From An Unbreakable Love To The Non-breakable love!

This is the sequel to An Unbreakable love. This sequel WILL NOT be as long as the first fiction was. I wasn't originally going to make a sequel, because I was running out of ideas, but than in your reviews you told me you still enjoyed it so I went into a thinking stage for about a week and decided to wait for an inspiration.. so here I was sitting at my computer and than suddenly it came to me... kind of freaky yes, but true. It actually was a random thought that I ended up liking.

Chapter 1: Again

Recap: An, An Unbreakable Love Inuyasha and Kagome end up confessing how they feel about each other, this of course leads to them mating. Further more leading to Kagome getting pregnant. While Kagome is pregnant and in the feudal era a dog demon comes by. His name is Soshi. He happens to hold a grudge against Inuyasha and has some sort of connection to Kagome. He unlocks some of Kagome's hidden memories, which cause her great pain. Through the memories and a little bit of questioning she finds out her connection to Soshi. He is her long gone father from the feudal era! So.. blah blah (A/N: If you won't some details read the prequel.) Anyway Kagome ends up having twins by the name of Umi and Uchuu. Umi is a girl - her name means sea. She has amber eyes light Inuyasha, yet Kagome's midnight black hair. She has little silver dog ears like Inuyasha and she had fangs and claws too. Uchuu is a boy - his name means space. He has Kagome's chocolate brown eyes, yet Inuyasha's silver hair. He also has two little black dog ears atop his head. Kagome and Inuyasha live in a hut with the twins. (A/N: The location and description of the hut is in the prequel. If you don't read it you will be severely confused.) Anyway after the twins were born another demon came. He to have some relations to Inuyasha, though this character - known as Dayu - came to take the twins and kill him, though he had left after he informed the Inu-gang he wanted to kill the twins and hadn't returned since.

This takes place right where An Unbreakable Love left off. The twins are three months old and Kagome just had a shocking discovery.

On with the fiction

Kagome paced back and forth in Kaede's hut letting the Information sink in. 'Not again!' She grew angry.


You seem flushed child."

"I know I think I'm sick. Every morning I throw up and I'm always tired."

"Kagome is it possible you may be with child?"

"No." Kagome lied hoping Kaede was wrong in her assumption.

"Let me examine thee." Kaede took Kagome to a hut she used for healing the wounded and sick.

After a while of examination Kaede came to a conclusion. Kagome gulped and waited.

"Kagome child you are indeed with child." Kaede said. Kagome glared. She turned and looked at the door.

"I'll kill him!"

End Flashback

After that Kaede had ended up leaving the hut and giving Kagome some thinking space, which she desperately needed. "That jerk! He should have known I was in heat. He should have known this could have happened. I can't handle this. We already have two babies to take care of and now another on the way! How am I going to tell Inuyasha? Will he be mad.. he better not be.. or he'll get a hell of a sitting!' Kagome plopped down on a futon with a frown. This was way to much for a teenager to handle. Kagome had only just turned 17 and she was soon going to have three infants to take care of!

She shuddered. What would he mother say? What would everyone else say? Sure in this era it was findy dandy to have children at such a young age, but not in the modern era.

Kagome placed her hands over her belly. Maybe Kaede was wrong and Kagome really just was sick, although Kagome herself really had few doubts. She had all the symptoms she had last time and she had missed her period this month.

'Well the twins are going to have to come off breast feeding and start using a normal modern bottle. I have to go to my time later and get one... that is if Soshi is still there and didn't close the well.' Kagome thought. (FYI: Soshi is the well's guardian and has the power to open and close it at will.) 'Me being pregnant now is definitely a problem. For one Sango only has three months left and me being pregnant too will be a real stress for everyone.'

Kagome stood up quickly with her finger in the air as though a light flicked on in her head, but than she frowned and sat back down. 'What about Dayu? He wants to kill Umi and Uchuu already! What if he finds out about a new kid on the way? Will he try to kill it too? Gods I hope he gets over himself and forgets all about this baby killing thing. It's so sick.'

"Kagome! There you are." A plump Sango came in holding the twins. They didn't seem to happy. Kagome stood up.

"Yeah, I was just thinking."

"Are you alright? You look kind of pale."

"I'm fine. What the matter with them?" Kagome pointed to the pouting babies. Sango smiled.

"Well Inuyasha was holding them and they kept biting him so he gave them smacks on the hand as discipline and they've been pouting since."

"He hit them!" Kagome said in disbelief and took the twins in her grasp and fondled them.

"Yeah, but don't worry. He barely touch them. It wouldn't have hurt a fly."

"I know, but still..." Kagome frowned and lightly rocked the twin children who wore haori's just like their father. (A/N: Umi's is white and Uchuu's is green.) "So how's the pregnancy coming along?" Kagome asked as she looked up at her friends. At the mention of the word Kagome nervously shook the twins faster. The twins gave confused glances at each other and blinked.

"Oh.." Kagome looked down at Kagome shaking the twins faster than usual and frowned. "Fine.. are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Kagome followed Sango's gaze and immediately stopped shaking the two children so fast. "I guess I'm just stressed is all. Two kids are no easy task."

"I would think not. Especially when they're both still babies. Imagine if you ended up with three babies at once." Sango said. Kagome groaned inwardly.

"Yeah, imagine." she mumbled.

"There you are!" came the voice from the door. Kagome, the twins, and Sango all looked at the door and saw an angry Inuyasha there. He had some ramen in his hair and on his shoulders and looked pretty grumpy. Kagome and Sango giggled lightly at the site. The twins pointed at their father and laughed too.

"What happened to you?" Kagome asked. Inuyasha glared at her.

"I forgot to tell you that after the twins got their discipline they had stuck there hands in Inuyasha ramen and threw it in anger."

"Yeah, but they stopped when they were told to stop." Inuyasha growled still mad about the whole thing.

"Inuyasha, I can't believe you hit them!" Kagome grew angrier.

"What? It's no big deal. They have to learn. It's not like a hurt them. Look at Shippo. I hit him all the time and he's fine."

"Shippo's not three months old Inuyasha." Kagome but out with a glare.

"Whatever." Inuyasha turned around with his arms crossed and faced the door. "Lets just go back to the others and I'm going to get cleaned up."

"Wait!" Kagome stopped him and he turned around. She handed him the twins. "When you go and bath take them and get them cleaned up. Make sure NOT to let them go into the deeper water, because they're to young to learn how to swim!"

"What? Why don't you take them?"

"I'm going back to my time for a little while. I'll be back later so don't worry and if I don't come back you can even come and get me. There settled." She kissed him on the cheek and ran off towards the well.

"What was that about?" Sango asked.

"Got me." Inuyasha said dumbfound and than headed towards the nearest hot spring.


Kagome looked down the dark well and wondered if it was closed off or not. 'Only one way to find out.' She thought as she jumped into the well and was greeted by a familiar warming blue light. 'Looks like it's a winner.' She landed on the bottom and immediately climbed out and ran into her kitchen door.

She was greeted by a shocking site. As her mother was trying to wash dishes Soshi's arms were wrapped around her waist and she kept giggling.

Kagome looked on in disbelief. 'Looks like they've talked things through.' Was Kagome's notion. She made a coughing sound to get their attention.

Soshi and Akira(Kagome's mom) quickly pulled away blushing.

"Oh, Kagome, glad to see you've come to visit." Akira said. Her mother returned to cleaning the counters. "So is there something you need, or something wrong?"

"Can't I just come and visit my family once in a while?" Kagome asked offended.

"Well sure dear, but you usual don't leave Inuyasha to come and visit. Sota will be home from school in a little while."

"Um.. can I borrow some money?" Kagome asked. Her mother turned to look at her.

"What for?"

"Well there's just something I have to get and I don't have enough money."

"What is it?"

"A pregnancy test."

Well what did you think? That may have been a little short, but hey! The opportunity for a cliff hanger was to good to pass out. I wonder what Kagome's mom will think or say?