"I'm being watched!" Shadow was standing atop of Angel Island. It was nightfall and he enjoyed the quiet serenity of the tallest point on the planet. It was one of the few places he could actually relax. The stone ledge he was standing on was small. Barely enough for him to lay out on. He grabbed the revolver he had left on the ground. He had little use for weaponry, but he had learned the hard way to exploit any advantage he could. He saw nothing in the sky and he saw nothing down the sides of the mountain. He thought for a moment it could be Knuckles, but the guardian had better things to do than spy on him. And the red echidna wasn't the best at hiding. Shadow felt his quills tingle, "Chaos Control!" He vanished in a burst of blue light as the ledge he was on exploded. He appeared on another ledge several feet away. This one was several feet long and wide. A ball shot out of the air and crashed into ledge. Shadow jumped off as it started to crumble. He used his hover shoes to glide down the side of the mountain. He jumped off and landed in a large ruin. Stone arches and crumbling buildings filled the grassy area. Shadow jumped to the side as the ball slammed into the ground. The ball was blue with a three silver buzz saw blades around it. It sparked as it uncurled into the form of a large hedgehog. It stood just a head taller than Shadow and its eyes shined with red light. Shadow aimed his gun, "Metal. I thought Robotnik would have gotten wise and stopped rebuilding you."

"Mammal! Your rein as The Ultimate Life form is over. But fortuity for you, I am not here to kill you."

"So what are you here for?"

"I'm here to humiliate you!" Metal's left arm shot up and a large red crystal glowed on it. A red beam shot from it. Shadow warped backward as the beam tore into the ground around him. Shadow appeared behind a row of trees. Metal shot out of the trees. Shadow fired several shots at Metal as the bot landed. Metal chuckled as the bullets bounced off, "You think a little pop gun is going to hurt me?" He ran at him.

"Just make you think I'm helpless! Chaos Blast!" His body exploded with red light and Metal was blasted back. Metal crashed through several trees and landed in an old stone building. It shook under his impact and collapsed on top of him.

Shadow chuckled and tossed his gun away, "All that processing power and your still slower than Sonic."

The rubble shook and exploded apart as Metal leapt upward and landed on the ground. His blue and silver armor was dusty, but there was very little damage, "My titanium armor is much tougher than a bunch of rocks." The red crystals on his arms glowed as a red gemon his chest glowed, "Behold my new power!" He vanished.

"Chaos Control!" Shadow tried to move, but Metal appeared next to him and backhanded him across the face. Shadow fell to the ground and rolled to his feet, "You think you can take me on in warp?" Shadow vanished in a burst of blue light. Metal followed. The island was twisted and slightly distorted in what Shadow had named, Chaos Time. Shadow and Metal moved through the island at high speed as they clashed. Metal attacked with his claws and fists as Shadow dodged and countered with kicks and punches. Shadow's hands glowed with green light as he attacked. They two met in the air and attacked with a furry of punches and kicks. Shadow dodged most of Metal's attacks and managed to connect with a number of his. With the chaos energy boosting his attack strength, he managed to do some damage to Metal. But while he was denting Metal. Metal's claws dug into the flesh of his left shoulder. Shadow fell back and curled into a ball. He shot forward and rammed into the chest of Metal. The metal hedgehog was blasted out of Chaos Time and crashed into the ground. Shadow dropped to the ground and appeared in real time. Shadow ignored his bleeding shoulder as he watched the bot stand up. The bot was covered in dents and his eye visor was cracked, "Not bad for a bot."

"You are truly a tribute to your creator." Metal rubbed Shadow's blood in-between his black metal claws, "But you are still only a mammal."

"A mammal who lured you into a trap." Metal didn't have time to respond as a red blur shot out of the trees and rammed a large fist into the bot's face. Metal stumbled back as the echidna stood in front of Shadow.

"You think you can come to my island without my knowledge?" Knuckles cracked his knuckles, "Your going to pay for all the damage you did."

Metal snarled in a robotic tone and whipped his right hand out. A large blade on a chain shot from his wrist and sliced into Knuckles's chest. Knuckles fell to the ground as Shadow jumped over him. The blade retracted into Metal's arm, "Another time!" Metal vanished.

"Will you live?"

Knuckles nodded, "Only a flesh wound." He pushed himself up to his feet, "What was that about?"

Shadow rubbed his shoulder, "A test! Metal has gotten a few new tricks." Shadow smirked, "Lets see what else the good doctor has in store for us." Knuckles scratched his head as Shadow walked off.

Robotnik sat in a large chair in front of several floating computer screens. The fat man's hands moved at high speeds as his fingers jumped from one floating keyboard to another. He was sitting in a room of complete darkness. A door of light opened and Metal walked through. The door closed and all that could be seen was his glowing red eyes, "Mission Complete!"

Robotnik nodded as he pressed a button on his chair. The screens and keyboards vanished, "Excellent!" A huge side of the room slid away and a window was reviled. It viewed the planet Earth from space, "It looks so small from this distance."

"Everything is small compared to me."

Robotnik chuckled, "Your wit will never cease to make me laugh. Just remember that if you try to betray me again, Boom!"

"Yes my lord!" Metal's robotic voice was full of disgust.

"Good boy!" Robotnik got out of his chair and walked towards the wall. A doorway of light opened up. Metal followed him through, "With the DNA you have gathered from Shadow and Knuckles, my collection is complete." Robotnik walked into a large lab with many holding chambers lining the wall. Each chamber was filled with a black liquid, "Tech Bot!"

A large sphere like object floated in front of Robotnik. It had four clawed metal tentacles and a single red orb for an eye, "My lord!"

"Progress report!"

"We have fused the DNA together and combined it with the nanotech." The bot floated to a large chamber. A ten foot tall echidna was floating in it. He had cybernetic implants all over his body, "While the mind is simple, the computer we integrated into its body will efficiently operate the weapon systems."

"Good! Where is that blue rodent now?"

"West City!"

"Is he alone?"

"No sir! The pink hedgehog was seen with him and a scout drone spotted Rouge nearby."

"Not a problem. Send him!" Robotnik turned and walked out of the lab.

The Tech Bot eye flashed, "Yes sir!"

"Come on Sonic!" Amy was tugging on Sonic's arm as he tried to pull free. It was noon and he had been running through the city, but Amy somehow managed to catch him. "Lets go see a movie."

"Too long!"

"How about lunch?"

"Already ate!"

Amy pulled out her hammer, "We are going to do something. Whether your conscious or not."

"Where do you keep that thing? It is larger that you."

Amy's eyes narrowed, "That is a very rude question to ask a lady."

"What lady?" Amy let go of Sonic and swung her hammer. Sonic dodged and the hammer crashed into the sidewalk. Sonic eyes widened as the pavement cracked. Sonic managed a chuckle, "Bye!" Before he could start running, a green light flashed in front of him and a ten-foot tall muscular echidna appeared. His fur was reddish black and he had gray metal spots around his body. A red orb glowed on the right side of his chest and he had black eyes. He roared, showing his sharp metal teeth. Sonic nodded, "Why am I not surprised?"

"Target Found!" The orb on the echidna's chest glowed, "Running combat programs!" The echidna roared again and slammed his right fist down. The large fist had sharp spurs like Knuckles. Sonic picked up Amy and jumped back as the fist impacted the ground. Before Sonic could even make a move, a panel on the echidna's right shoulder opened up and a large barrel appeared. It glowed red. Sonic gulped and ran to the left as the barrel fired a large red beam of energy. The beam shot down the street and impacted a large building when the street turned. The build exploded and crumbled to the ground. People screamed and ran as a large dust cloud filled the area. Sonic took off running as the cloud over took the echidna. The orb on the echidna glowed brighter, "Begin pursuit!" The echidna crouched down and jumped fifty feet into the air.

Sonic shot down several street and stopped when he reached a four way intersection, "What was that?"

"I don't know! But I like where he put us."

Sonic suddenly realized he was still carrying Amy. He sighed and dropped her, gently, "Sorry! But you better hide." He started to turn around to head back. The echidna dropped from the sky and landed in front of the hedgehogs. The force of the impact caused the street to crack and shake. Sonic dropped to a knee as Amy fell on her but, "Persistent!"

"Hedgehog! By order of Master Robotnik, you are to be destroyed."

Author Note: The story is based on the games and I know that the villain is normally called Eggman, but I prefer to call him Robotnik. It just sounds a bit better.