A/N- Okay, it's not more "Serendipity", but sometimes all my brain wants to do is GS randomness. I'm back from my brief flirtation with GS:TLA and have returned to our original intrepid band. Okay, so I missed writing Isaac and Ivan.

Muse: #cackle#

Shut up, you stupid, cackling muse! #thwacks muse# On the plus side, at least my muse has returned! (at midnight, the night before a major test...) Whatever. The point is that I bring you this piece of pointlessness. I suppose one could read between the lines to see Isaac/Ivan-ness somewhere in here, but it's gen.

DISCLAIMER- yep, still don't own it. But there's always Christmas...? #looks around hopefully#

Please read and review!




The campfire was warm against Isaac's face-- a nice contrast to the slight chill that was growing in the air. It wasn't quite dark yet, so the fire was more a convenience than a necessity at the moment, but it was one he appreciated. And one that he wasn't intending to leave any time soon - unfortunately for Garet.

The Mars adept had been restless all day. Maybe it was the lower-than-usual number of random monsters that had felt the need to attack them that day, or maybe it was just a sudden wash of pent-up energy, but Garet was not ready to simply settle in for the night.

"Hey, Isaac!" He called from across the fire (earning a disapproving look from Mia- did he really need to bellow everything he had to say?). Isaac raised his cerulean eyes from their contemplation of the fire and watched as Garet stood, brandishing his sword like... well, like a sword. "Come spar with me! It's too early to sit around doing nothing!"

Isaac thought a moment, then shook his head. "I don't feel like it." Garet sighed dramatically.

"Come on! We haven't had a match in ages!"

Three days, Isaac thought, but didn't bother to correct the obvious exaggeration.

"I'll spar with you."

Garet raised an eyebrow at Ivan, whose petite form looked even smaller when he was curled, knees drawn up to his chest, in front of the fire. Isaac also turned to the smaller boy beside him, but with a look that was more curiosity than Garet's obvious skepticism.

"Spar with a shrimp like you?"

"Garet..." Mia warned quietly, her natural instinct at peacemaking switched on by the sudden antagonism. Isaac merely watched the proceedings with interest.

Ivan's eyes reflected the fire for a moment. "Why not? I'm not quite ready to settle in yet, either. You're not scared of getting beaten by a 'shrimp', are you?" With that, Ivan stood, brushed himself off, and headed for a slightly larger clearing just past the nearest trees.

Garet's face colored at the challenge. He was absolutely not afraid of the little twerp. He took an angry step toward Ivan's new location, only to be stopped by a voice near his feet.

"Garet." Isaac was looking up at him, slight concern playing across his features. "I should warn you-" Garet cut him off with a wave of his hand.

"I know, I know. Don't hurt the twerp. Fine. Got it." Then he was gone.

Isaac sighed. "- that Ivan has a vicious spin-kick..." He finished, too quietly for Garet to possibly hear as he stomped away.

Mia looked up at him, eyebrows raised. Slowly, a smile spread across her face. "More tea, Isaac?"

He nodded. "Sure."


The next day, despite Mia's healing skills, Garet still winced occasionally. Probably due to the large bruise on his abdomen in the precise shape of Ivan's boot.

And if Ivan looked just a bit too pleased with himself, well... Isaac let him get away with it. Just this once.


A/N- Yes, tea. I think that tea is just the sort of thing that Mia would make. Don't you? Reviews are always appreciated!