M'kay. I have no idea what inspired this, it was random, and unless I think ofmore to put in it's a oneshot. Don't ask me why it's in italics. I'm tired, I don't know.

Disclaimer: I don't own Tales of Symphonia, Regal's frying pan, or the Altamiran newspaper.

"Good morning Zelos!" Colette squeaked, flinging the curtains wide and running out of the room laughing hysterically.

Zelos groaned and rolled over, trying to shield his eyes from the light now pouring into his room and giving him a headache. "What time is it, hunny?" he asked as Sheena came in with a tray full of breakfast.

Sheena bit her lip and set the tray down very carefully. "Zelos Wilder, if you call me that one more time, I will personally make sure that you will never speak again, do you hear me?"

The redhead nodded, grinning at her. "Why's that? I would think you'd like to be called-"

"Don't you dareā€¦"


Lloyd watched as Zelos came hurtling down the stairs and into the kitchen to hide behind Regal, with Sheena just behind him wearing her scariest I'm-Gonna-Summon-Everything-And-Kick-Your-Butt look.

Instead of calling every summon known to man, which she had been known to do in the past, she grabbed the frying pan off the stove and chased Zelos with it around the house.

"I've never felt so alive!" Zelos cried, laughing and gasping for air as he tried to hide behind Kratos.

"Good! 'Cause I'm gonna kill you!" yelled poor Sheena as Kratos neatlysidestepped her swing of the frying pan. It hit Zelos with more force than either he or Kratos had expected of her, making a loud ringing noise and bouncing off the Chosen's head.

"Sheena. You have to stop denting the pan like that. That's what, the third time?" Regal asked, taking the pan from her.

Zelos was muttering incoherently and twitching on the floor as Sheena flounced out of the room and followed Regal into the kitchen. "Fourth, actually. I swear, one of these days I am going to kill him."

"Just another ordinary day in the life of Zelos." Kratos sighed, picking up the Altamiran newspaper and leaving for a more quiet spot.


Yeah. I'm trying to remember where I heard the whole 'I've never felt so alive!" quote. Anyone know?