Star Wars: Chocolate Deception

Chapter 3

Thank you for all your kind reviews! I had no idea this wacky fic would catch so much attention. Sorry for the long wait, but hopefully I can make it up to you with a chapter that totally rocks!

Vader's eyes opened and he found himself strapped down to a table, within the TV room, much like the one he initially gained his suit from. He tried to brake free, but the material refused to budge. It felt like starship armor, meaning it was extremely hard.

"Ah. So my undesired guest is awake," Wonka laughed.

"I will break free from this! And when I do, you'll regret sparing me!" Vader warned Wonka. Wonka laughed again.

"You are so weak! It's a wonder Sideous even keeps you around!" Wonka spoke. "Speaking of Sideous, your master is approaching. I wonder what he'll think of his dear apprentice now?"

"You will die!" Vader flexed with all his might, and finally Vader's binds snapped. Vader lunged from his prison, but Wonka easily smashed him against a metal wall with the Force.

"Pathetic," Wonka continued insulting as he held Vader against the wall. "Let me tell you a story, a story of another powerful minion of Sideous. He died on this planet. He was betrayed. His name was Grievous, and he was basically the earlier model of you. Once Sideous grew tired of Grievous, he killed him. And the same will happen to you. That is, if you continue to serve Palpatine. But I offer you another path. Join me, and I can make you far more powerful then Palpatine could ever make you, and I promise job security." Vader stared into Wonka's eyes, and could sense the same ruthlessness of his own master. Wonka was full of lies, just like Palpatine.

"Never!" Vader let loose all his Force energy, and Wonka flew backwards threw several sturdy walls.

"Such impotence! Perhaps I'll kill you before I embarrass you!" Wonka launched a torrent of Sith lightning, but Vader dove to the side and broke through a window. Vader fell far down, but landed softlyin the candy wonderland, thanks to his Sith training. Vader hid himself, his energy spent on escaping. Wonka could not see Vader, and suddenly realized Sideous had arrived. Wonka turned to see Palpatine standing in the doorway.

"So, Willy Wonka, or should I say, Darth Cept, you're still alive," said an angry Sideous. "I'll make you wish you'd died before." Sideous raised his hands and lightning shot from his fingers. Wonka countered with his own lightning, and both struggled to prove Sith supremacy. Both were suddenly launched backwards by an explosion of lightning, Wonka fell far over the through the window Vader had broken, while Sideous skidded to a halt just outside the doorway. Sideous flew through the window, still determined to kill Wonka.

"Oompa Loompas!" Wonka called. Suddenly, his diminutive soldiers emerged from a large powered door, and they all scampered forward to battle Sideous. Sideous sneered and raised his hands. In one second, all the Oompa Loompas fell dead, their necks broken by Sideous Force crush.

"Any more garbage for me to dispose of, Cept?" Sideous mocked.

"Shut up!" Wonka charged forward, lightsaber ignited, and stabbed at Sideous. Sideous stepped to the side, lightsaber ignited, and stopped Wonka's blade. Wonka backhanded Sideous, but Sideous head butted Wonka in the mouth. Both jumped back and charged again. They were caught in an endless flurry of saber slashing, but then, Wonka gained the upper hand. Wonka parried Sideous saber to the side and unleashed a blast of lightning, sending Sideous flying backwards. Wonka fired another storm of lightning, and Palpatine prepared for the end. But, Vader landed from behind Sideous, and held back the surge.

"We must work together master," Vader explained to Sideous.

"Good thinking my apprentice!" Sideous and Vader held the blast together, and finally, pushed. Wonka's eyes widened, and his hat blew off from the blast. Wonka disappeared in the surge. Vader finally saw his saber above and pulled it to himself. Sideous also recovered his saber.

"You have done well, Lord Vader," Sideous spoke. Just then, Wonka emerged from the rubble.

"Do you think I'm so easily defeated? Prepare to die!" Wonka jumped forward through the air, and ignited two lightsaber blades, one on each end of his stick. Wonka's blades spun violently, and Sideous and Vader were soon in a deadly mortal combat. Wonka parried each swing from Vader and Sideous. Vader lunged skillfully, but Wonka once again out maneuvered him, and Vader watched as his arm was sliced clean off. Vader Force pushed himself away before Wonka could cause further damage, and threw his saber to Palpatine. Palpatine swung his and Vader's lightsaber at Wonka, but Wonka still blocked with ease. Left, right, left, right, slice! Wonka's cane split into two, but now he could swing each end separately, and he sliced through Sideous' two sabers. Wonka raised his hand for the killing blow.

"I'm so very disappointed in you two. Try to die honorably!" Wonka laughed. Blam! Wonka yelled as a chunk of his hand exploded from a blaster shot fired by General Fyne. Sideous grabbed the saber dropped from Wonka's mutilated hand and stabbed through Wonka's throat and carved down. Wonka fell back, his breath nearly spent.

"Vader!" Wonka cried out. Vader approached the dying Sith. "I... am... your... father." Vader stared wide-eyed. The Sith Lord was quite stupefied.

"Lord Vader. Do not believe his words. Come, we must return to business," Sideous began making his way towards the exit.

"Sorry my lord," Fyne spoke to a stiff Vader. The general swiftly marched after Palpatine.

"That's not all, Vader," Wonka continued. "Count Dooku, or Darth Tyrannus was my father. So you have killed both you father, and grandfather. Now you must decide if you will kill Luke, or if he will follow the trend. Choose what's best" Wonka then died.

"NO!" Vader cried out.

The End.

No flames!