"You ready?"

"Let's-a go!"

Mario and Luigi faced each other on the top of a hill near the Mushroom Kingdom. They were training to hone their natural fighting skills, just a small bout among brothers, nothing more.

Mario shined a small smirk. He charged at his brother in a full sprint, prepared to strike, but instead ducked and rolled to the left. Luigi had braced himself for a punch and didn't expect that maneuver. Mario next stood up from behind his brother and created a small fireball explosion. Luigi took the hit and flew several feet forward before rolling down the hill. Mario leapt down in pursuit and waited for his opponent to get back up.

Luigi instantly did so and threw a powerful karate chop at the red plumber's gut. The tubby man actually flew back in surprise as well. "Ha!" Luigi laughed. He then prepared for his new move by crouching down, and aiming his body like a missile. He instantly launched forward as a rocket, heading precisely at his brother. Mario managed to regain himself in time, though, and stood his ground. At the last moment, he withdrew a magic cape he owned and swung it in defense. The man in green tumbled back in a sprawl, and landed on his head. Mario dashed at him again and punched twice before deciding to hold back. Luigi stood stunned for less than a moment, and then collapsed.

"Had enough, yet, bro?" Mario smirked, again. Luigi quickly stood back up in an impulse and shot out several green fireballs. Mario leaned back, dodging each, and then countered with his own red fireballs. Luigi jumped over them in a way as though he had practiced countless times before, and attempted a direct punch. Mario rolled under it with endless stamina and attacked with two equivalent punches and a low, thrust kick. Luigi slightly stammered, which Mario was able to excellently take advantage of. He quickly charged up a deal of energy in his hand and shot another explosion into Luigi, but this time with almost twice the power. The green plumber fell back in a daze, finally defeated. "Mama mia! You okay, Luigi?"

"Uhn. I'll be fine," Luigi said weakly. Mario chuckled, then hauled his brother back to the castle on his shoulder.

When the two arrived, Luigi had already regained most of his strength. They met up with the princess who seemed to have exciting news.

"Where were you?" Peach asked, first. She had holding a letter in her hands.

"Just a small practice match. What's that?" Luigi asked, pointing to the note.

"This is an invitation. It's another fighting tournament by the Smash Bros."

"Alright! When are we going to go?" Mario asked.

"It starts tommorow at 3 o'clock. Pretty soon if you ask me, but apparently our mail was delayed… Anyways, you guys need to rest up, no more fights today."

"You ready, Falco?"

"Whenever you are, Fox," Falco Lombardi replied. He and his co-pilot, Fox McCloud, were standing on the outside of their ship, the Great Fox, flying over the planet Corneria. They had started their own small scrimmage as well.

The two rivals faced each other, both with arrogant grins on their faces. With few words or remarks, the two ran at each other and preformed a kick. With devastating, yet equal strength, both were sent back several feet apart. Fox was the first to recover and charged into a tackle. Falco flew back from the hit, but regained his position by doing a flip. He quickly whipped out his blaster and shot several electric beams. Fox jumped and spun in mid-air to dodge each of them fluently, and then preformed a lightning speed dash attack. Falco also decided to perform his dash attack, but kept his gun out still.

The second that Fox and Falco were about to impact, Falco pulled the trigger to fire another shot. Fox was hit and spiralled to the left, near the edge of the ship, while Falco landed perfectly. The bird faced Fox and menacingly kicked him off the ship. Fox wasn't too shocked and deliberately spun in a spiral while sticking his arm out and clutching the edge.

"C'mon, Fox! I know you can do better!" Falco teased. Fox knew so as well and swung over the ledge. He tossed himself up sideways with an attempt to kick his opponent forcefully, but Falco instantly leaned back to avoid the attack and countered with a rising kick. Fox took this hit as well, but turned it into an advantage by doing a small flip. He landed perfectly, then reacted with a rapid high kick, nailing Falco in the face. The bird pretended that he was in pain to shake off his opponent, but easily landed with his gun right back out. In a flash, he had already shot out several more bullets. Fox performed another excellent back flip over the shots, and then took out his own gun.

The two stood off, facing each other with both blasters out. "Heh," Fox laughed quitely. "That's good enough."

Falco spun his gun with his index finger, then shoved it back into it's holster. "You're just upset 'cause I was gonna win!" Falco laughed.

"We're done Peppy." Fox said, into his communicator.

"It's about time! You don't want to wear yourself out before the tournament tomorrow!"

"This is gonna be sweet!" Falco said excitedly. "I don't think we got enough last time."