Okay so here's a new fic called "Real Life" Well basically Kagome's dad killed her mother 5 years ago and they are moving to a new town. He gets caught and she learns of many people's secrets and the one person she loves finds out hers.

Right now they are moving into their new home in Tokyo. It's present time. She's a senior in high school. Well let's start it from here.

Chappie one: Hitting the floor

Kagome Higurashi trudged up the walk to her new home, with two huge suitcases in grasp. 'Okay so it's a little beat up but it's better than nothing.' She dropped her bags on the porch making the dirt scatter and turned to see her father leaning on the truck.

"What you lookin at? Are you gonna get those bags or am I gonna have to make you!" She cringed at his tone and walked to get the rest of the baggage with her head down, avoiding his devilish glare.

"Put your head up. Stop acting like you have such a fucking miserable life." The young Miko nodded and grabbed the last two suitcases. Just as soon as she had grabbed them, there was a screeching behind her. Turning to look, she saw a huge moving van.

'Since when did we rent an unfurnished house?' Her thoughts quickly diminished as the man jumped out and came towards them. "Mr. Higurashi?" Her father nodded and went towards him. "We're here with your delivery." "Thank you."

"We have some other men to help move it in if you're willing to…" Kagome took her gaze off of a pebble she was staring at meaninglessly to see the man was staring at…her. Her father looked at her and glared daggers. "You were saying?" He said in an irritated tone.

"Oh yes...I'm sorry your daughter's beautiful. She is your daughter right?" Her father nodded unapprovingly. "Yeah she's mine. As for the other part, I'm going to have to disagree." The man's dark purple eyes looked at her with concern.

Another guy came behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. "So? Do ya need us?" "Oh um..." He looked at Kagome's father for an answer. "Yes. Kagome will tell you where to put it. I have to run to the store." She let out a light sigh of relief before her father got in the truck.

"Okay you heard him. Get the others and get the stuff unloaded." He nodded and took off behind the van as her father pulled out of the driveway and took off down the quiet neighborhood road.

Kagome turned to the man behind her and looked at his face thoroughly. He had these beautiful violet eyes and a welcoming smile. "So miss, where did you come from?" She smiled back a perfect smile. "From a small town far away. Well my father travels so we didn't really come from anywhere. But our home town is Rioga. We have some relatives here though." "Really? That's good." He smiled and put his hand gently on her shoulder.

"A pretty girl like you deserves more than that. Does he always do that?" Kagome backed away and looked to see a teenager that looked just like the man in front of her. "Father. Leave the poor girl alone."

"She is quite a piece of eye candy isn't she?" The teen nodded and came closer. Close enough for Kagome to see that he had his hair pulled back in a low pony tail and that he had his ears pierced three times. Two on the left and one on the right. 'Funny how I notice the stupidest things.' She sighed to herself.

"She is father. Kami, why did I have to get that lecherous trait from you?" They both smiled and walked away to get the furniture. Kagome told them where the stuff went then after about 4 hours they left. Her father wasn't home yet. She lay down on her bed that was already made. 'I'd rather go to hell before I ever get worried about him again.'


"I don't wanna see you again!" Kagome's mother yelled at the top of her lungs. A young Kagome came down the hallway to see my very drunk father being corner by my mother. "Dammit! I can't stay with one bitch! Don't you fucking get that?"

Her mother ran to the room crying, tears gushing from her coffee colored eyes. Lately she had cried a lot. Kagome's dad always came home drunk or her mom came home and caught him with other women. The young miko knew that. She WAS in 7th grade after all. But this time instead of worrying about her upset mother, she saw her father dizzy and holding his head.

At school they had learned that people died from drinking too much. So Kagome ran to her room and cried herself to sleep worrying about him. A few hours later she woke up with tear stained cheeks to her mother's cries for help. Kagome ran out and saw her enraged father kicking her and punching her. She yelled for him to stop but he kept going, ignoring her soft voice. She went to the phone quickly and called 911. They arrived 10 minutes later. 4 hours later Kagome Higurashi was motherless...

End flashback.

'Ever since then he's beaten me and told me not to tell. Father told the cops he found mom in the alley. They believed him.' She turned on her side and yawned, opening her eyes slowly.

'Maybe I can actually get a good night sleep before I start school tomorrow.' The 17 year old Kagome had registered herself that morning and it wasn't easy. Her father wouldn't register her. He said it was all her responsibility if she wanted to go. Just as soon as she opened them she slowly closed her eyes and drifted off to a much need rest.


Kagome jumped up to the sound of her alarm clock. 'Too early!' Sleepily, she drug herself out of bed and walked towards the bathroom. 'Dad's at work. Thank Kami.' On her way she grabbed a clean towel out a box yet to be unpacked and placed it on the bathroom counter. The house looked ordinary on the outside but it was luxury on the inside.

She looked at the Jacuzzi bathtub then the separate shower. 'Shower. Too late for a bath.' After stripping herself of all clothing, she opened the glass door and stepped in. Very carefully, she turned the knob until it was warm and steamy. Kagome ran her long raven hair under the nozzle and shampooed and conditioned it then grabbed the soap and scrubbed her body down, shaved then stood under the shower head. After she was rinsed off completely she hopped out of the warm shower and put the fluffy towel around her soaking wet body.

'What should I wear? Oh I know!' Kagome walked to her closet where she had all of her clothes neatly hung up, which had been done as the moving men were bringing stuff in. She searched and searched through and finally grabbed a black mini skirt and a red halter top. 'I'm so glad this school doesn't give a shit what you wear at all.'

Then she went to her drawers and grabbed a black halter bra and a pair of boy shorts. 'Dad never let me wear thongs. I could sneak them, it's not like he does the laundry or anything.' Kagome slipped on her clothes and went to the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal and gobbled it down.

She reluctantly glanced at the clock. '30 minutes left.' The school was only about 5 minutes away if she walked quickly. She walked in the bathroom and blow dried her beautiful long raven hair then lightly curled the ends. Then onto the makeup, just some eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. She brushed her white teeth, grabbed her stuff and headed towards school.

About five minutes later she saw the big brown building with a lot of teenagers surrounding it. Closing her big brown eyes, she took a deep breath, let it out, then walked up the brick path to the school. There were so many people there and she couldn't help but look at them as she went by them. What she got in return were some unusual looks by the girls and the guys gave her their smiles.

'Trying to be friendly I guess.' The miko kept walking, holding her stack of notebooks. Just as she carefully started walking up the steps, some girls were coming down. A long black haired one followed by 4 others. She gave Kagome a dirty look with dark cold brown eyes and put her foot out. Before the new student knew what hit her, she was on the ground surrounded by all of her supplies.

"Here let me help you. She's always like that." With brown eyes, she looked up to see the young man who moved her stuff in the day before. "Oh thank you. You go here?" He nodded and smiled. "Are you busy? If not you can come sit with us." She shook her head, long raven hair flailing behind her. "I'm not busy." "Okay. Follow me."

She walked with him towards a tall tree with tables around it. 'How can that girl be such a witch? I have a feeling we're gonna bump heads.' Shaking out of her thoughts, she looked to see if they were to their destination yet. "Well, there's not many of us. Just me and Sango." "Oh that's cool. Better than hanging out with that one mean girl."

The guy stopped in his tracks quickly and searched her face with his eyes. "Did I ever introduce myself to you?" She shook her head. 'I have wondered what his name is.' "Well father said you were Kagome. My names Miroku. Pleasure to meet you."

He grabbed her soft hand and placed a light kiss on it. "Miroku! Can you please stop being a Hentai for once in your life?" A pretty teenage girl said with a very irritated tone. The guy, well Miroku she guessed, got up and put his head down.

"I'm sorry dear Sango. I was just being a gentleman." 'I know that name somewhere…Sango…oh my!' Kagome looked quickly at the girl and she smiled. "Are you Sango Kenshi?" She nodded and looked at her with questionable eyes.

"It's me Sango! Kagome." She jumped up and down and gave her a big hug, making Miroku almost say something but Sango gave him a look. "Kagome! Mom said you were coming but I didn't believe her." She smiled and nodded. "Yeah we're here." "That's awesome. Where's Souta?" "He's with grandma." Sango gave her a look, asking her why. "Long story." She chuckled.

Sango's pleasant smile turned to a frown. "Sango? What's today's date?" Miroku asked her looking at his watch, toying with the buttons on it. "Um…The 26th." Kagome's glowing smile turned to a horrific frown as it hit her hard. 'Mother died 5 years ago today…'

Sango shook her out of suffocating thoughts that were being displayed on the pretty girl's face. "Kag, you okay?" Kagome forced a smile. 'She called me Kag. Mom called me that.' "What's wrong?" She pulled her away by themselves, to get privacy. "So tell me." She had a desperate look in her big light brown eyes.

Her mother had roughly the same color of eyes as Sango, who stood in front of her. You would think their mother's were related but they were best friends for many years. Looking once again at Sango, she sighed. There was no way she was gonna get away with not telling her. "Um…Mom died 5 years ago…today." She looked down then looked back at her with hurt filled eyes. "Oh yes. I'm sorry Kag." She put her arms around her 'cousins' shoulders as tears ran down her cheeks. The bell rang and she reluctantly let go. "She's still with you though." "I know. Thanks Sango." She smiled and ran to grab her things.

The miko tried to cut the thought out of her head for now. Miroku and Sango came back to her and walked in pace with her. "Do you know what classes you have?" A quick nod and she pulled the tiny slip of paper out of her pocket and handed it to her. She looked it over as they walked inside the crowded school.

"You have Girl's Athletics, Science, Math, History, Japanese Literature, Home Economics, then office aid...and finally early release."

"Yeah so what do I have with you two?" Miroku looked at the paper in her hands and studied it. "I have Science, History and Japanese Literature...oh and of course early release" He smiled and she returned it. "I have Girl's Athletics, Science, Japanese Literature, Home Economics and Early Release." "Cool so the only class I won't know anyone in is…3rd and 7th period…and when's lunch?" "Between 3rd and 4th hour, but right now we need to go to the office to get you a locker. Miroku go to class." He nodded and went to grab Sango but she smacked him before he succeeded. "See ya later." He mumbled holding his cheek.

The twosome walked through the halls to the only part of the school that the new student HAD been to; the office. Kagome closely followed Sango into the door. "How can I help you?" The lady asked behind the desk. Sango smiled and leaned on the counter. "My cousin Kagome needs a locker." The two girls called each other cousins, even though they weren't. Their mothers had been as close as sisters when they were growing up so they insisted the two call each other cousins. The lady grabbed under the counter. She pulled out a lock with two little pieces of pieces of paper and handed them to Sango.

"Thank you." "Do you need a tardy slip?" "No. Ms. Rioku will understand." They walked out of the office and Sango stopped. "Okay. This is your lock and this is your combo and your locker number. Its number 283. That's by Rin's locker. Come on." Sango smiled at her and she followed her down a few halls. They finally got to a big, dark red locker. "This is yours." She handed Kagome the piece of paper and the lock. Then she wadded up the other one and threw it in the garbage can on the opposite wall. She put her stuff in neatly, put the lock on and stuck the paper in her pocket. "So, do you wanna go to Athletics?"

Kagome shrugged then nodded. "Sure got to go tomorrow anyways." She followed Sango, yet again, down the long hall until they reached a huge gym. "Miss Rioku!" A middle aged woman with brown shoulder length hair came over. "Sango, were you helping a new student?" The miko watched as Sango nodded and began to introduce her.

"This is Kagome. She's my…cousin." The woman looked at Sango with a smile then shook Kagome's hand. "This way Kagome. Go in that door and on the right there's a door that says office…" Sango waited for her to see if she was paying attention. "Just let Sango show you." They ran to the door together and when they reached the office Sango pulled her in. "Coach T? This is my cousin Kagome. She's new." The man behind the desk stood up and walked over to a huge closet.

"What size? Small, Medium, or Large?" "Small." She answered in a soft voice and he returned with a big bag with a tiger on the front. "What size shoe?" "Um 6." He brought out another sack and handed it to her. Sango said quick thanks and pulled her friend to the locker room. "Sango are you gonna pull me around all day?" "Oh no. Sorry." She let go and went to a black locker. "Kag yours can be right by mine." She pointed to a red one beside hers. "Okay. I take it this is the Tokyo Tigers?" (A/N: LOL) she nodded and started taking her clothes off until she was only in a black sports bra and black boy shorts.

Kagome followed suit and got in some black spandex like shorts with TIGER on the butt and a red tank top with a tiger on the back. "Okay, Sango what is all this for?" She giggled, pointing at the remaining stuff in the bag. "Oh yeah. There's a sweat shirt and sweat pants, a pair of tennis shoes, a rain jacket, socks, and some kneepads and stuff like that." "Wow. They really get into it don't they?" "Yep they're big on sports." After the rest of the stuff was unpacked and put in the locker, neatly.

Sango waited patiently for her then they went back to the big gym. "Sango!" A girl with red pigtails jumped up and down and ran over to them. "Hey Ayame!!" The girl smiled in Kagome's direction with questionable green eyes. "Hi! Who are you?" "Kagome. I'm Sango's cousin." She nodded then looked towards the middle of the gym where everyone was getting basketballs. "Come on you guys! Don't wanna miss out on some hoops!" She grinned and ran with them following behind.

Later at lunch

"Miroku!" Sango yelled at the top of her lungs as she put her tray by him. This caused Kagome to jump and look at him for a reaction. Sango's face was red. She looked pissed. Or maybe she was just blushing. 'Haha funny.' Kagome thought to herself with a laugh. Miroku looked at Sango with fake innocence in his eyes. "Sango? What did I-" "DON'T EVEN MIROKU!" Kagome started laughing and he put his head down and smirked.

She grabbed her tray and scooted closer to Kagome. This caused her to laugh even harder. "You okay Sango?" She managed to get out. "Yeah. Miroku's always being a lecher." Kagome thought and remembered the day before. "His dad said he got it from him." Miroku looked away from the table and held back from laughing. "Yep it's a 'lecherous' curse…just like his hand." Sango smiled sarcastically at him and got up to dump her tray leaving almost everything on it. 'Had to make a good exit. Haha.'

Kagome laughed lightly to herself then felt a tap on her shoulder causing her to jump. She turned to see a guy standing behind her, with the iciest blue eyes she'd ever seen.

"You the new girl, Kagome?" Kagome nodded and he smiled, his small fangs visible. "Hi, I'm Koga. How you like your first day?" "It's pretty good. Lots of people here." He nodded quickly. "What's your next class?"

"History, how about you?" "Me too." Some guys came walked over by them, just because of the guy that was talking to her. 'Look like the football players.' They all had on Black jackets with a number on the back. "Oh hey guys." Koga greeted the guys with a cool handshake or a huggish thing. She had no idea what the hell you'd call it.

They looked at Kagome and then back to him. "Oh yeah this is Kagome." They all nodded without saying a word. "Don't even try it guys. She's mine. Well I'll see you next hour okay?" "Okay. Bye." "Bye." He walked off leaving Kagome alone with Miroku, who seemed utterly speechless.

"Miroku?" He looked at her, shook his head and got up to go outside. She shook her head, put her hair behind her ear and went outside going to the tree where she saw them earlier. "Sango!" Kagome yelled to her and she ran over, smiling. "Yeah?" "Why's Miroku mad at me?" Sango glared at the boy coming behind her.

"Miroku! Why are you mad at Kagome?" "I'm not! She just was…talking to Koga and the other guys. I figured you told her already." Sango turned to her cousin without a smile. "Kagome, listen don't try to get tangled up in that area okay?" "Why?" Kagome asked her. Sango looked at her with certain seriousness in her eyes.

"I know from past experience okay?" Kagome wanted to know what happened badly but she shut up and followed them to the picnic table.

The once talkative three, sat there in almost complete silence. Even Miroku wasn't being a lecher. After what seemed like an eternity the bell finally rung to signal to get to 4th hour. Kagome ran to her locker and Miroku walked with her to history.

The new girl went in and sat in an empty seat and everyone's eyes darted to her. Koga came in a minute later and sat in the desk by her. He grinned and Miroku shook his head. 'Well he probably didn't do it to Sango; one of the other guys probably did so I can still talk to him.' Kagome decided just in time because he opened his mouth. "So Kagome, I was wondering, are you doing anything tonight?"

'Oh shit. Well it wouldn't hurt to go out with him right? I mean I am a senior and I should go out with a guy this year.' She bit her lip lightly but answered quickly. "No Why Koga?" "Do you wanna go to dinner?" She smiled perfectly and nodded.

"That'd be fun." "Okay, well, where do you live?" She tried to remember. 'Dad will probably be working late or something so I guess I can tell him.' "Umm…it's only 5 minutes away from here. Its 932 west hayumi street" He nodded. "Okay Ill pick you up at 7:00. It's Friday so do you have a curfew?"

"Um well yeah. Dunno when." He smiled and waved to his friends on the other side of the room. "I got to go over there so I'll see you after class." "Okay." He got up and walked away leaving Kagome with a slight smile.

Miroku came over to her, with a look of concern on his face. "What was that about?" "Umm…well-" She was interrupted by the teacher calling her name. Hesitantly, she got up and went up to the desk. "They need you at the office." The miko nodded and walked out the loud room into the now quiet hallway. She went down to the office and opened the glass door.

"Kagome Higurashi?" Kagome nodded wondering what they wanted. "Here." She handed the phone to her and she automatically put it up to her ear. "Hello?" "Ms. Kagome Higurashi?" "Yes?" "This is the Tokyo police department. We have a Lee Higurashi here. He says you're his daughter." "Yes. What's this about?" She asked panicking. "Well we have some witnesses that your father has killed a woman named Keri Higurashi 5 years ago. We need you down here immediately."


Okay that's it for this chappie. How's it going so far? Hope you like it! WELLLLLLL,

Please review!!


Kagome goes down for questioning and the thing that changes everything happens. What will she do when she can't find a job? And What about Koga? Well wait to see!