Alright, I updated, finally.
Billy was terrified at the scene in front of him. Humans, apparently skinned, were hanging freely on the branches of a tree. Three poor souls were hung from that tree. Billy stumbled backward as he tried to get the hell out of there. Soon, he was staring at the faces of his teammates. Sweating, he gave out a heavy sigh. Everyone else just stared blankly at Billy. "Holy mother of god." said Forest as he gave a silent prayer, evidentlly, everyone can see the skinned humans. As all the men begin to investigate the scene, Brad kicks a nearby vulture. Billy, studying a pile of guts from one of the dead guys, finds a dog tag and tosses it to Wesker. Wesker looks at the tag. "Enrico Marini. Kenneth, cut 'em down." And Kenneth does so with a slash of his machete. Wesker said to Chris, "I knew these men. Green Berets out of Fort Bragg. What the hell were they doing here?" "I don't know, Wesker. This is inhuman. Nobody told me there was an operation in this area. They shouldn't have been here." Wesker interupts saying, "But somebody sent them." then walks away. "The guerrillas skinned them? Why did they skin them?" Kenneth adds, "Ain't no way for a soldier to die." Billy has found some bullets on the leaf covered ground when Wesker appeared behind him. :What happened here, Billy?" "Strange major. There was a firefight. They were shooting in all directions." Wesker says, "I can't belive that Enrico Marini walked into an ambush." "I don't belive he did." Wesker looked at Billy, questionally when Billy said, "I can't find a single track. Just doesn't make sense." "What about the rest of Marini's men?" "There's no sign, sir. They never left here. Hell, it's like they just disappeared." Wesker then commands to the rest of the team, "Stick to the guerrilla trail. Let's get the hostages. We move, five-meter spread. No sound." Kenneth, who was leaning on a tree, said, "It's time to let Old Painless out the bag." Barry turns to him and nods. Barry zips open a bag and brings out a huge gun. "Payback time." The men move out. Meanwhile, in one of the trees, something is watching the team. It is using a type of thermal vision. Eventually, the men got near the base. Chris walks carelessly along until he slips and falls. This also caused a log to slide down and make a ton of noise, due to all the leaves on the ground. Then the birds screaching didn't help either. Chris is about ot get up when suddenly, he comes face-to-face with Kenneth, who is staring at him. "You ghostin' us motherfucker. I don't care who you are in the real world, you give our position one more time, I'll bleed you, real quiet and leave you here. Got that?''

a/n I'l try to update soon, eventhough I haven't gotten any reviews... PLEASE R&R!