Memoirs of Victory

By Sonfaro

Memoir Five: Similarity


July 25th, 2000

(1:13am Japanese Time - 11:13am GCST [Golden City Standard Time])

(Digiworld - Folder)

"You're off to Demon Castle?"

A warm voice. Like summer. Makes me smile. "Yeah. That's where those angel dudes said we needed to go before I can get back home."

"Hmm… Sounds scary." She says, though she doesn't sound scared at all.

"Hnn… Not scary enough for the two of us!" Partner grunts at her. She smiles anyway.

The three of us have stopped for a moment to rest. Demon's henchman haven't attacked for hours. We think we've lost them. The wind picks up, the trees making the sunlight dance through the leaves above us. I lie back onto blanket, searching through the weird device the angels gave me for the instant food function.

New girl is staring.

"What?" I frown.

"Nothing." She says with a weak smile. I don't believe her. But I don't ask.

We've only met her a day ago. Our enemy has been following her. Chasing her. Partner saved her, destroyed our enemy, and executed all of my commands to perfection. No arguments. In that time I've come to know her. She's never been to the Digiworld before. Everything is new. Different. Dangerous. She's someone special. Someone worth protecting.

And I'm leading her right into the heart of darkness.

"You know," I tell her. "You don't have to go with us. You'd be safer at a Primary. That's neutral ground. Demon and his armies would never attack there…"

"No." She says. Eyes furrow. "I want to look Neo face to face when you meet him. I want to know why."

"Why?" Partner grunts again.

She nods. "Why."

I snort. "That sounds mighty personal."

She blinks. "I… well, yeah, I guess."

I frown. "What, did you two… like each other something?"

She looks up sharply. And then bursts out laughing. "N-no! Hehe… he… we…"

She trails off after a while and stops laughing. Her eyes rise upwards as if struggling to find the words to say to me. She sighs. Folds her arms. I blink. Her face furrowed into a frown. Don't like it. Want to see her smile. Never want her to frown again.

"No. I… well, I like him…"

I frown.

"…but I don't like-him like him. Not like that… I could never… He and I…" She trails off, suddenly uncomfortable. "Anyway, I don't 'like' anyone right now. I've never even been on a date." She says.

I smile. "Oh."

Why am I smiling?

"What's a 'date'?" Partner interrupts

I scratch my head. "Eh… Sometimes, when a guy and a girl like each other, they do things together. Like… watching movies or eating food or something."

"Oh." He says. Then: "So are you two dating now?"

I cough up food. "I… wha… Ze-"

Can't get a word out before she speaks. "I guess you could say that. Right, Taichi?"

Big wide pretty smile on her face.

My eyes widen. She sticks her tongue out at me. She's teasing. Right? I'm confused. Partner looks confused. She just sits there smiling. Waiting.

I feel my cheeks sizzle.

New partner doesn't get why I act weird around her. But I can't help it. She's skinny. Pale skinned. Ginger-brown hair like Sora's. Has a bit of her face too. Could almost be sisters. She's more girly though. She's not so sarcastic. Not so nagging. She's softer, gentler, happier… I'm staring and I don't care.

Man she's pretty.


"What?" She smiles at me.

December 18th, 2004


(Ruins of Demon Castle)

"What?" Sora glares at me.

I blush. "N-nothing," I say as I look away.

I feel Sora's eyes bore holes in the back of my ear for a few seconds more before turning back to the path. I breathe a sigh of relief, before frowning.

That memory… it felt like a daydream really. One I barely remember. Why is all this rushing back? I know it happened. I know Rei. But I haven't thought of them in years. It's like there are blank spots all over my mind. I remember SIGMA. I remember Rei and Demon's castle. I remember… but I don't. Sometimes it's hard not to believe that all of this was a dream.

Then why am I waking up now?

I shake my head again, and peer around my surroundings, hoping for a distraction. The castle is dark and foreboding, long dead spider webs in every nook and cranny. The once clear opal floors and blood red curtains aren't even a shell of their former beauty, chipped away by time and hate and war. Being here again makes me sick to my stomach.

"Did… Daemon really live in this place?" Sora asks.

The boy shakes his head. "Not Dae-mon. De-mon. A different creature… Though, I suppose he more or less filled the same role within the hierarchy of the Demons of Folder."

"Wrath." I nod. "That was his title.

Sora blinks, clearly confused but intimidated enough not to ask questions. "…Oh… Okay."

I frown again. This place is bigger than I remember it being. Darker. Of course what memories I do still have tell me that the last time I was here it was hard to pay attention what with the bombshell I'd been dropped with only moments before… and the time before that it was filled with Devidramon and various other corrupted Digimon and I was fighting for my life trying to stop a monster from being created. So I guess I didn't have time to scope out just how massive the castle was. But it's huge. I don't know how she did it by herself.

I turn back to Sora and sigh. Now we're going back in; back to the place from where this all happened. What have I gotten them into?


I flinch at her bark. What is wrong with me? "N-nothing."

"You keep staring at me." She only half attempts to whisper.

"I'm sorry."

She frowns. "For what? Staring at me like a crazy person or for being a jerk?"

I blink. "It's not like I wanted this."

"Sure you did," she hisses. "You wanted to be a secretive jerk about everything instead of telling your friends what's wrong. What are we friends for if you have to go bottling up all your problems?"

I furrow my brows. "You're one to talk."

She blushes but doesn't let up. "You know I'm right. If something's bothering me, you and Matt don't stop pestering me until I blurt it all out and make a fool of myself. And even though I'm embarrassed, I always feel better about telling someone… especially you two! So, why are you so against me doing the same? What is it you're hiding!?"

Somewhere along the line her voice went from anger to concern. Her eyes never stop being warm. I hesitate.

"…I can't."

"Silence, both of you," SIGMA gives an annoyed response. "Do you want our enemies to find us?"

She glares, angry and hurt and betrayed I guess. By me. "…Fine."

"Don't look at me like that."

"Fine." She says. And then she simply turns her head away. And instantly things between us go a little cold.

Great Tai. Just great.

We keep walking, in silence now. I feel awkward and tired and a little guilty. True to her word, Sora keeps her heated gaze forwards, coincidentally locked on the back of SIGMA's masked head. We travel like this for several minutes before entering a vast chamber, dimly lit by torches on the walls. Three paths cross from each side of the room, leading deeper into darkness. Six pillars support the vast dome shaped ceiling above usI vaguely remember this chamber we stop in, but I don't remember why.

That's when we hear it. The sound of hissing that can only belong to an enemy. The three of us pause in the darkness, but there's little chance of escape now. From each of the paths, the golden eyes of Gaossmon dance in the dimly lit pools of light; pearl white teeth reflecting from the flames. Sora leans close to me, but it's not going to help either of us for very long. I swallow spit.

We've walked right into a trap.

July 25th, 2000

(2:13am Japanese Time - 12:13pm GCST [Golden City Standard Time])

(Folder – Forest Of Illusion)

A trap.

Stupid of me. Foolish. Walked right into it. More concerned with making her laugh than keeping her safe. More concerned with her smile than survival. Stupid. Let my guard down and now we'll all pay. She'll pay.

I have to protect her.

I float in front of her – no ground to stand on. Not in the 'Masks Square'. Arms stretch out. Eyes focused. Have to protect her, no matter the cost.

Partner understands this too. He unfurls wings and clenches fists. Growls. Across from us, a boy in a faceless mask stares, while a mad clown twirling four blades in the air grins devilishly.

"Did you miss me you little brat?!"

December 18th, 2004


(Ruins of Demon Castle)

It's Gaossmon again. I certainly didn't miss them.

It's hard to tell exactly how many of them there are in the darkness, but I can tell by the pairs of glowing gold eyes illuminating the corridor that they outnumber us greatly. Instinctively I reach for my digivice, but without Agumon it's a useless gesture.

They start to move forward, out of the shadows and into what dim light the cracks in the wall provide us. We take several steps back, until I hear Sora squeak and grab onto my arm. I look behind us to see even more eyes staring. A clever trap indeed. My arms go wide, and I thrust myself in front of both the boy in the mask and Sora, knowing full well that if these digimon attack us, there's little I can do. But I have to try something. I have to protect them.

I have to protect Sora.

But there's a lot of them, blue devil monsters slinking on clawed feet towards us from every entrance. I'm not sure how long they've been here, but they've been ready for us for a while. One of them takes point before the rest of them, a gnarly, scarred monster who's beak is curled up into a permanent sneer.

"Givesusthemahsssskmahnn!" He gurgles, and his companions gurgle with him.

"Boy SIGMA, you really know how to make friends." I shoot the boy in the mask a snide remark. He doesn't respond.


For a moment we are at a standstill.


Sora's hushed exclamation stops me cold. I turn to raise an eyebrow at her, but she has a finger to her lips and her eyes furrowed.

"That sound." She whispers.

I tilt my ear to listen. It's the quiet sound of shuffling claws against ancient marble, accompanied by the light hiss of a tongue darting out in the blackness. I feel my fingers tense into fists and lower myself to the ground.


And suddenly the Gaossmon aren't so concerned with us anymore.

A massive Salamandermon looms from the middle entrance, its long blue lounge looping lazily from its toothy mouth. The Gaossmon turn their complete focus on the new monster, their own maws opening up. From deep within them, balls of blue fire are belted at the monster, landing around its face and neck. Not unlike Agumon's Pepper Breath, though their fire is more concentrated.

But it's nothing to the Salamandermon. Its hide is thick and can take the punishment, and the Gaossmon are doing little more that angering it. It can't see its attackers, but it can tell their general direction, and it's big toothy mouth opens wide. Smoke begins to steam from its nostrils, and I take that as a warning sign and grab my companions.

"Stay together!"

We're on the floor and out of the line of fire, just as Salamandermon begins to counterattack.

"Backdraft!" it roars as blue/black lava gushes from his gullet and spills across the floor. The three of us are out of the way, but several Gaossmon aren't so lucky. I watch as bodies are tossed this way and that, several dissipating into nothingness, their data flying away to be reformatted at the nearest primary village. Those who avoid the blast begin to panic, and I see several Gaossmon begin digging holes to escape in.

One of them is hurt.

I notice him by himself. His data isn't splitting, but he's traped under debries from the blast. Something happens in that split second. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the exhaustion. Maybe it's the little monsters determination. Maybe it's the blue skin... cool blue skin the color of the deepest of skies.

Whatever happened I knew I had to save him.

I take several steps out and make a beeline for the downed critter, even as monsters to the left and to the right of me do battle.


"Taichi, leave it!"

I ignore them both. I race to the little monster caught in the rubble. It snaps at me, but only half-heartedly. The little thing is too weak to do me much damage right now.

I keep my head low as the Salamandermon and the Gaossmon continue to do battle. Bit by bit I begin lifting the rocks and debris from off its wounded waist. I'm moving as quickly as I can, doing my best to free my enemy. But the sounds of the battle are getting closer, and we're running out of time.

Suddenly, a pair of slender hands settles into rhythm beside me, moving stones and rocks away from the wounded Gaossmon. If Sora's still angry at me she's doing well to bury it, as her face is locked with concerned determination.

We free the Gaossmon together, lifting the last stone as one. He wriggles loose and immediately snaps his teeth at us.


"Enunciate." I snap back.

It growls, but talks slower, and now suddenly I can sort of understand the wild beast. "You free Gaossmon. Why?"

I give him a grin. "Because I'm a Digidestined. And I'm not going to let someone get hurt for my mistakes."

"Taichi, the monster will come this way if we do not escape this instant." I hear SIGMA shout. But I grit my teeth.

"I'm not running."


I ignore Sora too. I turn to the little blue nuisance in front of me. "Gaossmon, listen to me. You wanna beat this guy?"

The Gaossmon eyes me curiously before nodding. "Hmn!"

"Then do what I say."

As I tell it my plan the Salamandermon continues its wild rampage, tossing Gaossmon through the air like rag dolls. I can hear Sora screaming in the background, and I know I don't have long. But the Gaossmon is attentive; it's hatred of the Salamandermon far outweighing whatever feelings he has for me. Once he understands my orders he's off like a rocket.

"Kilo Flame!" the Gaossmon launches a ball of blue flame similar to Agumon's pepper breath directly at the Salamandermon's snout. Like the attacks of his brothers this doesn't damage the monster, but that wasn't our intention anyway. The flames singe the sides of Salamandermon's nostrils, attracting its attention. That's part one.

The Salamandermon unleashes another blast at the Gaossmon, but now that it has a plan of attack it's far too fast, bouncing from pillar to pillar with incredible speed. Those few Gaossmon not deleted by the Salamandermon's initial onslaught have begun escaping into whatever hole or crevice they can find, but not mine. This Gaossmon is determined to see a victory.

I make my way back to Sora and SIGMA, the former looking all sorts of angry and the latter a complete mystery thanks to that stupid mask that's been plaguing my memories since re-entering my life.

"Now what?" She asks.

"C'mon!" I tell them fiercely. I catch Sora by the hand and start running, the masked boy not far behind us. In the commotion of Gaossmon fighting back and the Salamandermon's flames we slip by relatively undetected.

We're almost at the archway when it happenes. The Salamandermon unleashes another bolt, and Gaossmon dodges out of the way. The energy blast rips through the pillar he was standing in front of, damaging it's base and ripping data away from its overall structure. Just one more.

"Kilo Flame!" The Gaossmon launches again. The Salamandermon shakes its massive head, and rushes forward. But my Gaossmon is in the air before he gets there, and the Salamandermon is too blind to notice and moving too fast to stop. It careens into the final pillar with the force of a freight train, data from the rock bursting everywhere.

We hear the moan of the archway as we make it to the far side of the room. Sora starts to turn back to watch, but I grab her shoulders and turn her away. I don't see it happening, but I know it will all the same. The archway, without the pillars to support it, begins cracking at first, before snapping off its final pillars and falling altogether. The Salamandermon has time only to moan before it's crushed beneath stone and glass.

We feel the wind push at our backs as it happens, and dust blows around our ankles. Sora holds close to me, her head buried into my chest, her arms wrapped around me tight. The masked boy has a gloved hand on my shoulder, but I can tell more than that, for my eyes are closed. It's been a while since I wanted to take my goggles back from Davis. But I know the feeling will pass.

I don't deserve them anymore anyway.

The dust settles and it's over. If the Salamandermon survived all that it's highly doubtful he'll want to keep fighting. Besides, we don't hear him anymore, which bodes well. Gently I let go of Sora and turn my head back to the room. It's a mess, with rocks and glass and dust everywhere. It's hard to make out much, but I do catch sight of my Gaossmon's bright gold eyes.

"Huumon…" I hear him growl. "Digidestonned…"

I frown. Gaossmon doesn't say much more than that. Instead he begins to back away, deeper into the dust. I watch as the Gaossmon's golden eyes slowly fade into the darkness.

"You let him go?"

I blink and turn back to SIGMA. "He was no threat to us."

"He will gather reinforcements. They will hunt us down."

"We'll be out of here long before then." I tell him.

"The Digimental is close then?"

"If my memory serves." I nod, and start to walk forward.

Sora trots beside me. "And then we go back for Matt right?"

"Right." I answer her.

"Taichi –" SIGMA's voice cautions.

I turn and glare at him. "Right."

There's something very odd in the way his eyes stare at me. I can't place it. He acquiesces however and gives me a short bow. "Very well," he says. "Lead the way Tamer."

The way he says it, cold and detached reminds me of a little boy so long ago who nearly killed me. I shiver at the memory. I had almost forgotten. He's no innocent. And while part of me remembers what he did to save the Digiworld, still a part of me screams that I cannot trust him.

But Sora doesn't have to know that. Not now. Not yet.

We keep walking until we come out to a balcony above what I'm assuming was Demon's 'fun' room, for the walls display some of the weirdest, perverted pics of angels and demons I've ever seen. Across the room is the door I have the strongest urge to enter. Beyond that…

A strange sound stops us in our tracks. We crouch low and make our way to the balcony edge. Below us, they slither, scratch and hiss. Salamandermon. There's a group of them. Four I think, maybe more. It's hard to tell without more light. They seem to be aimlessly wandering around on the floor below us. SIGMA kneels beside me, his face a mystery.

"This far in?" He ponders. "Intriguing."

Sora leans against me. "Are they part of Daemons troops?"

I don't feel the need to correct her. "SIGMA?"

He doesn't respond, his eyes glaring from behind his mask at the creatures below us. I follow his gaze. Something below catches my eye.

"What's that?"

The Salamandermon are carrying something on top of their flat scaly heads. It's long, and pale, and distinctly human. And it isn't moving. The air clogs in my lungs.


Sora's almost to her feet before I can stop her. Her face is pale, her jaws clenched in terror. My arms are around her before she does something reckless. She pulls against me, her fingernails starting to prick my arms in her attempt at escape. I try to keep my voice down. "No! They'll catch you too!"

"I don't care. I have to be there, I have to save him!"

The masked boy shoots me a silent glare. "Taichi, silence her before she alerts them of our presence!"

I shoot him a glare but say nothing. Below us, the Salamandermon begin moving towards a hole in the wall. In moments they could be gone, and we might lose track of Matt. But in the other room is the Digimental, what we came for; a device that cannot fall into the wrong hands. I can't just leave.

Sora doesn't understand that. "He's hurt, and he needs our help!"

"The digimental is more important Sora." I growl.

"Not to me it isn't!"

"Taichi, silence her, or I will!"

I ignore him. I grit my teeth, hoping against hope that I can hold her here. "Sora, I need you to stay back okay? I'll protect you!"

July 25th, 2000

(1:42am Japanese Time - 11:42pm GCST [Golden City Standard Time])

(Folder – The Golden City)

"I'll protect you!"

She looks at me. Tired face. Sad face. I don't like it. The barren wasteland is getting cold. Partner tired from ambush earlier. Unable to wake in time to stop him. Didn't see this coming. Last of the Alias III. Hideto.

Older than me. Darker. Brooding. Partnered with a white knight Digimon that looks familiar, but I don't know from where. Swooped down out of nowhere while partner was recovering and demanded she come with him.

He doesn't attack when he should. He's giving me an edge. An advantage. Partner's at eighty percent, he can give us time to pull her back and escape.

But she shakes her head. Doesn't want it. Doesn't need it. Why?

"No Taichi… This isn't… I have to… I have to go with him."

Hideto offers his hand. "C'mon Rei. Neo is waiting."

Neo. The only human being I've ever hated. I shout aloud. "She's not going anywhere with that freak!"

Rei looks heartbroken. Turns with tears in her eyes. "Taichi you don't understand I… I'm sorry."

I shake my head. "Rei?"

Warm brown eyes plead with me to let her go.

"Neo… is my brother."

No words. Heart in stomach. Can't breathe. Can only stare as she walks away from me, towards dark teen with two digimon. Towards captivity. Towards Neo.

And I can't stop her.

December 18th, 2004


(Ruins of Demon Castle)

I can't stop her.

My heart gives, and my will to keep her dissipates into nothingness. Sora staggers from my grip and stumbles a few steps before regaining her ground. Turning to me with a curious gaze, she waits for me to explain myself.

Warm brown eyes pleading to let her go.




They both look to me. Waiting.

"Be careful," Is all I say. My jaw is tense, but I'm not going to run after her. She's made her choice already. And I can't fault her for it.

She hesitates only briefly, before nodding quietly, and unspoken truce now lingering between us. "I'll be back for you." She tells me.


"We'll be back for you!"

I nod. "I know."

She pauses only a moment more, before he legs carry her in the direction of The Salamandermon. I watch her go, deeper and deeper into the darkness, until only the memory of her remains. I steel my nerves and turn back towards the ruined staircase to find SIGMA watching me. Waiting.

"They shouldn't have come." He says sternly.

I frown. "She's right. We can't do this alone."

"Have a little faith in yourself." He says before laying a hand on my shoulder. "I do."

My frown deepens, but the far off bell-tone of the ominous dragon shakes any argument I'm planning. With a huff I grab the boy by the gloved hand and pull him deeper and deeper into the sunken castle.

"C'mon." I hiss. "We're almost there."