A.N. This is the first of the three chapters, two that are to be only if the reviewers like the first one. The second and third would be named Tifa and jessie respectively, kz? So tell me if you want them to appear...


Chapter 1 -Aeris

The melancholic rumble of a distant travelling train echoed through the derelict streets of the Sector one slums. The dimly lit alleyways, paved with sullied grey cobblestones, did not exactly bustle with life or gaiety. The roads here were lined with dust and dirt, and a vile stench permeated the air. Overhead, faded posters advertise the current movie, 'Loveless'. Not that there was any chance of a romance in the slums; nowadays, movies are made mainly to placate the lewd taste of the common workers, therefore lacking proper plots, but with plenty of pornographic images.

"Fresh flowers for sale, one gil each!" A melodious voice rung out through the dark and dismal lanes. The owner of that mellifluous voice, a young girl, was peddling her ware of fresh flowers along the lane. Some of the workers eyed her suggestively -- girls like her in the slums are as rare as the sweetly scented roses she was selling.

Contrary to the typical 'slum girl' look, the lovely young lass was dressed in a pink dress and a small red jacket. She wore soft brown leather boots, with a slim black choker and yellow bracelets for accessories. With her honey brown hair pulled into a braid with a pink ribbon, and her large emerald eyes opened wide, she's the very image of innocence. Out of urgent necessity, though, she had learnt to fight, but her slender frame betrayed no hint of her fighting skills.

Suddenly, an explosion rocked the Sector one slums. Debris and shrapnel flew, and many ducked or seek cover. A black man with formidable dimensions dashed out from the direction of the Sector one Mako Reactor, followed by a disheveled young man.

The black man was gone in a second, but the handsome young blond dashed headlong into the flower girl. At a first glance she saw... Mako blue orbs flashing back at her. She gave an inward gasp. Mako blue... Just like her first boyfriend. And those spiky locks...

"What happened?" She asked, trying to stall for time. The blonde had the same startling blue eyes as Zack, and she just wanted to linger on those eyes once again, those extraordinarily bright azure eyes that she thought she'll never see again.

"Listen, the reactor just blew up, you should find somewhere safe..."

Concern for her, just like Zack... She's seeing Zack in this guy's face, in his voice, in him! Zack... She hung to an irrational wild hope that Zack had somehow dyed his hair blond and... But it was impossible. In the slums, no one hoped for anything because they knew that it just wouldn't come true. She tried to concentrate on selling her flowers.

"Would you like to buy a flower? It's only one gil each."

Battling, battling desperately with her emotions, trying to maintain a calm and steady voice...


She left as quickly as she could after he had bought a rose from her. She had chosen one of the very best, one that maybe Zack would chose to give her. One that the young man could give his beloved.

He's not Zack!!! She tried to persuade herself many many times while making the transaction.

Yet when she left, the spiky-haired man heard a sound, the merest hint of the flower girl's voice. It was the barest semblance of a word laden with sorrow.


It might have been the wind, it might not, and the spiky-haired man shook his head slowly and left, attributing the whisper to a trick of the wind.


P.S. By the way, I finally(!!!) got to play FF7.. All thanks to SCaRR! Thankz, PZ, I still can't thank you enough!!!