over her


"Kya?" said a-look-alike Naruto cocking his head to the left

"Whoo...thank you Kitsune..." the real Naruto whispers as he saw his pet turns into Naruto. It seems he came when he was packing his stuff along

Naruto noticed that he transformed into Kyuubi but not fully since he realized Kyuubi didn't take over yet. Was he sleeping?

"N-n-naru-naruto-kun wh-where do we g-go now?" Kitsune was looking nervous since he doesn't know from left to right. The real Naruto whispers Kitsune to go to the right but he doesn't know which is left...and which is he grabbed Hinata and guide her to the left

"No! That's the wrong way!" Naruto whispers furiously but no one heard him

"Hinata-chan and Kitsune are going the wrong that water I hear?" Naruto whispers to himself

"N-n-naru-naruto-kun, y-you're n-not talking ar-are y-you ok?" Kitsune didn't respond as he kept on walking and guiding Hinata

"Shit!" Naruto said outloud before he realized they were walking off a cliff! His legs took off and hoped to catch up to them but Hinata and Kitsune didn't notice the cliff and so within each steps were the steps toward death...

"Hinata!" I don't care if she does find out! She's going to fall!

But it was too late for Kitsune and Hinata fell off the mountain


"Did someone call me?"

"Kyuubi! And no! Hinata's in trouble!"

"Hn...I'm not going to let you steal her from me,"

"Nande yo! She's in trouble!"

"Heh, not to worry Kit...I got it,"

"Kitsune! Come out!" Naruto/Kyuubi grabbed onto Hinata and Kitsune suddenly formed into red wings onto Kyuubi. Sasuke felt Kyuubi's presence and suddenly made a quick turn with a shock look on his face. He suddenly felt another breeze in the air and he heard Sakura's cry for his name

"Sasuke-kun!" Sasuke was too occupied to notice her falling down with her hanging on a rock. He again has a get Kyuubi...or to save Sakura?


He keeps looking back from Kyuubi to Sakura. Sakura to Kyuubi. Then Kyuubi to Sakura

"Sasuke-kun!" She yelled before she fell down to the ground

"Sakura!" Without thinking, he felt himself transforming and catching Sakura...

"Heh," Itachi grunted with a smirk. He was holding Sakura and liking it

"I told you your love life is complicated," Itachi said with a grin

Sasuke only sighs

Neji and the others

"Well, your plan didn't work," Tenten said sarcastically. Neji rolls his eyes

"Their stupid feelings got in the way. Your plan didn't work out as well," Neji shot back at her teammate. Tenten sighs and crosses her arms

"They actually stopped bickering for once...heh. We might as well help them now Hyuuga. The power of elements won't help us now. Kakashi-sama isn't going to like this..."

Neji only grunted at that statement

An hour later...

Naruto's POV

"Luckily, Hinata fainted before she fell so I got her back safely. After finding the others (It seems Sakura has fainted in Sasuke's hands...lucky Sasuke...), we went to the foot of the mountain with the other class. So that means Hinata didn't find out I was Kyuubi. Meh, I was lucky too I guess. But there's one thing I couldn't get off my mind...after we got Hinata..."

"Are rival...?" Kyuubi said

"I...haven't realized the damage I've done...could...something have happened?"


Sage: Ok so I may have Kakashi as Tenten and Neji's master but I couldn't imagine Gai-sensei to be evil...Lee is part of it too but he always disappear. He'll become a great part to the an OOC maybe. Neji and Tenten have a feud I guess, I like it that way XP. Remember Kyuubi likes Hinata but Kyuubi stood quiet when he notices the interaction between Naruto and Hinata when Hinata's ankle was hurting and that's when he thinks Naruto as his rival.

Neji intended for Kyuubi and Itachi to come out so both twins can witness's too bad they fainted eh? Neji also tried to push only Naruto and Sasuke from the cliff but he didn't expect Hinata to fall also. Oh on Tenten's part, she was just trying to get rid of her team because they were bickering, that didn't work either. Their power of elements only works for only one chapter so don't expect them to conjure up fire or wind when they're fighting Kyuubi or Itachi. Hehe...

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