The Tejina Chronicles: Remembrance

By: Kioko the pirate.

Chapter 3: Confrontation

Both Kioko and Angel had remained silent for the past few minutes. They were once again focused on their objective, defeating Jason and Splody. The trail started to disappear beneath thick foliage as they continued onward. Before long Angel comes to a stop behind some thick bushes, Kioko once again nearly trips over her.

"Stop doing that!" shouted Kioko as he gave Angel an angry look.

"Shhh, quiet." Whispered Angel as she placed her finger tip on her lips.

"Why, what is it?"

Angel slowly turned away and stared down the trail ahead. "We've found them."

A look of interest came over Kioko's face as he looked down the trail ahead of them. Sure enough Jason and Splody were standing just a few yards away from them. They had come to a stop in front of a large cliff face; both of them looked extremely worn out. Jason was bent over with his hands on his knees and was breathing heavily.

"I… I think we lost them." Said Jason between breathes.

"I hope so… I don't think I could run another step."

"Good, then you have no choice but to fight us." Kioko said with a smirk.

Both Jason and Splody gave terrified gasps as they look up to see Kioko and Angel step out of the bushes. Jason and Splody both slowly backed up against the cliff face as their opponents came to a stop a few feet away.

"Well, seeing how tired you too are why don't we finish this quickly." Said Kioko as the black book began to glow. Angel took another step forward and raised her paw towards Jason and Splody. "Darko!"

Jason clenched his teeth in anger and determination as he watched the black and purple orb form in front of the pink experiments paw. In the next instant the small orb blasted towards him and his partner. In a flash Jason flipped open his reddish-orange spell book. It quickly began to glow as he came to a stop on a page halfway through the book.

"Seshield!" yelled Jason.

Splody's face went blank as he shot a stream of red plasma out of his nose. The plasma stopped just a few feet away and formed into a wall of red energy. In an instant Angel's spell slammed into the shield and came to a sudden stop. The small orb seemed to strain against the shield for a moment, suddenly a pulse of glowing energy shot across the surface of the shield. Before Kioko or Angel could realize what had happened the black orb shot back towards them.

In the blink of an eye the orb slammed into Kioko's gut. Angel's eyes widened as she watched Kioko get carried through the air by her own spell. In the next moment Kioko is slammed into a nearby tree, opening his mouth to let out a silent scream as the orb sent a wave of unimaginable pain through his body.

"Kioko!" screamed Angel as she watched her partner fall to the ground.

After a moment Kioko did not get up and Angel's expression of shock was replaced by a look of worry and fear. "Well… this certainly evens the odds a bit." Came Jason's voice from behind.

Angel quickly turned back to face her opponents, she tried to hide her fear as she bared her teeth and clenched her fists. "Well, let's just see how long you can last without your spells… Jason, if you would please."

"Got it." Blurted Jason as he flipped a couple pages in his spell book. He finally found the page and the book soon began to glow. "Let's see how long you can last against this spell. Seruson!"

Splody instantly stood up on his hind legs and looked down towards the ground. Splody took a deep breathe before firing another stream of red plasma. The stream of plasma hit the ground, Splody slowly began to lift his head as the plasma began to take the shape of an enormous creature. After only a few seconds the plasma had formed into a large creature with a rather large mouth (The creature that he formed in the slushy episode).

The stream of plasma quickly faded, leaving Splody with a confident smirk on his face.

The creature gave a low growl as it took a heavy step towards her. Angel in turn takes a small step back before lowering herself into a fighting stance. Both Jason and Splody gave small laughs at the sight.

"Do you really think that you'll be able to hold your own with out any spells?" asked Jason in a mocking tone.

"Yeah, without your partner and spell book… you don't look so tough… or strong for that matter." Added Splody.

"You don't know how strong I really am." Growled Angel through clenched teeth.

Both Jason and Splody chuckled as the plasma creature took another step towards their pink opponent. "We'll just see about that." Said Jason with an almost cruel tone in his voice.

With that final word the large red creature threw one of its massive fists. At the last possible second Angel leapt to the side, narrowly avoiding the creatures' powerful attack. The plasma beast slowly turned to Angel's new location and once again threw a devastating punch. Angel rolled to the side allowing the creatures' fist to slam into a nearby tree, shattering it like glass.

"Is that all that things got?" asked Angel with a small laugh.

"Oh believe me… it can do a lot more." Smirked Splody.

Angel gave a small smirk of her own before turning her attention back towards the creature. The creature gave a low growl as it raised its large, four fingered hand, towards Angel. In the next instant a massive stream of plasma shot from the creatures' palm. Angel's eyes widened as the stream of plasma slammed into the ground at her feet. The resulting explosion of dirt and rock sent Angel flying through the air. She quickly regained control of her self and landed on her feet.

She looked up right as the creatures fist burst out of the cloud of dust left from the last attack. In a flash Angel raised her forearm in front of her face, the creatures' fist slams into her arm causing her to slide back slightly. She clenched her teeth as the plasma burnt away at her skin and fur. Both Jason and Splody gave surprised gasps as they watch the small female experiment strain against the creatures' fist. The struggle lasted for a few moments before the creature sent its other first slamming into Angel's side.

She let out a painful scream as she was sent flying through the air. Her scream was silenced as she slammed into the cliff face. A look of pain remained on her face as she fell to the ground face first. She gave a groan as she quickly began to push her self up. Her arms and legs wobbled underneath her own weight as she slowly rose to her feet. The burns on her arm and side stung as a gentle breeze swept across the area. She had only been up for a few seconds before the creature once again charged her. She had no time to react before the creature once again punched her, this time across the face.

Angel was sent flying through the air; she bounced off the ground a few times before sliding to a halt in a cloud of dust. "Don't tell us you're getting tired already." Mocked Splody as him and Jason watched Angel clench her teeth in pain.

Angel slowly opened her eyes and lifted her head up towards Jason and Splody after mumbling a few curse words. As she glared at Jason and Splody something to her right caught her eye. She looked over to see another stream of plasma racing towards her. She let out yet another painful scream as the beam slammed into the ground just inches from her body, once again sending her flying though the air.

Meanwhile Kioko was still lying under the tree that he had been slammed into. He drifted on the verge of unconsciousness as the waves of pain slowly began to subside.

'That shield…' thought Kioko as he began to realize what had just happened. 'It stopped the Darko spell in its tracks… it doubled its velocity and strength when it launched it back at us.'

Kioko's eyes shot open as he realized the situation that his partner was most likely in. 'Angel, she's still out there… without her spell book she's defenseless!' thought Kioko as he glanced over at the black spell book, which was still under his hand.

Until now Kioko had been able to hear nothing but silence, but at that moment his hearing returned. The first sound that reached him made a look of fear sweep over his face. The sounds of Angel's painful screams echoed through the area, which churned Kioko's stomach.

'Angel, she doesn't stand a chance without her spells. They'll beat her to a pulp if I don't do something.' Thought Kioko as he clenched his teeth. At the same time his grip tightened on the black book, his strength slowly returning to him. 'I've got to get up; I've got to help her.'

Kioko slowly began to slide his arms underneath himself. Straining with every tiny movement of his muscles. But every breathe he took seemed to give him strength; every inch he moved seemed to build his confidence. Yet it was not his breathes nor his confidence that urged him onwards. It was the memories; the memories that he had gained through his time with Angel. Not all of them were pleasant, but he knew that if Angel were to be defeated, there would be no new memories. And that was the last thing he wanted.

By now Kioko was on his hands and knees, he slowly turned to face the tree that he had been slammed into. 'I don't want this to end… I never want this tournament to end.' Thought Kioko as he dug his fingers into the tree and slowly began to pull him self up. 'I'm going to make this last as long as I can.'

Kioko managed to get to his feet; he carefully turned towards where Jason, Splody and Angel were. Her screams still echoing through his mind. He clenched his teeth as he slowly began to walk towards the cliff face, the black book grasped firmly in his hand.

"I'm not going to lose her… that I swear." Growled Kioko as a look of anger and determination washed over his face.

At that moment Angel was once again sent flying through the air. She slammed into another tree with devastating force, letting out a silent scream as she fell to the ground. Her body was covered in burns; patches of her fur were burnt away and a small amount of smoke rose from her body. But Jason and Splody weren't doing a whole lot better. The Seruson spell had used up a tremendous amount of energy and both Jason and Splody were breathing heavily.

Jason was hunched over like he had just run three miles and Splody was panting like he had done the same. But despite their fatigue, both of them managed to crack an almost cruel smile.

"I don't think she can even get up anymore." Blurted Jason.

"Then I guess we should finish her off." Said Splody with a small laugh as he watched Angel slowly begin to lift her head.

Almost on cue the huge red creature began to slowly move towards her. Angel let out an angry growl as she watched the creature grow closer to her with every lumbering step. Her mind screamed at her to get up and run, but her battered body could not continue. The creature was now only a few feet away from her, she could feel the heat from its body. Suddenly the creature came to a complete stop just a few feet from her. Angel raised her eyebrow curiously as the creature appeared to be waiting for a command.

She growled slightly as she figured that Jason and Splody were just coming up with a good way to finish her off. But as she glanced over towards Jason and Splody, she noticed that their sinister smiles had been replaced by looks of shock and amazement. She stared at them for a moment, her curiosity growing, at that moment a small sound caught her ear. It sounded like bushes rustling and small twigs snapping. The sound faded and was replaced by a few heavy foot steps, which suddenly came to a stop.

Angel's curiosity got the best of her and so she slowly began to roll over. The burns on her arms stung as they came in contact with the dirt. Every muscle in her body ached as she repositioned herself in order to get a view of what or who was behind her. A moment later she had a clear view of whom or what was behind her. And what she saw brought a smile to her face.

Kioko was standing just a foot behind her; he was breathing heavily and was leaning to the left slightly. The black book was grasped firmly in his right hand and a look of anger and determination filled his eyes.

"Kioko!" cheered Angel happily.

"How can you possibly be able to stand? We blasted you with your own spell!" yelled Splody as a confused and frightened look appeared on him and his partners faces.

"Then you underestimated me." Said Kioko as a smirk formed on his face. He then looked down at Angel who was still smiling up at him. "Let's finish this."

"Yeah." Replied Angel.

"You actually believe that you can still beat us?" asked Jason with a small laugh.

"She can't even stand up, let alone fight." Added Splody.

Kioko once again let out a small laugh. "That's what you think."

At that moment the black book began to glow. Angel suddenly felt a wave of energy flow through her body, restoring her strength. The pain in her muscles faded and she quickly sprang to her feet. Both Jason and Splody let out a shocked gasp as they watched the beaten experiment rise to her feet.

"Did you really think that I was going to let you defeat her? If you did, you're sadly mistaken." Growled Kioko in an almost evil tone.

At that moment the black book began to glow brighter, which caught everyone's attention. Kioko glanced down at the book for a moment before looking back up towards Jason and Splody. A smile formed on both Kioko's and Angel's faces.

"Well it would appear that we have a new spell to try out. And you two get to be the first to see it in action." Said Angel with a smirk.

"But first let's get rid of that little nuisance of a monster." Said Kioko as he looked over at the plasma creature.

Angel nodded and then raised her paw towards the creature. Jason and Splody once again focus on their spell and the creature springs back to life. The creature began to walk towards Kioko and Angel, raising one of its massive fists in preparation to attack.

"Darkoten!" shouted Kioko.

The massive black and purple orb began to form in front of Angel's paw as the creature drew closer. The creature was only a few feet away when the Angel's powerful spell launched towards it. In an instant the dark orb slams into the creature's chest, blowing a hole through it in a second. In the blink of an eye the creature exploded, sending globs of plasma flying in all directions.

After a moment the explosion settled and Kioko and Angel turned their attention towards Jason and Splody. Both Jason and Splody took a terrified step back as Kioko slowly opened the shining black book. He finally stopped on the page that was shining the brightest.

"Now, this is what you get for hurting Angel! Umbrugar!" yelled Kioko.

Angel instantly raised her paw towards Jason and Splody and her paw began to glow with dark energy. A moment later the ground beneath their feet began to shake, causing Jason and Splody to look around nervously. Suddenly whip-like tentacles of dark energy shot up from the ground beneath Splody and Jason. They wrapped themselves around Jason's wrists and ankles as well as Splody's legs and body. Jason let out a terrified scream as he felt the tentacles tighten, but his screams were cut short as a final tentacle wrapped itself around his head, covering his mouth.

Angel then raised her paw up slightly, causing the tentacles to lift Jason and Splody into the air. Then with one swift motion Angel lowered her paw, causing Jason and Splody to be slammed to the ground by the tentacles. The tentacles continued to pull the two of them against the ground, making Jason and Splody let out a muffled scream.

"Well, an immobilization spell. I've been looking forward to getting one." Said Kioko as he watched Jason and Splody. He then turned to face Angel. "I was beginning to think you didn't have one."

Angel only looked at him and gave a smirk before facing back towards Jason and Splody. Kioko soon turned back towards them as well.

"You see… you should never underestimate us." Said Kioko as he walked towards Jason and Splody. He came to a stop in front of Jason and kneeled down. "And look at you know, you're all tied up. So I don't think you'll be needing this." Said Kioko as he pulled Jason's spell book out from under his hand.

"You're not going to give their book back now are you?" asked Angel in a mocking tone.

Kioko gave a small laugh as he stood up and walked back towards his partner. "Of course not… now let's get out of here."

"Right." Replied Angel as Kioko walked past her.

The two of them proceeded to walk away, leaving Jason and Splody still bound by the dark tentacles.


Kioko and Angel were sitting on their cliff top that over looked the island. Splody's book was burning just a few feet in front of them; half of it had already burned away. Angel's arms and torso were wrapped in bandages; Kioko also had a few bandages on his arms and chest. The two of them were just sitting there staring out over the island. The setting sun filled the sky with shades of orange, red and pink. The distant ocean seemed to sparkle with a purplish hue.

A calm breeze swept across the area, gently blowing Kioko's hair and Angel's ears, which were drooped down to her shoulders. Neither of them said a word for minutes on end, they hadn't even looked at each other since Kioko finished putting on her bandages. But finally the peaceful silence was interrupted.

"Why do you fight so hard for me?" asked Angel in a soft voice.

"What?" asked Kioko as he looked at his partner curiously.

"Why do you fight so hard for me? I know it's not just because you want me to win this tournament. So what is it that makes you fight… even risk your life for me?" asked Angel as she continued to look out over the island.

Kioko looked away and smiled. "It's a long story. Maybe one day I'll tell you."

This time it was Angel who gave the curious look. "I don't like it when people keep secrets from me."

Kioko gave small laugh as he closed his eyes and laid back on the ground. "Well your just going to have to accept this one… I'm just not ready to share it with you yet."

Angel continued to stare at Kioko curiously for a few minutes before giving a sigh and laying back on the cool ground.

Well, that's the end of this story. It's taken me a long time to finish this, well… it was a long time for me at least. Anyway I hope you have enjoyed the story. My next story will be up as soon as possible. Well, later.