My Fourth Fic…

This fic was inspired by the Movie of "The Memoirs of a Geisha". When I first wrote this fic, I was pretty confused with the geisha culture. (Yes, long time ago, men were the first geisha before women.) However, I ended up making a lot of mistakes in this fic.

So therefore I decided to change the Geisha fic into a Kagema fic. It's less misunderstanding and very accurate as well. I assure you.

Before that, let me tell you what Kagema is:

Kagema are young male prostitutes in Edo-eraJapan whose clients were largely adult men. Some were kabuki actors who advertise their charms on stage.

Summary: (SasuNaru) A young blonde boy was brought up as a kagema since he was a child. This is a story of his kagema life and how he learns about true love and most importantly how he struggles to seek for freedom…


Main Sasunaru One-sided: ItaNaru, GaaraNaru, NejiNaru, SaiNaru, OroNaru

Others LeeSaku, KakaIru, ChouIno, KibaHina, ShikaTema, KanTen, JiTsu, AsuKure, NejiGaara (in the end)

Warning: This is a Yaoi (boy x boy) fic. If you don't like it, then don't read it. Don't say that I didn't warn you because I don't want any FLAMING. All flames will be ignored.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. It belongs to Masashi Kishimoto sensei.


Chapter 1

The Meeting...

The crowd began to fill up the hall. The staff and assistants were busy trying to both entertain the customers and lead them to their seats around the long stage. Some went to help dress and prepare the dancers who would be performing that night. You could see people running from one room to another and scattering around the hallway. The noises also began to increase. It was yet another busy day at the Konoha brothel.

Before I begin my story, let me introduce myself first. My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I've just turned 18 yesterday. That makes 10 years of me working in the brothel as a kagema. That's right; I'm a boy who was raised up as a kagema since I was 8 years old. You can also say that I'm the only kagema in this brothel.

You think living a kagema is fun? Well, sad to say that you're so totally wrong. A kagema life is really miserable and painful. First of all, you cannot be loved or fall in love with any person. There's also no freedom once you become one. Your only purpose is to serve the noblemen and rich men and entertain them as well as to pleasure them while they just pay tons of cash for our body. Seriously, it was really disgusting and worst of all, you feel like being looked down and being treated as slaves. As if sleeping with those dirty horny pigs are any better.

However, I am still waiting for that person to come to visit the brothel. The one, that saved me from those drunkards who tried to rape me while I was dancing on the stage 3 years ago. But, when I glanced at my savior, somehow I had this weird feeling that I never had before, and oh my god, that smile of made my heart beat ridiculously rapid. Then, I realized that I was in love for the first time; however, I didn't even get to say thank you before he left the brothel or even asked for his name. What makes me really upset was that he didn't visit the brothel after that, even to this day. What's worst, I could never forget him easily and I really, really want to see him again so much.

Nevertheless, it's still comes back to fate. Who knows, maybe we will meet again someday, and maybe I'll be able to be loved by someone and I'll find my freedom as well. All I can do now is just hope.



"Naruto! Are you done yet!" A shadow appeared behind the shoji door.

The door slid open and revealed a panting young black-haired woman in a black kimono.

"Come on! (gasp) You are (gasp) going to be late (gasp) for your performance! (gasp) Ino is almost finishing hers!" A few drops of sweat trickled down her forehead.

"Just a minute, Shizune onee-chan. I just need to put on my necklace." Naruto answered while putting on his mother's necklace. The necklace was the only possession he had from his deceased mother. It was embedded with a beautiful aqua gem in the middle and two small silver planted rings designed on each side of it.

"Alright, I'm all done!"

"Come here. Let me help you adjust your kimono properly first." Naruto stood up from his kneeling position and walked towards Shizune so that she could adjust his kimono appropriately before he left for his performance.

"There you go." Once she finished adjusting it, she took a step back and admired the beautiful figure in front of her. "You know what Naruto? You looked just as beautiful as your mother was. But of course in a male version." She teased him.

"Ha. Ha. Very Funny!" He then stuck out his tongue childishly at her. Shizune just giggled at his childish antics.

"Alright, come on! Let's go now or Tsunade is going to be totally pissed! You should know how strict she is especially when it involves time."

"He-he, that's my granny alright!" A grin was plastered on his face and they both chuckled.

Shizune then took hold of Naruto's hand and they both ran towards the hall.


A tall dark-haired figure in a black suit appeared at the entrance of the Konoha brothel. As he walked in the brothel, two attendants greeted him.

"Good Evening. Could you tell us your name so that we may lead you to your seat?" The dark-haired figure just pulled out his I.D card and gave it to them. The two attendants' eyes suddenly widen when they saw the name on the I.D card.

"Oh my God! We're so sorry Sir! Come! Come! Let us lead you to your seat Sir. This way please Sir." The dark-haired figure took back his card and followed the two horrified attendants to his seat.

His seat was in front of the end of a long stage. It was the best view of the entire stage. As he settled into his seat, a familiar presence on his left spoke.

"Well, well, well, I'm surprised that you actually came. I thought you didn't like coming to these kind of places, hmm?" The figure in a cream colored suit smiled cynically at the dark figure.

"Hn. That's totally none of your business." The dark-haired figure glared at him.

He just chuckled softly. "But anyway, you just missed one of the performances."

"So what."

He chuckled again. "However, you're just in time for the next performance. This one you wouldn't want to miss."

The dark-haired figure raised one of his eyebrows questioningly.

"Ah yes. I totally forgot. This is your first time here. Sorry, my mistake. Anyway, the next dance will be performed by the famous 'Kitsune'."


"The star of the show and the brothel. The most expensive one around here. You see those noblemen and rich men around here." The dark figure's eyes scanned through the surrounding. The whole place was filled with greedy wealthy men and majorities were government officers.

"These men here were out to get that 'Kitsune'. They try to out bid one another just to have one night with him." The figure continued.

"It's a he?" the dark-haired figure raised one his eyebrows again.

This time the other figure chuckled a bit louder. "It just shows how little know about the outside world." The dark-haired figure glared at him. "Yes, it is a he. But…don't look lowly on him as he's the most gorgeous thing you've ever seen in your life. And a dangerous one too if I may say, especially those eyes…with just one look, you're totally under his spell and worst, you lust for him more and more and you just can't get enough of it ."

The dark-haired figure was completely silent after that. He tried to absorb whatever the other figure just told him. Part of him wanted to believe it, but another part told him that he needed to see it for himself in order to believe it. He quickly snapped out of his thoughts when a brown-haired pony-tailed man with a scar on his nose came up on stage.

"Ahem...Ladies and Gentlemen! The moment that we've all been waiting for! The dance performance by our famous 'Kitsune'!" Loud applauses, cheers and whistles echoed throughout the whole hall.

As the light dimmed down into total darkness, the noise soon died out as well. The white long smooth stage could only be seen now and the spotlight focusing on the dancer who was posing at the far-end of the stage.

The dancer on stage appeared to have the brightest and the wildest golden blonde hair that shone as bright as the sun. Creamy tanned skin and a slim yet muscular body could be seen under the kimono.

The dancer was wearing a white kimono with long flapping sleeves. The collar of the under-kimono was a red patterned material that vividly beamed against the neck of the figure. The dancer was also wearing a long white kaku (also known as a hebi obi belt or sash belt) that's ends were almost touching the ground. A golden nine-tailed fox design was sewn at the back of the kimono.

The 3 whisker scars on each side of his cheeks brought out a sexy feline look in his features. However, the only part that made the dancer even more eye-catching and breathtaking were his eyes. The most mesmerizing pair of beautiful azure sapphire eyes anyone could ever know, eyes that could hypnotize anyone who looked into them.

The dark-haired figure somehow couldn't take his eyes off the dancer. He was starting to believe the figure on his left.

Oh my god. No wonder everyone wants him. He's absolutely gorgeous.

The figure on his left just smirked when he saw the dark-haired figure's eyes were so focused of the dancer in front him.

"Do you like what you see?"

The dark-haired figure could only nod but never took his eyes off the dancer.

"Hn. You'll enjoy even more when he starts dancing." With that said the figure smirked for the last time and looked back at the stage as the performance was about to begin.

The music soon started playing. The dancer from the far-end of the stage immediately moved forward swiftly with grace at the first beat of the music. Once at the middle of the long stage, he slowly moved his arms, hands and fingers gracefully, following each rhythm of the music. He then slowly swayed his body and hips together combining with it. Soon, as the body was adjusted to the slow rhythm of the music, he began to spin around and repeated his dance moves again. As he spun, the long flapping sleeves and the dangling end of the kaku too spun along with him. It looked like some soft, fluffy, white clouds moved around him.

Soon the beat of the music became faster, and the dancer too began to dance faster following the rhythm. The dance grew more aggressive but the elegance still remained. Each dance move he made became more powerful, and a strong energy began surrounding the figure's body.

The beat of the music was now becoming faster and faster, and the dancer also began to dance even more violently but still maintaining the elegancy. A strong energy inside the body was burning wildly. The dancer then spun and spun faster and faster until the tantalizing energy exploded forth from the body.

Once all the energy was totally burned off from the body, the dancer suddenly slammed his body forward into a side laying position and his arms spread across his face at the end of the long stage. The music immediately became very slow the moment the dancer hit the ground. The figure then closed his eyes and breathed in slowly and softly. The music soon started to fade, and finally ended.

All the lights came on. The whole crowd went wild! Load cheers, and applause echoed the entire hall once more. It was the most spectacular performance ever!

The dark-haired figure was totally stunned of the performance. Never in his life, had he ever seen such dance that showed a mixture of both elegance and power. He was totally hypnotized by the dancer's movements on the stage. His heart was still beating fast even after the performance. Besides that, his eyes were still locked onto the dancer who was laying down right in front of him. They were so closed that he could even hear a soft breathing from the dancer.

Finally able to catch his breathe, the dancer slowly lifted his head up. He then opened his eyes and stared at the eyes in front of him.

The blue sapphire eyes had finally met the black obsidian eyes for the very first time.



So, what do you think? Let me know if this is better. Hehe! The 2nd one will most probably up maybe around after Christmas. So stay tune until then! Ja ne!