Up for Interpretation
It's All Right
Yellow sun hit the mountains, sinking into the earth. Gokuu looked up at the display before she smiled, and started to head back home after collecting her boots, wristbands, and undershirt. After lunch, her training had just seemed to fly on by - unaware of the fading light, she had worked herself beyond a measely sweat, and ground her body to the brink of collapsing.
She took up to humming an odd snatch of nothing in particular - but sounding like an off-key song of something she had heard on the radio - as she walked idly back to her home, her tail swinging in time to the slow beat. Glancing back up to the sunset once when she reached her house, Gokuu caught sight of a strange thing. Several things. Six spherical objects shooting down from the stars above, seemingly aflame.
Gokuu might have just watched the meteor-like spheres impact into the distant horizon - she might have even ignored them to go inside to get the rest she so much wanted.
However, she felt six individual signals inhabiting the spheres which were extremely weak ... and weakening, causing the woman to snap to attention. "Kinto'un!"
She leapt up immediately into the air then - trusting that Kinto'un would be beneath her before she came back down, and being right in that respect, she rode the cloud out to follow the spheres. Unfortunately, the flaming spheres impacted with the mountain before she reached them, and she was soon dropping from Kinto'un to land beside them.
Stopping in front of one of the odd looking spheres - a white ball of some strange material with a red piece of now cracked glass to serve as some sort of porthole. As soon as she stepped before it, Gokuu had to jump back when the red porthole turned out to be part of a door which then opened out.
The young girl did not bother to wait and see if the occupant would come out because she knew that they would be unable to do so with such a quickly dropping energy level. The man inside was rather big, however, she didn't let that stop her from looping her arms under his arms and shoulder to heave him out of the sphere. She spoke soothingly to him, the man had an ugly puckered scar where an eye should have been, but it was a much older looking wound - she was much more worried about the charred appearance of his arms and torso, "Don't worry, I'll get you out of here, and to a hosipital. You'll be good as new in no time."
He managed to choke out only a few words before he dropped into unconsciousness, but she understood none of them, "Brolli ... ruv ... ept Saiya ..."
She laid him down on the higher ground as the spheres had indented the earth with huge craters, and then went to the other craters to gather the others. Two she paused at. The first had been a very tall man with a huge head of hair that reached down past his knees, but it wasn't the hair she was shocked by, but how strangely familiar looking his features had been. The second man had familiar looking features too, though he possessed much darker skin than the others she found. Yet, what stunned Gokuu the most had been the fact that his hair was pointed up in the shape she saw when looking in the mirror!
She had settled these unconcious men beside the other, being careful not to jostle them, or the next two men - both of whom had been giants. One older in appearance like the one-eyed man, however, the other man was younger, and more tall than bulky.
At the last crater, she found that the sphere's occupant had crawled painstakingly out onto the dirt, his rapidly puffing breath stirring dust and dirt into his face to cause him to pant harder and cough up more dust and dirt back up into his face. Jumping down to his side, her voice soothed to him like with the one-eyed man, "It's all right. I'm taking you all to a hospital."
When she knelt beside him, his eyes shot open, grabbing her immediate attention, and she knelt her face closer to listen to him hiss at her, "Don't ... you dare ... no ... nng!"
"Please, I'm trying to help. You need to stop moving," she tried calmly. "You'll just hurt yourself more."
Yet the man, his dirtied hair - slick with sweat, dried blood, and dirt - stuck up into the air, continued to speak, and shook his head a bit, "No! ... No hospital ...!"
"But how-"
"No," he choked out in an oddly powerful way, and then took a deep breath, obviously about to try speaking more, but then his body apparently decided that fainting was in order.
Sighing, she scooped him into her arms too, absently noting the bent angle of several parts of his legs. How did he get out of that thing with his legs crushed like that?
Having them all laid out in a row, she mentally assessed their conditions, and then prodded gently at limbs and torsos to look for wounds.
The one-eyed man's arms were broken, and there was a sickeningly burnt layer of skin over said arms, and the majority of his torso. Over one of his calves was even worse - a chunk of the muscle tissue was missing because it had been charred though.
The man with the long hair's right hand was just a mangled mess of bones and muscles coming out from under the bloodied skin. His other hand was just fine, but up his arm was a dirty, and infected looking cut that went long up his arm. This man, like most of the others, wore a strange looking armor with a large piece of it missing, and heavily burned skin where the hole was. His thigh bone had broken through the skin, and she wasn't entirely certain, but it looked like his other leg was out of its socket.
For the man that looked the most like her, his armor seemed to be no more than a band around his torso because something had broken through the top part of the armor, and his shoulders and arms were burnt masses. There was a strange print on the right side of his chest, and it took her a moment to recognize it as a bootprint. There was a rib peeking out from under his skin due to this large indent. His left leg looked like it had been cleanly snapped right at the knee.
The hulk of a man didn't seem to have an end to his injuries. Several pockmarks littered his arms and chest, and she could easily tell that his chest had been crushed and it was extremely likely that he had broken ribs and punctured lungs, however, she did not see any blood in his mouth, so that might have not been the case. He seemed to be wearing only a black pair of shorts - it looked more like a speedo with his huge frame - and every part of his body was a bloody mess of cuts and burns of all kinds. Again, there were nasty breaks along his right leg.
As Gokuu searched the younger giant's body for injuries, she took note of something strange that she hadn't before. The young man didn't look like he had any serious injuries - he was bleeding and burnt in several places, but it wasn't enough so that he would be made unconscious or have such weakened energy. She located the most serious wound on his head which was a bashed in cut hidden in his long hair, but another check over his body brought up the strange thing. What she had thought might have been a fur belt that had become loose - since the other men possessed such a belt around their waists - was inspected further.
And what was not a belt was instead a tail.
Kami-sama ... what on Earth ...? She stopped that thought, and then looked back at the spheres before her eyes turned up to the stars winking into existence above them. ... No, no time for this. She averted her eyes from the twinkling stars, and looked toward the task at hand, Whoever or whatever they are, they're injured, vulnerable, and need my help!
Turning to the last man, Gokuu got a better look at just what had happened to him. At the left corner of his lip was a cut. It had seemed to Gokuu at first that his mouth was lopsided and wider than most mouths, but she then realized it for the strange injury that it was. It looked as if someone had treated his face as a fish when gutting it - except it was across the side. The corner of his lips would need to be sewn back together, and it was likely to leave a nasty scar - especially if left with all of the dirt on it that would infect the bad cut. What effort it must have taken to speak to her so clearly! His left arm and hand were clearly as crushed as the both of his legs, and as was his right hand, but, strangely enough, his right arm was uninjured for the most part. Due to the injuries of the rest of his limbs and the state of his right hand, it seemed very out of place that his right arm would be fine. The next thing she saw was his tail - a ragged, dirty, mishapen appendage that seemed barely able to hold onto his body.
Gokuu shuddered when she looked at it, and clutched at her own tail protectively.
You look like you're in such agony, but you found the strength to crawl outside ... You have to live! I want to know the name of the man with such strength. She moved first though to the older giant - if his ribs were broken, Gokuu had to move him so that he could be treated in case his lungs were pierced.
Quickly creating a makeshift bed, Gokuu slowly, but laborously dragged the six men to her house.
The hulking, bald man woke up a part of the way through the trip, and grunted up at her in another language, "Yend ... voher'ko ... 'rom ...?"
"It's okay," she said after a confused moment, her tired muscles starting to ache more than they had before. Figuring that even if he didn't understand her, it would be good for him to hear a soothing voice, so she spoke on, "You'll be all right. I'm going to make sure that you live."
"Yu ... yuana?"
"It's all right," Gokuu continued to say. "It's all right." And soon, the man dropped back to sleep.
She found a futon for him, and laid him on it with some effort before going back on Kinto'un to do it all over again.
The man with one eye was awake again after she had taken the man that looked like herself to her house, and he was muttering feverishly, "Brolli ... ept ... bukki voher'ko'fo ... pinto'ko'fo ..."
"Shhh, I know. You're hurt, and it sucks, but I'll take care of you," she pulled him onto the makeshift bed next, biting her lip when she felt how terribly hot his skin was. "You'll be just fine."
He kept mumbling nonsensical words throughout the trip, and even when she had brought back the young behemoth, he was mumbling, "Buk ... pinto ... 'ko'fo ... Brolli ..."
"Hush now," she whispered, and touched on his forehead to check his temperature again, "You really need to sleep now. You'll feel better with rest, I promise."
His blank eyes rolled up to look at her, "... Ng ...! ... Ko ea ..."
"Yeah, but you need to sleep, okay?" When she came back with the long-haired man, she found him asleep.
Gokuu was exhausted when she returned to the side of the most broken man. In fact, she fell to her knees, and stayed there to suck in deep, sweet breaths of air. Upon turning to get back to the task at hand, the breaths that she had taken became caught in her throat. He was staring at her, black eyes glittering from a sliver of moonlight. She had been working for hours, pulling them all down the mountain side to her home, and she was almost certain that it was past midnight.
"... Hey, it's all right," she said calmly for what seemed like the thousandth time that night.
"My men ... where-?"
"They're safe, and sound at my house," she reassured him, and then, very carefully, she dragged him onto the makeshift bed.
He hissed softly in pain, but did nothing else to tell her of the agony that he must have been in, "Remember ... no hospital ..."
Biting the inside of her cheek, she thought that over, gazing at him, "But why?"
"No hospital ... he'll find ... us ..."
"'He' who?" Leaning over his head to look down at him when he didn't answer her, she noticed that he had fallen back into slumber.
He opened his eyes, and then groaned in pain, suddenly aptly aware of the amount of pain inflicting his body, and so he cursed in his native tongue as he tried to sit up, "Fuck! ... Shit, fuck, shit ... ow ..."
"Iie, ugoku na!" A woman suddenly was hovering over him, and easily pushed him back down, "Daijoubu da yo."
Radittsu nearly snarled at her, but stopped short to stare up at her in awe, "You look like ..."
"Shh ..." she smiled softly, but that only made the similarity worse. "Daijoubu da. Ora ha omeera wo tasuketa."
Reaching out to her, he then grimaced when he tried to move his hand, only then remembering that Dodoria had smashed the thing into a mangled monstrosity, "... You look like my mother ... Why ...?"
The young woman sighed, and then wiped his face with a warm washcloth, "Hotetteiru ne?"
Sighing in slight relief as the much cooler cloth hit his skin, Radittsu let his eyes close briefly, "Nn ... where am I?" She seemed to ignore him as she took the cloth away to settle it over another man's forehead, and he recognized the man as Paragus, "Don't you know ... my language? It's ... pretty standard now ..."
"Gomen nasai, demo sono kotoba wo wakaranai, Ojisan."
He scowled, "I guess you don't ..." He coughed hard, and winced as his dry throat became apparent, "Damn it ..."
"Ne, Ojisan, doushita no ka?" Then she was at his side again, and she gently touched his throat, "Hmm ... ah! Nomanai ka?"
"... Look, lady, you're pretty cute, and all, but you got to start talking in standard or something that I understand." Then she began to gesture taking a cup and tipping it back into her mouth.
"Nomanai ka?"
"Oh, am I thirsty? Yeah," he then nodded hard, "fuck, yeah, I'm thirsty! Get some beer or something good." She brought him water. He sighed before he gulped the glass down in half a second, "We need to work on our communication skills. This is fine though."
"Ne, takusan no mizu wo nomanai ka?"
"Yeah, sure, get a lot more. A lot." He gestured a big space between his raised arms, "More, okay?"
"Hai," she said, and then came back with a pitcher with no handle.
"Good, good," he nodded to her, and both hands moved as if to pick the pitcher up, but she pulled it out of his reach. "Hey!"
"Saa, omee no te ha kore wo motarenai da na."
"Huh? Oh, come on! I don't like torture, you know." He shook his broken hand - which was wrapped up in a white bundle of gauze - at her to emphasize it, "I've kind of already been tortured, okay? No more torturing." She pinched his broken hand. "Yagh! What the fuck was that for?" He seethed at her implacable face, and she then pinched his other hand with the same light pressure that she had used on his broken hand, "... Oh ..." Brows furrowing, his chest deflated as he then realized she had just saved him from dropping the pitcher of water in pain. His useless, broken hand would never be able to grasp the pitcher with no handle, and his other hand was not big enough to grasp it alone. "Oh ... oh, shit, my hand ..." Is it ever going to heal right?
The woman touched his cheek, gaining his attention, "Daijoubu da yo. Ojisan, omee no te ha iyasu no."
He sighed hard, and lifted his head back up, "Okay, okay, you're right, I'm a moron, and I'd drop the thing. So ..." he blanched a bit, "I guess you're going to have to ... help me ..."
After a moment, she lifted the pitcher to his lips to aid him in slurping it up, doing so slowly and carefully so as to avoid dropping the pitcher and to make sure all of the water went down his throat.
She smiled at him afterward, and said, "Ne, taberanai ka?"
"... What? Seriously! Speak a language that I know," Radittsu told her.
Pointing at her stomach, she said again, "Taberanai ka? Onaka ga suita ka?"
"Huh? You mean am I hungry?" He smirked, and nodded, gesturing the motion of eating with his good hand, "Yeah, hungry! Gimme."
The little thing giggled, and nodded, "Un, hai!" And then bustled out of the room to go make some clanging noises in what he could only imagine was the kitchen.
He rubbed his good, left hand across his brow to wipe away the sweat of sickness, grimacing at nothing when her back had been turned. It wasn't wise to scare away someone that seemed so willing to help six grown Saiyajin. In fact, thinking back, Radittsu couldn't remember the last woman who had not flinched in fear at the sight of their tails. At least, the last woman who hadn't been Saiyajin herself.
Radittsu remembered his mother again, and sighed, letting the face calm his confused psyche. However, pulling up his mother's face brought up the girl's face also, and he scowled harder at nothing. It was just coincidence that she looked so much like her - it was only in the face too, of course, her hair was ...
Sitting up quickly, he bit back his loud groan from the abrupt pain that had caused him, "Nng ..."
"Ggh ..."
Blinking in surprise, Radittsu turned his head to look for the source of the moan, and saw Nappa's eyes open slowly. "Hey, sleepyhead," he crooned.
"Radittsu? Fucking asshole, shut up ..."
The Saiyajin suddenly felt a surge of jealousy when he saw that Nappa's hands and arms were just fine except for the gauze pieces covering his arms over what must have been minor burns. Then he spotted the wrappings around his chest, and thought better of having Nappa's injuries. But at least, he'll have two good hands when this is all over ...
"Nice to see you too," he muttered, and then carefully laid himself back down. "Hey! Hey, girl!"
"Girl?" Nappa asked drowsily.
"Yeah, bet she and her family dressed our wounds. Might have us sent to some regen tanks later. Who knows."
"Is she cute?"
He blanched, "She looks like my mom."
"Never mind then, must be hideous."
"Hey! Shut up!"
"Ah!" The Saiyajin males' eyes widened, and looked over at the girl who walked in, "Me wo samashita ne? Taberanai ka?"
"She wants to know if you're hungry," Radittsu said when he saw Nappa's blank face.
"You understand that garbage then?"
"No," he grunted, trying his best not to glare too hard at the ceiling, "I've been guessing, and she's been trying to gesture and stuff. Nom or something is asking if we're thirsty, I think. She brought me water anyway."
"Well then, make her get me some water, I'm really thirsty, and really hungry."
"Hey, girl," he snapped the fingers of his good hand to gain her attention. He pointed at Nappa as he attempted to speak to her, "Nom ... Nomini ..."
"Hm? Omee no tomodachi ha mizu ga hoshii da ka?"
"... Uh ..."
"You're a real big help, Radittsu."
The girl turned to Nappa, and asked, "Nomanai ka?"
"Yeah, that!" Radittsu said, and then nodded hard when she looked over at him, pointing at Nappa, "Nomanaiki or whatever!"
The smile that lit her face stunned him stupid, and then she left the room to get Nappa a large pitcher of water - the same one that Radittsu had used.
"Omee motareru ka?" She murmured to the huge man upon return, moving the pitcher into his grabbing reach.
Nappa easily grasped the pitcher, and gulped the water inside down in under half a minute. The younger male stared at the Elite's hands, and the girl glanced over at him, asking him softly, "Daijoubu da ka? Te ha ...?"
He said, frustrated, "Food, hungry, just go, okay?"
The girl frowned faintly in concern at him, "Anou ..." Her nose twitched, and then she gasped, alarmed, "Tabemono!"
Bolting from the room, Radittsu listened to her as the clanging noises started up again from what had to have been the kitchen, "... You don't think she's burning our food, do you?"
"Better not be."
Successful in saving the food, Gokuu brought it out to the room to serve to the two hungry men. Unsure as to what sort of progress she had made in making them understand her, but feeling optimistic, she settled a small table beside the larger man's futon before setting his food on it. Gokuu was about to help him sit up, but then he swatted her hand away.
"Ow! Hey, that wasn't nice ..." she pouted, holding her hand protectively as the big brute tried to bring himself to sit up on his own.
Grimacing, and hissing words under his breath, it didn't seem as if he was very triumphant in his attempt, "Vizza ..."
"You need help?"
He scowled at her, "Lu'ko'fo."
Rolling her eyes, Gokuu went over to the other injured guest, laying a table next to him and his futon before putting the food down. She said to him as she took the chopsticks up, and stabbed it into the yakisoba so that it would stand up on end in the noodles, "Your friend there isn't very nice at all. I think he's rude. At least, you seem to be trying to be polite."
Only quirking an eyebrow at her, he sighed, and then muttered, "Seko reblo."
"Okay, now let me help you sit up," gently taking his shoulder, Gokuu pushed him up into a sitting position, getting his pillow to brace his back and then several other pillows and such soft things. She smiled when he raised an eyebrow as a giant teddy bear that Yamucha had given her helped in sitting him up.
"Open up," she lifted the chopsticks with the strings of noodles in it to his face.
He stared at the chopsticks, food, and Gokuu for the longest time before his mouth finally creaked open to allow entry. On the other end of the chopsticks, Gokuu clearly understood how he must have felt - to be so suddenly shoved into this state of helplessness - so she waited for him patiently, as she was doing for the older man. His arms looked powerful, but she could feel that near to none of his energy was back. She had set his leg, and wrapped his chest as best she could, but both of those together obviously was too much even for him.
If he was hungry enough, he would have to turn to her for help.
So, she fed the long-haired man who - after the first bite - suddenly grinned, "Mm! Nappa! Kuaip'per saft po komko!"
"Graah," he grunted back. "Bupi komko!"
He laughed at the other man, "Buk, saft po komko." He directed his attention to Gokuu, and smirked before opening his mouth wide.
Praise ... He had been praising her! Gokuu gladly shoved the man's face full of the yakisoba, beaming in pride when he just kept opening his mouth for more. Glancing over at the other man, she noted that he looked extremely peeved.
She sighed, "Are you going to let me help you now?"
He sneered at her as if somehow knowing what she was saying, and then snorted loudly, looking over at the food on the table beside him. Gokuu finished doling the food into the long-haired man's stomach, and then went over to kneel beside the larger man's futon. She reached out to grab his shoulders again, but the man only slapped her hands.
"Lu'ko'fo. Radittsu, hasne'ko'fo lu'po."
"Listen, if you're hungry, you're going to need my help."
Nappa snarled at the girl. He didn't care how good Radittsu said the food was, it would be a hot day in space before he would let her help him.
"Come on, Radittsu. Tell the bitch to fuck off."
"I don't know how. It was pure luck that I even got her to cook the both of us food. Good food at that, Nappa."
She pouted at him - ridiculously cute looking while doing it - and said in that weird language of hers, "Saa, Ojiisan, wakatteiru, demo ora ha tomodachi no ashi wo houtai suru yotei da yo."
"Look, lady, I don't care what your deal is. Now get out of my face!"
Stiffening in offense, she picked up the low table - with the food on it - and brought it over to Radittsu, smiling at the long-haired third-class, "Taberanai ka?"
Said third-class glanced over at Nappa before he smirked, and then nodded at her, "Yeah, I'm still hungry. And that stuff's great."
A rasping laugh - which sounded more like a cough - came from the other side of the room, and the girl's attention was grabbed immediately. She rushed to Turles' side, checking him over with tender looking hands, "Doushita no ka?"
Turles seemed to ignore her for the time being, coughing up his laughter, "Did ... did you see that? The chit's more willing ... to help a low-level soldier than a known ... general. Tough ... bitch, huh?"
"Shut up, Turles! Go back to playing dead like the bitch you are!"
"Ojisan, hanashinaide kure. Hageshiku chi wo nagasu."
Finally, he looked at her, and then frowned in thought, "You ... look like ... Pinkila."
She sighed, a pleading look on her face, "Onegai, hanashinaide."
"She does, doesn't she?" Turles' nephew's voice uttered.
"In her face," he said, his voice getting softer, and then he coughed hard, "her voice ... Bardock had a ... good wife ..."
Nappa grumbled to himself sourly, "Who care's about that? ... Feh ... The gravity is pathetic here ..."
Whoever she was had been rather content with Turles' yap shut, but then twittered all over again when he chuckled, "Says the man that can't lift himself up to even eat breakfast."
"That's it, Turles! I'm - aargh!" Nappa had attempted to sit up again, but ended up straining his crushed chest again instead, the large man falling back onto the mattress.
As Turles hacked out another dry bout of laughter, she went back to Nappa, trying to soothe him, "Ugokinaide kure. Itami ha-"
In a fit of rage, Nappa swung, and hit her, sending the small girl across the room. If he had been in better shape, she likely would have gone through all of the walls which met her, but instead, due to his weakened state, she only bounced against the wall to fall to the floor.
"A - ah ... itetete ..."
The blood of his face suddenly drained completely, making him shudder. His head would have lowered in shame before facing the top of his shiney head toward Vegeta, but being in his laid out state, it was near to impossible to move his head in such a way, "I'm sorry for waking you ..."
"Fool. The first woman who ... willingly helped a face that's as ugly as yours ... and you try to smash her face in ... retaliation? And you all seem ... to have forgotten to download their ... language. Fucking lot of good ... that'll do me."
Radittsu asked, "How do you know that?"
"Nappa's stupid ... hissy fit didn't wake me up ... I've been ... up for a while."
Suddenly, the girl shot up, and dashed to Vegeta's side, "Ojisan, hanashinaide kudasai."
He regarded her silently before speaking as smoothly as he seemed able to, "Namae ha ... nan da ka?"
"Eh? Son Gokuu desu." She smiled slightly, and bowed her head to him a notch, "Hajimemashite. Onamae ha?"
He frowned softly then, and then took a deep breath, "Ore ha Saiyajin no Ouji da."
Nappa and the others waited for the realization to hit her face when they heard 'Saiya' in Vegeta's nonsensical sounding words - for her to back away, scream in terror, or even try to kill them.
"... Hen na namae ne?"
They didn't expect her to giggle.
"Mm, sou da ... Ore mo Vegeta da na." Vegeta smirked, and chuckled in response, but then coughed hard, his whole frame shaking, "Fuck ..."
"Daijoubu, demo ugokanai hazu desu. Mou ashi wo houtai suru."
He nodded after a moment, and then she looked his body over slowly, making Nappa's lip curl back in disgust. Just what did she think she was doing eyeballing the prince like that? And Vegeta was just letting her!
"Vegeta, why are you lett-?"
"Shut up," but Nappa was not to be detered.
"She offends you with her eyes wandering like that! Why isn't she taking us to a hospital?"
Nappa heard Radittsu speak up, and he seemed to be of like mind, but his tone was much lighter - full of hope, "Yeah, or somewhere with regen tanks. My hand - our hands won't heal properly without them."
"I'm aware ... of that, but I'm also ... aware that Freeza ... will find us if we so ... much as step into a hospital." He took a deep breath, and then said in a booming voice that startled the girl, "I will not be humiliated again. The bastard will die before he tries to dishonor the Saiyajin race once more."
"Ya - yamero!" The prince seemed startled for some reason. Perhaps he had forgotten she was there? Nappa thought briefly that it was due to her suddenly soft and sad eyes, "Daijoubu da yo."
Nappa grimaced, and sat up with a surge, his chest aching, but he ignored it, "Stop looking at him!"
"Shut up! She's ..." Vegeta cringed, and hard, the girl leaning over him worriedly as her eyes continued to wander across his body, sickening Nappa with how she looked nearly casual about it, "Daijoubu ... it's ... she's saying 'It's all ... right.'" He closed his eyes with a heavy sigh, "It's all right."
Alternate Timeline Almost a 'What if Radittsu hadn't come to Earth' fic. This is a couple of months after the reunion at Kame House in the beginning of DBZ.
I'll try to keep it simple here, and put it up front like this:
Son Gokuu 428 (Actually stated in the manga that Gokuu was 416, but I think after a few months of training, it'd have gone up about this much after the reunion.)
Radittsu 1,250 (More like implied in the manga because he equals in strength to them Saiba thingies.)
Paragus 2,600 (I've actually never really thought about his power level before ... Got any complaints about his power level though? Talk to me, I can reason out a decent power level for him if you got reason enough to believe he's stronger.)
Nappa 4,580 (He seemed pretty freaked out that Gokuu had been rating at 5,000 when he was approaching, so ...)
Turles 12,360 (... Another uncertainty, but I think that when Gokuu fought him, the Kai Ou Ken was used, so that's got to count for something.)
Vegeta 18,000 ( . ;; We'll just keep this at a nice round number ...)
Brolli 340,000 (X.x Uh ... I'm actually using the DBZ card game for him since I think it gets a bit complicated once Super Saiyajin comes into play - come talk with me if you will about this. And don't give me the LSSJ bull - he's younger in this fic, so he's also weaker than in the movies. This is his top power level, and not his power level when he's brainwashed.)