Disclaimer: i don't own Naruto...but can i own Itachi-kun instead...please!

hey everyone...really sorry that this hasn;t been updated in over 2 monthes but i have been very busy...and i still am too! i still have to do my assignments from class which are due when i get back on either Monday or Tuesday but i really felt angry at myself for not updating and i just had to write this chappie for you guys! I really hope u enjoy...and now onto the chappie!.

Seeing love

Chapter 3; (after the long awaited period) The Amusement Park

"I'm not going to be late," Sakura muttered. "I'm not going to be late."

Quickly she rushed past her bedroom door and headed towards the bathroom. With a great amount of speed she threw off her tank top and baggy pants, turned the shower faucets to the left, and jumped into the shower. Instantly she was hit with a huge blast of ice cold water.

"Damn it!" Sakura yelled. "Why did this have to come true today!"

She pushed open the opposite shower door and hopped out. She ran out of the bathroom, headed towards the basement, raced down the stairs, and entered the other bathroom. After repeating exactly what she had done before Sakura stepped into the shower. She felt instantly relieved when she felt the warm water spray over her. After ten minutes Sakura emerged from the shower, grabbed a towel and a brush, and began to break the world record for fastest blow-drying ever. Without checking herself Sakura ran up the stairs and jetted into her room.

Quickly Sakura opened her closet and moved through her outfit choices before deciding on a particular outfit. It looked pretty simple but Sakura liked it better than her others; a simple white tank top, a blue skirt that came down a few centimeters above her knees, a tight red jogging jacket, and a pair of converse sneakers. Sakura stared at herself in the mirror and pulled out a brush to work on her hair.

Within a couple of minutes she had her hair under control and had placed it in a ponytail with a few pieces of her pink hair resting against her face. Sakura double checked herself again and left her room feeling satisfied with her choices. As she entered the kitchen Sakura took a glance at the clock hanging above the sink. It read ten-twenty five.

Good, I just made it.

Feh, just barley made it you mean.

Why can't you just agree with me for once?

Because than it would be too easy.

You better behave today, got it?

Hey, I'm not the one who has to meddle in the future.


Sakura glanced at the clock again; it read ten-thirty right on the dot. Sakura walked over to the door and quickly opened it. Of course the next image she saw would have made any normal girl drop dead immediately, but than again she wasn't really considering calling herself normal anytime soon. Sasuke stood right at the doorframe looking like the picture of perfection.

He wore a simple black tee-shirt which was partially covered by a faded black jacket, a pair of faded blue jeans which looked worn at the knees, and a pair of sneakers. His hair looked a little scruffy at the top but the look suited him well; almost like the rolled out of bed and just threw something on look. His pockets were occupied by both of his hands and his face was pretty much unreadable.

As Sakura opened the door he looked up at her and gave her a nod of recognition. Sakura nodded back and held the door open telling him he could enter while she grabbed the rest of her stuff. Sakura turned around, headed quickly back to her room when she heard the door slowly close behind her. Opening her dresser draw Sakura took out her wallet, her house key, and her cell-phone. Since they were all small things Sakura easily placed them in the pockets of her skirt and hurried out of her room. Halfway there she nearly slammed into Sasuke.

"I was just coming to see if you were ready to go," Sasuke muttered.

"Well I was just coming to tell you that I was and that we can go now," Sakura quickly replied.

After a few moments of silence both of them turned down the hallway, left the house, and headed towards the amusement park. Both of them kept at an even pace but as they approached the park Sakura's thoughts were almost about to explode from her head. If the weird silence between them did not end soon she was sure that she would go crazy.

Sakura stole a quick glance at Sasuke to try and make out whatever his thoughts were based on his expressions. This was obviously a big mistake since Sasuke was known as "the human ice-cube" and he lived up to it very well too. His face looked as impassive as ever. Sakura wasn't sure whether or not to start up a conversation but she knew that she needed something to get the odd feeling out of their system. Sakura had to take a chance and just as she started to open her mouth Sasuke immediately started to quicken his pace.

What the hell is he doing? You didn't even get a word out and the guy starts to take off.

Shut up already…I seriously don't need this today!

Fuming Sakura nearly had to run to get to Sasuke but even as she was at his side he still said nothing to her or even noticed her presence for that matter either. Sakura was just about ready to nail him over the head which is an act that she usually saves for Naruto but she might just make an exception for Sasuke.

She was a split second away from raising her fist as they turned the corner when Sasuke spoke very low in an annoyed voice, "Are they still following?"

Sakura must have given him a look of utter confusion because a second later he added, "The girls, how many are there behind us?"

Sakura turned her head to surprisingly find a huge number of girls only a block behind them. She quickly counted them all and even double checked her work for error…there must be some kind of mistake with her math skills.

Still she turned back to Sasuke, avoided eye contact, and muttered, "It's between fifteen and twenty-five…maybe in the thirties tops."

Sasuke made no facial expression as she spoke and showed no sign of even hearing her answer either. They kept walking at the same brisk pace for another minute before either one of them spoke again. Sasuke quickly turned to her as they were nearing the next corner and spoke very quickly.

"As soon as we turn the corner we have to make a run for the train station. Once in there we double back to the entrance and head to the park."

"Wait a second…what?" Sakura blurted out loudly. "Why are we doing this?"

But before Sasuke had a chance to answer her they were turning the corner and he immediately went into motion. The minute they turned he darted ahead with such speed that it made Sakura almost have to take a double take. A second later she was on his tail and gaining nicely too but boy was she going to get him back for this one day.

I really wish I'd chosen to wear my jeans today!

Well at least the only people behind you aren't focusing on your ass…unless they have other thoughts in their head.

"I didn't even think about that!" Sakura yelled out forgetting that she was only talking to herself.

"Think about what?" Sasuke asked as he turned his head around to glance at how many girls were still following them.

"Uh…nothing!" Sakura stammered and was for once glad that they were running, at least he didn't notice her reddened face.

Sasuke turned back as they headed into the station. Since this was Sunday the usual morning rush was in full effect with at least a huge lot of people just standing around. Sakura placed her hands against her knees and tried to catch her breath. She was pretty sure that her blood pressure was sky high and her heart was most likely to jump from her chest at any given moment.

As she looked up Sasuke grabbed her hand and pulled her closely against a space between two small booths that were set up by the local shopkeepers. It was very cramped and Sasuke had to place Sakura between himself and the closely placed booths, which was right against his chest. Now if Sakura's face was a little red before now it was full on crimson and going on scarlet.

A couple of the girls called out Sasuke's name and passed right near the booth, which caused Sasuke to move him and Sakura closer into the space, which caused Sakura to redden even more. As the girls headed towards the nearest train with their tickets in hand Sasuke let out a relieved sigh and didn't make a move until they boarded the train and departed. Sasuke slowly edged out of the space along with Sakura who took a fresh breath of air as they headed towards the entrance of the station.

"Sorry about that," Sasuke muttered. "I seriously thought that after taking the long route to your place would throw them off of my trail."

"But Sasuke-kun if you live on the other side of town it must take you at least nearly an hour to get to my place and that's if you take the train. What could be longer than that…unless you walked."

Sasuke nodded and Sakura nearly dropped her mouth open in shock and started stammering, "But….but…."


Sasuke winced as Sakura covered her ears as Naruto's voice invaded her ears. They both turned their heads towards Naruto, who was waving franticly from the amusement park's entrance, and Hinata who stood at his side looking very nervous and a bit more flustered than Sakura had looked just moments ago.

As they headed over to the two Sakura noticed how much Hinata had changed from the first moment she had met Naruto. She wasn't as shy as she had been and had even made a ton of new friends in her different classes. She had also decided to change her hairstyle from just reaching her ears to letting it grow until it was now just below her shoulders. Hinata greeted Sakura with a warm smile and a hello while Naruto slapped Sasuke on the back and yelled a very loud greeting right in his face. If anyone ever thought opposites couldn't attract then they were dead wrong with this couple.

"You ever thought about selling your vocal cords to a lab dope?" Sasuke said sarcastically as they headed into the park. "There's got to be a law of science being broken with those things."

"Don't call me dope theme!" Naruto yelled earning a few glances from the people around him. "I can kick your ass at the next kendo meeting when they let us spar!"

"You can't even beat a frog in kendo and you expect to beat me?" Sasuke joked. "Try fighting something with the same skill level as you, like that rock over there."

"At least I'm not a bastard!"

"Better than being a dope."

As the boys continued with their argument Sakura turned towards Hinata, "So how's it going with him?"

Hinata blushed at the question but still faced Sakura as she answered, "Very well….I mean everything is great….I mean Naruto-kun is very sweet and energetic and thoughtful."

The earnest look on her face made Sakura smile suspiciously, "And he hasn't tried anything….well inappropriate yet?"

"What do you mean?" Hinata stammered nervously and started to look very flustered. "He hasn't done anything….like that….no…nothing like that at all."

Sakura let out a small giggle as she tried to clam Hinata down which became difficult as Naruto turned around asking if Hinata-chan was alright. After a couple of minutes Hinata calmed down and they headed passed the ticket taker and stepped into the amusement park.

"Hey Hinata!" someone yelled from one of the game booths.

Hinata turned towards the caller and the next second her eyes were covered by a warm fluffy object that smelled strangely of kibble. Hinata carefully lifted the object off of her face and smiled warmly as she held it in her arms.

"Hey what's Akamaru doing here?" Sakura asked. "I thought they didn't allow pets in the park?"

Akamaru quickly jumped from Hinata's arms, landed on the ground, and trotted off towards a nearby booth. Sakura and Hinata followed him until he stopped in front of the booth and let out a loud bark at the owner. The owner turned around and Akamaru jumped behind the booth landing on one of the shelves next to the owner.

"Ok….now what is Kiba doing here?" Sakura muttered under her breath and turned to face Kiba. "I thought they didn't let dogs in the park so what is Akamaru doing here, and please don't say you smuggled him in under your coat again."

Kiba rested his hands against the booth's table and gave her an amused look before answering, "No…that only happened once….and they let him in as long as he doesn't try to eat the park's food or take a piss on someone wearing red…or anything close to that color."

Sakura shrugged and turned to pet Akamaru's head. As she scratched the spot right near his left ear her hand immediately began to get a static like feeling that pulsed from her fingertips all spread through out her entire body. Within a matter of seconds a rush of images began to pass through her mind and just as quickly the images started to fade until the movement stopped just as suddenly as they had appeared.

Sakura removed her hand from Akamaru's head and looked around at the other booths and out towards the crowd. Her eyes shifted towards the huge clock tower that stood in the center of the park; luckily it was just a couple of seconds or so before what she had seen from the images.

"Hey Kiba," she said quickly and pointed towards Akamaru. "Shouldn't Akamaru go 'round back…you know since the marching band is due in this area any second right?"

Kiba stared at her dumfounded for a moment and slowly glanced at the clock nervously. Sakura could already tell that Kiba was less than thrilled at her act of kindness even though Akamaru could have gone for the red colored members just as they started heading their way.

It was a known fact by nearly everyone in the school that Kiba had a little crush on Hinata since middle school…well everyone except Naruto and Hinata that is. Naruto was too thick headed to notice and Hinata was just too blind to the face the fact that Kiba had feelings for her. As Kiba took Akamaru and went to place him in the back Sakura took Hinata's arm and guided her back towards their other two companions who stood right near on of the big park maps.

Sakura smiled warmly at the two and they headed towards the first amusement park ride which just happened to be the one Hinata wouldn't even consider stepping foot on ever. After much coxing from Sakura, a snide remark from Sasuke, and finally a bit of goofy reassurance from Naruto, Hinata went on the ride…and only came close to reaching for a barf bag. The day continued in the same format with only a couple run ins with some of their other classmates and even a few teachers too.

When Hinata and Sakura were headed towards the restrooms they came upon a very unlikely couple together; Hinata's cousin Neji and another fellow friend of theirs Tenten. Both of them were seated right outside one of the many little cafés that were spread through out the park and they were both in very deep conversation while pointing towards a piece of paper on the table. As they inched closer to the table they were able to hear what each of them were saying or rather arguing to each other.

"That makes absolutely no sense," Neji stated calmly and reserved as ever.

"Yes it does, maybe you're just too pigheaded to see it," Tenten retorted with her usual sense of forcefulness in her voice.

"Well that would be impossible," Neji muttered folding his arms across his chest. "The idea of that ever happening is as possible as the feeling being mutual."

"But the data gathered proves that one has the same strength as the other one," Tenten protested. "Maybe even more emotion and even a stronger sense of the other's needs. And you would notice that if you paid attention to the things around you."

"Well if you took the time to listen to the information around you than you would know….that the team from the finals in last years game had more force in their last game," Neji stated looking rather annoyed.

"No way," Tenten spat. "The team that played them in the regional qualifiers could have easily won if they didn't see through their illegal plays."

Sakura and Hinata both let out deep disappointed sighs as they left the two to finish their pointless squabble.

Who the hell comes to an amusement park to talk about sports?

As the two headed back towards the boys they noticed that instead of two people waiting for them there was now another couple chatting with the boys. As the girls headed back towards them the couple talking to them started heading off into the ever growing crowd. The instant they arrived Naruto went on into a rant with Sakura only able to catch a few words… "scary pig-headed girl"…. "Lazy-ass"… "together".

Sakura could already gather from his annoyed mumbling that he had been cornered by Ino along with Shikamaru. Even Sasuke looked a little pissed but even after Ino had given up to stupid crush on Sasuke and went for Shikamaru, Ino was still Ino. Of course after being rejected a million times by him she had to finally let the truth sink into her thick head and moved on rather quickly. Shikamaru was after all the only one who could even stand being with Ino and not pulling his hair out from annoyance. Sakura shock her head and she and Hinata lead the boys towards the next ride in the area.

The day seemed to be a never ending round of chance meetings. They even ran into Jiraiya, the perverted sensei who taught an extra gym class for slackers but usually didn't do much since he always came in with a major headache and another one of his crazy tales of adventure…which sometimes included him getting smacked over the head while harassing a young woman.

Today of course was no exception either as the group passed a drink booth. They could already see ten empty cups in front of him while he was already hitting on some blonde haired young woman who was sitting a few seats down from him. Of course the next second he was flying head first out of the booth and landing across from the booth in one of the garbage dumpsters that had just been filled by the café next door. The blond woman emerged from the booth looking more than pissed and ready to knock Jiraiya into the next life and than some. The blonde woman clenched her fists tightly, gathered her composure, and headed off towards another booth but not before sending Jiraiya a wintry glare.

This is why Tsunade-sama's office is usually empty…nobody wants to get on the principal's bad side.

Hell yeah…glad I'm not in his shoes!

As the day went on everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves but Sakura couldn't help but feel a chill in the warm air. It was almost like someone was watching her…and the chill felt strangely familiar to her too. But what had truly freaked her out the most was when Hinata and she had gone to the restroom.

Sakura had been the first one done and was just finished washing her hands and had quickly glanced in the stall mirror to check herself out when she nearly yelled out in shock. As she had looked up at her reflection in the mirror instead of a pair of emerald eyes staring back at her, the emerald orbs were a sharp crimson color and seemed to be staring back at her in a sinister way. Luckily Hinata had come out at that moment or Sakura might have freaked out, but as she glanced again at her reflection the crimson color was gone and her own emerald colored orbs stared back at her.

Sakura hadn't mentioned anything about the incident to anyone and thought of it only as a trick of the lighting. But the same sinister feeling that the eyes had cast seemed to be with her for the rest of the day all the way until the group exited the park. As Hinata started to head in the same direction as Naruto her shoulder gently touched Sakura's as she passed.

As Hinata caught up with Naruto Sakura gave her a parting smile and hid the true meaning behind it. Hopefully if everything went just as she had seen it Hinata would be getting a little something from Naruto as he walked her to her front door. And if all went as she'd seen Hinata would be calling Sakura the very second that she entered her house and let the joy of Naruto's action spread through her body.

She left her thoughts for a moment as Sasuke called out to her and stood right by the park exit waiting for her to catch up. As Sakura headed towards Sasuke the eerie feeling from the day seemed to spread through the wind and gently flowed through her hair. The wind hand almost a human touch to it as it passed her causing Sakura to get a slight shiver through her body.

But even as the wind departed and even as Sasuke draped his coat over her shoulders to give her some comfort Sakura still felt the chill. As they headed away from the park, the day's excitement still fresh in her mind, Sakura just wished that the eerie feeling stayed in the park just as the day's fun would remain.

Author's Note!

hey...well what did you think? personally i think i could have written better if i had spent more time on it but i kept u all waiting far too long! i went back and looked through ur reivews/suggestions and since i love them all i tried to add them each in one way or form of another so this chappie was thanx to ur helpful suggestion...thanx a lot!

Please don't forget to view my other fics; high school circumstances. Memories of loved and lost cherry blossoms, Unexpected Year, and my newest fic(soon to be updated) When the dream is over...remember if u guys don't review well i don't feel loved...so please review for each of them