AN: Erm, I have no clue where this came from. It's pretty short; it just sorta popped into my head. So, yeah…

Dear Harry,

I've been watching you sleep for hours now. It sounds a little creepy doesn't it? The sort of thing they say in films about stalkers, "I watch you sleep" but that's what I've been doing tonight. For a few nights now. Weeks, maybe even Months. I lost count somewhere.

You've changed your sleeping position. You used to sleep with your arm around me, and pulling me so close that your breath tickled the back of my neck, and you woke me up by tracing circles on my stomach. You don't sleep that way anymore. You sleep on your front with your head facing away from me. I miss the way we slept.

Do remember when you used to take me places. Just to show me that you loved me. It wasn't that long ago really. But it's an age away from where we are now.

Do you remember the day I was feeling down, so you took me to the park at midnight, where you had put fairy lights in all the trees and cleared a space for us to have a moonlight picnic just to cheer me up? I do. That was the night I realised I loved you. And it was the best, scariest, most wonderful moment of my entire life.

Do you remember the time when I was sick of work, so you phoned in sick for me and you rented out my favourite movies and bought my favourite ice cream. Just so I'd fee better. I miss the way you cared.

I miss the way I caught you staring at me, with that dopey, happy look all over your face. It meant so much to me, to know that you loved me. Like when you took me to London and you shouted to everyone in Convent Garden that "Harry Potter is in love with Hermione Granger" I wanted to kill you because everyone was staring us. But I felt so in love with you, I didn't care much at all.

I miss the way you laugh. It sounds like a song to me. I haven't heard it in so long. I'm so scared of loosing the sound of it in my mind. But I don't think that is possible.

We have so many good memories. Memories of when we were happy and hopelessly in love. But that's all they are now aren't they Harry. Memories. Memories from a different life time. I miss that life.

So now I'm sat here, at 3AM on Friday morning, on the floor of our bedroom, leaning on my book of poems to write on, watching your face as you sleep. You look troubled even now, in your dreams. And I search my mind desperate for a way to take away all your pain. But I can't. I'm just making things worse being here. I'm getting in the way. Preventing you from dealing.

I kiss you one last time to savour your taste. It's unique. Like cinnamon and sugar. Like chocolate and coffee. I miss the way you taste.

But most of all, I miss you.

Love forever,


Harry held the tears stained, note in his trembling hands, trying to come to grips with what had just happened. He didn't know how long he sat there for, but it was a long time. Nothing was clear anymore. She was gone.