Well, I am afraid my readers will be able to easily tell that I am not much of a fighter given my attempt at a fight scene here, but I did the best I could and hope your imaginations will make up for where it lacks. "Lost" is now at an end but I have several stories in the works… so I ask you… which would you rather see… theme based… or reality fic?(if ya don't know this would be based on true experiences of someone)… I know which I want to do, but what you want matters too…so please review and let me know… I'll do both eventually but what I try first is up to you….I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

(Get!) If you understand why I put that then you know who this final chappie is dedicated to…. Jordyn

"Luke!" screamed Bo again as Luke lay on the ground, clutching his stomach.

Bo moved quickly. With a swift kick he dislodged the gun from Charlie's hand, delivering a punch to his face, which Charlie returned causing Bo stumble backwards.

Luke was up again and hitting Turk with everything he had, though the older man still seemed to have the advantage. Luke punched Turk in the jaw and followed it with another knocking him out cold. He then turned to help Bo.

Charlie had hit Bo in the head, causing the youngest Duke to fall dazed to the ground. Charlie then grabbed his gun and took aim ready to finish Bo off. "So long Blondie!"

"Bo!" Luke tackled Charlie delivering a right cross to his chest, just as the gun went off.

Five minutes later, Bo sat up carefully. Everything was spinning around him and his head hurt like fury. It took a moment for him to remember what had happened, but when he noticed Turk on the ground, his heart tightened.

"Luke?" He rose shakily to his feet. "Luke?" He searched with his eyes, finding Charlie knocked out behind the General. Hear began to over take him. "Luke, answer me!" He turned to the driver's side of the General and stopped in shock.

Luke lay huddled on the ground, blood seeping from his shirt.

"No! Luke no!" Bo dropped to the ground beside him. "Luke, don't ya do this t' me, Luke, wake up!" Bo quickly felt for a pulse and breathed a sigh of relief when he found one…slow, but steady. Bo quickly removed his tan shirt and wadded it into a ball, pressing it to Luke's side where the blood seemed to be coming from. "Yer gonna be okay, Luke," promised Bo, his voice breaking. "You'll be… just fine."

The sound of sirens echoed through the night. Bo looked up in surprise. It was then he noticed the CB hanging out the window of the General Lee.

"But who is it with the head injury?" asked one of the paramedics as they drove Luke and Bo to the hospital soon after Turk and Charlie had been hand-cuffed and taken away.

"What?" asked Bo, holding tight to Luke's hand, wishing he'd wake up.

"Someone had called the police to report a head injury… there was no mention of your cousin being shot…"

Bo gulped. "I... I guess I am…" he managed, looking at Luke, his stomach turning a somersault. Luke had been shot yet must have been so concerned about Bo that he managed to call for help before passing out because of pain and loss of blood. The thought of Luke calling for help for Bo, while he himself had been shot, sickened him.

The paramedic continued pressure on Luke's side as he injected a syringe full of liquid into Luke's arm.

"What's that for?" asked Bo worriedly.

"For the pain… he's tryin' t' come round…"

Bo gulped, holding tighter to Luke's hand, noticing now how his fingers were twitching and his eyes blinking every so often. "Yer gonna be okay, Luke. We got 'em, buddy. We got 'em for what they done," began Bo sobbing. "Oh God, Luke, please…" Bo continued holding Luke's limp hand with his own, using the other hand to gently brush back the hair on his forehead, letting his hand rest gently on his head. "Please, Luke…please don't leave me…"

Three months later….

A cloud of red dust formed as the General Lee tore through the curves of Hazzard County.

"Yee-haw!" yelled Bo, a large smile on his face, quite content with the world at the moment.

Luke and Daisy exchanged grins. They didn't blame Bo for yellin'. It was a time to celebrate.

Luke's gunshot wound had turned out to be only a graze. He had lost some blood, and had gone into shock for a few hours, but was able to go home the next day, after a night of careful observation of both him and Bo, who had a slight concussion.

The weeks that followed had been good to Bo and Luke. With Cooter's help, they towed the General Lee back to Georgia and began the task of fixing everything that Turk and Charlie had taken apart or changed. And that was when they discovered the missing piece.

Bo had been cleaning up the inside of the General, muttering in disgust at how dirty the two men had gotten him. It was obvious they had been using him as their own. Bo began tossing the countless wrappers and wads of paper that had edged their way into the many crevices. That was when he found the envelope, bent in half and wedged under the seat, hardly noticeable.

Tugging hard, he pulled it loose, tearing it in the process and staring in disbelief as a shower of hundred dollar bills fell across the floorboard.

Uh-huh…Y'all thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?

"Luke! Cooter!" yelled Bo. "Look!"

Luke and Cooter stopped their work on the engine to see what Bo was yelling about.

"Wahoo!" yelled Cooter, his eyes wide with excitement. "Finders keeper's buddy-roe."

Luke shook his head. "It's gotta be the money they was talkin' bout."

Earlier that week, Turk and Charlie made a deal with the police, admitting that they had been hired to do some business for J.D. Hogg. What business that might have been, no one knew, J.D. having covered the trail nicely and Turk and Charlie volunteering only what information they had to. They did admit to kidnapping Bo and Luke, in order to steal the General Lee and dragging their lifeless bodies into the middle of the Manistee National Forest after which they had hired Skorniski to finish them off and leave no witnesses. It had been a good plan…but Dukes never did follow plans the way they was intended.

Now, the money had been given to the local Orphan's Fund, Bo and Luke were back in Hazzard, the General Lee had been restored to his former glory, and the Boar's Nest was straight ahead.

"Hey Cuz, what say we go get that beer Boss promised us?"

"Sounds good to me, Luke… Nice warm watered down beer with Cindy-Lou on the side! Yee-haw!"

Bo skidded the General to a stop in front of the building, and climbed swiftly out the window. With one arm around Luke and the other around Daisy, he walked into the bar.

"B'lieve we have a beer comin' t'us, Boss?" grinned Bo, approaching J.D where he was enjoying a beer of his own, along with his mid-afternoon snack of a sardine liver and onion pizza.

"What are ya talkin' bout, Bo Duke?"

"Ya promised us a free beer, Boss, when we came back," began Luke, hoping to jog his memory 'cuz after drivin' in the hot sun, even a warm beer from the Boar's Nest sounded good.

"I did, huh?"

Bo and Luke nodded.

"Well never let it be said that J.D. Hogg didn't keep his end of a deal. Daisy, bring two beers for these nice young men…"

Bo and Luke exchanged glances, not believing he really was going to do it.

Daisy nodded and returned shortly with two tall mugs of beer.

Bo smiled. "Thank ya, Darlin'" and raised the glass to his lips.

"Ah-ah-ah…" interrupted Boss, holding out his grimy hand. "The beer is free… the mugs are a dollar each."

Bo and Luke smiled at each other.

Yes, sir, things are finally back to normal… whatever normal is… in Hazzard County.