I'M FINALLY OUT WRITERS BLOCK! To be honest, when season three came and I saw Johan/Jesse I was hooked with Jesse/Jaden. I thought they were so hot together! So all my thoughts of Syrus/Jaden being cute together went - but something told me that I needed to finish this, so here's the chapter.

Fate Plays A Part

Chapter 17

By KellyQ

Bastion rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache coming on. I can't wait to get out of this place. It's full of drug addicts. Just the thought made Bastion annoyed. He never liked living in this apartment building. Bastion stepped off the elevator and turned the corner to see one of his only friends, Kenzan.

"Where have you been, soldier?"

"I've been out trying to find a new spot to live," Bastion answered, motioning for his friend to follow him to his room. "What about you?"

Kenzan shrugged and followed his friend in.

Chazz slowly opened his eyes, knowing it was time to get up. He knew that going back to sleep wasn't going to work considering that the person Bastion talked to was loud.

"Sorry that Kenzan talks loud," Bastion apologized. He sat next to his crush. "He has some health problems like Fibromyalgia with other things that go with that."

Chazz smirked, "Sounds like a fungus to me."

Bastion shook his head and chuckled. "No. It's a mental and physical disease that causes you to hurt all over the place ..."

"Is there a reason why you're telling the Chazz all this?" Chazz asked sarcastically. He closed his eyes when Bastion reached out and ran his fingers through Chazz's rich black hair. Chazz liked how Bastion touched him, the dark haired cat-boy felt relaxed and loved.

Kenzan couldn't help but chuckle when he got back to his studio, on the fourth floor. He was going to have to tell Jim about what he had discovered ...

"We're going to have to be quiet. I have a guest staying with me, and he's not keen on loud people," Bastion warned.

Kenzan nodded his head. Bastion opened the door and slowly walked in, followed by Kenzan. His eyes fell upon the figure sleeping on the air mattress. "You do realize that your guest is wearing a costume, right?"

"His ears are real," Bastion sighed.

"What?!" Kenzan shrieked. "You gotta be pullin' my chain!"

Bastion winced, and turned to cover Kenzan's mouth so he couldn't wake Chazz. The dashing teen turned and looked to see if Kenzan's outburst had woken the dark haired teen from his sleep.

"I told you to keep quiet," Bastion hissed. He led Kenzan out and closed the door. "You're lucky he didn't wake up ..."

Kenzan walked into the room with an amused look on his face. Jim emerged from the bathroom and raised a brow. "What tickles your fancy, mate?"

"I ran into Bastion on my way back from talking to the manager," Kenzan explained. He sat next to his boyfriend. "And he might be stationed to another location with a new friend who might be his potential lover."

Jim frowned. "What about that one mate he had – what was her name? Oh yeah, Tanya. What happened to her?"

"He told me that they broke up, which is a good thing. I didn't like her too much. She was to high-strung for my liking," Kenzan admitted.

A playful smirk made itself known on Jim's face as he leaned in, his lips barley touching Kenzan's. "You're the one to talk, mate."

Jaden frowned when he saw Syrus' worried expression. "What's wrong, Sy?"

"I don't know. I'm just worried about my brother going with that Camulla lady. There was something about her I didn't like," Syrus confessed.

"I wouldn't worry about it," Jaden reassured his crush. He ruffled Syrus' hair playfully hoping to get the young Trusedale to perk up. "I'm sure your brother would take care of her if she did anything to him."

Syrus looked up from what he was doing to see a reassuring look on Jaden's face. "If you say so," he sighed.

"Come one Sy. There's no reason for the long face. It doesn't suit your appearance."

There he goes again, Syrus thought.

Jaden blinked a few times as the realization sank in. He chuckled, and scratched the back his head nervously. "I guess I was too obvious, huh?"

Syrus flinched. He likes me? But I'm nothing special ... "I'm not that exiting, Jay. You know that."

Jaden moved closer to Syrus, and sat next to him. "You could give your self some credit, Sy," he suggested. Jaden didn't like to see Syrus putting himself down. "You're a nice person, and I love you for just being you."

Syrus smiled and hugged Jaden. "Thank you Jay! I love you too!"

The brown haired cat-boy held the smaller teen close, and ran his fingers through Syrus' hair. Jaden smiled, liking the feel of the smaller teen in his arms.

Aster walked into Satorious' room and stood next to his friend. The older teen had fallen asleep on the desk. Aster moved some hair away from Satorious' face and gently shook the older teen.

"Wake up, bud," Aster said softly. "You've been sitting at the desk for quite awhile and I want to hang out with you."

Suddenly Satorious sat up quickliy and turned. In one swift motion the older teen had Aster by the throat. Satorious is still sleeping, The gray haired cat-boy thought. The blue eyed teen tried to pull away, but Satorious had a strong grip. Aster could taste blood and all strength was zapped out of him. He couldn't breath. Satorious felt a few drops of tears land on his hands. A sudden feeling came over Satorious and his eyes snapped open and he let go of Aster. Satorious let out a yelp of horror and caught his friend before he landed on the floor.

To Be Continued ...