The never go away feeling
I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist... sighs
O.k., so to those who had already read my story might notice that something's different. And yes, you're right, my writing skills improved and now I don't write in dialogue, you know like if it was a script. I wanna thank those who reviewed my story form start to finish, like 'evilchik' and FreakyWannabe'. I appreciate your love for this story, and for you new readers, if I get more reviews there might be a sequel, of course, you'll have to read it all first, all 8 chapters. Well, I hope you like it, this was and is my first story here at FF (FanFiction, duh!), I have another one in the Hellsing fics and writing another one for another category, when I post it you can go to my profile and read it. But, I can feel how right now you're sending me below hell 'cause all of this explanation, so, here it is.
Chapter 1: As always
Edward Elric has always been thankful with the old Rockbell and Winry. But, it wasn't until the other day, when Ed and Al went back to Resembool from Central that Ed discovered what he had always had by his side. Before he came back he had passed through a lot of situations that had made him open his mind and forget about some of his problems. Ed had discovered what a beautiful girl Winry was. He was in a normal day mood, he thought that it was going to be a normal day; he thought that he was going to see his old friend Winry and the annoying old Rockbell. While he was entering the door, an English wrench hit his head.
"In what kind of trouble have you been getting into now?"
"What the fu..." he stopped when he looked up to see who had thrown him the wrench.
Ed couldn't move. He froze when he saw how beautiful Winry was. He tried to find what had changed in her, but he couldn't find a thing, she was the same as always. Winry got scared when she saw that Ed didn't answer her with a scream and insult as he always does so she got in and ran down the stairs to out the door to get to his side.
"Ed, are you o.k.?" said the blue eyed girl with a concerned look. "Ed!"
"Huh? Y-yeah! I'm fine" he said trying to hide his face which was now blushing. "And where the hell are you going that you are dressed like that, on a date? He said in a mocking tone, a smirk on his lips and his arms crossed on his chest.
Winry got hurt. She was perfectly capable of getting a date. She didn't like his smartass joke not a little bit. "Well, for your information, shorty, I AM!"
Ed felt pain inside. A pain greater than the one he felt when his arm and leg were ripped from his body. He felt for the first time that his heart had been ripped out, that his heart had been broken.
That same night Ed went out to forget all his troubles. His depression could more than him. In that moment he didn't care about nothing.
'Winry wouldn't date someone if she wasn't serious' he thought while he walked the dark streets of Resembool. He walked step by step, like there wasn't any hurry, like time wasn't running. His attention suddenly got caught by a brighter source of light than the poles of light by the sidewalks. It was a bar. He was already low, so why not get lower? He entered the bar and sat on one of the chairs. "Hey, you have customers to attend."
A man around his 50's turned around to face Ed. He had a little gray beard and was almost bald. "What do you want kid?" he said while cleaning a shot glass with a rag.
"The strongest shit you have" he said with his head hidden between his arms.
"Look kid, I have nothing against you, but I don't think would handle it"
Ed raised his head and looked at the bartender with a bored expression. "Look, when I ask for your opinion then you give it to me, till then, just bring me what I ask.
The bartender turned around and started to prepare the drink. He put a glass on the counter and started pouring bottle after bottle of different liquors. When he was done he put it on the counter on which Ed was reclined. "Here."
Ed slowly drank the tall glass of whatever the hell he was drinking. His mind wasn't on place. He thought of all the things Winry and he had done along the years, how Al and him once fought over which one of them was going to marry her, how pathetic his life was. It was always the same. They would always go to Central to take any mission that Roy put for them, disobey Roy's rules while they were there, fighting with one of the homunculi or Scar, getting his leg or arm broken and sometimes both and going back to Winry's for Winry and Pinako to fix them, and then the same steps all over again. He was pathetic. He, drink by drink, got drunk.
Just by the entrance of the bar a tan skinned girl with purple eyes, brown hair with pink bangs was entering the bar. The girl recognized the boy who was lost in thoughts, the thoughts that his mind could still progress. When she figured out what he was doing and in the state he was she shot herself by his side. "Oh God, Edward!
Ed turned to face the one who was calling his name. He looked at her with a careless and dizzy look. He was way too drunk for his own good. "Hey, Rose. How –hic- have you been?" he said with a dizzy voice.
"Oh Lord, Ed, do you realize you're drunk?" she said throwing her hands in the air as a sign of frustration.
"Yep! Feels good" he said taking another drink ad almost falling off the chair.
Rose took Ed from one arm and his waist and put an amount of money on the counter. "I'm sorry for all the trouble. This should pay for everything" she said with a caring look.
"Keep an eye on him. His has been whining about a girl named Winry all night. I hope you are her, if you're not, well, I hope you're his sister" he said while taking the money.
"Thanks" Rose said with a sarcastic tone and shooting him a death glare.
When they got outside Rose guided him to a bench across the street and sat him down.
"What the hell happened to you?" the pink banged girl said with her hands running through her hair.
"Oh, please! Like you care!" Ed said looking away.
Rose quickly sat beside Ed. "I do! Probably you won't remember this tomorrow but, I'm really your friend. And... I really like you. The first time I saw you I was scared to see your automail, but I know you were only trying to help me. I haven't forgotten Cain's death, but you helped me get over it. You helped me with everything; you helped me see the truth and see what was happening outside the box I was trapped in, the box I made up with my hopes and the lies, the box of which I didn't want to go out off because I was afraid of what would be outside. You, Edward Elric, saved my life" she said as she looked to the floor, remembering all the things that had happened, images of everything flashing in her mind; images of when she was being lied to and she stupidly believed, images of when she saw all the promises that had been made to her being broken, until the feeling of Ed getting close to her banished her thoughts. When she looked at Ed he was only inches away from her face.
"You do? I did?" the golden eyed alchemist said. Rose's heart started beating so fast and hard that she though Ed could hear it. But when his breath got to her nose, she almost went unconscious.
"Man, your breath stinks! I better get you home" she said with a nauseous face, moving backwards and standing up.
Rose grabbed Ed again and started carrying him again until they got to the house. Rose rang the doorbell. Old Rockbell answered the door. She couldn't believe her eyes. She knew that Ed could do stupid things but she never thought of him getting drunk.
"Ed! Oh, dear!" she said while she took Ed.
"Hi I'm Rose. I'm a friend of Ed and Al. I found him in a bar like this" she said with a worried face.
"Oh! Thanks dear child. I'll tell Ed in the morning what you did for him" Rockbell thanked her.
Rose remembered what she said to Ed, and she just couldn't have him know that. "No! Um… it's better you tell him that Winry found him."
Rockbell looked deeply into Rose's eyes before she turned around to leave. She knew what was happening, so she entered Ed and placed him on the couch and went out again and called Rose.
"Rose! Come back here for a second!" the woman waved her hand.
Rose curiously turned around and went to the old woman again, wondering what she wanted.
"Yes?" she asked with a polite face, yet sadness could be seen in her eyes.
"You love him, don't you?" she said with a gentle smile.
Rose blushed instantly. What was she gonna answer now? She... she really didn't know, did she? She was just tricking her to then tell Ed and Winry... wasn't she?
"No! What would make you say that?" Rose tried to hide her feelings, but Old Rockbell was old enough to know all this stuff. She couldn't trick her, no one could.
"Look kid, I'm old. I have seen many people and went through many things" she said, a smirk crossing her face.
"So? What does that prove?" she asked with a confused face.
"I have experience. And it doesn't lie."
Rose looked down, knowing that she had been discovered. She knew that it was no use lying to her, she knew it.
"Please... don't tell him" she pleaded with a begging face.
"Don't worry, I won't, but go for it. Tell him how you feel."
Rose lowered her face. She knew she couldn't tell. The thought of Ed's reject destroyed her, and made her mad, made her fill with rage at the same time. Rage was burning inside her. She clenched her fists and pushed her eyes closed. Fury, Rage were the things that she felt, yet she could feel her heart aching, hurting herself. "I can't."
"Why dear? You're a very pretty girl and you seem to have good feelings."
No. no matter what Rockbell said, she couldn't tell Ed. She... somehow, didn't think it was the best thing to do. Besides, he... he has Winry. Yes, Winry.
"Why, why can't you tell him?"
Rose clenched her fists tighter and pushed her eyes tighter.
"'Cause... 'Cause... 'CAUSE HE ALREADY LOVES WINRY!"
Rose started to run. She planned on running far; where no one would know her, but destiny had it planned another way.
"Rose dear, you'll fall! The ground around here is not to trust!" Rockbell screamed at Rose.
But she didn't listen. Rose ran far, until she fell because of a hole and twisted her ankle. Why did everything went wrong for her? Why couldn't something go right? Rockwell went and helped her get to the house.
"Well, this is awkward" the young girl said in discomfort.
Rockbell looked at her and gently smiled, with a caring look in her eyes.
"That's what you get for running from your feelings."
And with that, Rose was now obligated to stay at the Rockbell house.
Well guys, hope you liked it, please review don't wait to finish the whole story to review like I do. Please, it motivates me, and remember... sequel...