Usagi had the disturbing feeling of all most being eaten, she knew that she identified more with her name then most thought, but being a rabbit of the moon made her feel alienated. Not for the fact that her past was hazy and she had lived on a different planet, but instead for the fact that she walked beside a youth who could change into a cat, and there was something unsettling about her employer beside the fact that he was all most prettier than most girls she had seen, no it have something to do with the Sohma Head. Shaking her head from her thoughts, she was unsettled from the ground as Ayame, lifted her from the ground into his arms, causing her to squawk in surprise. Glaring slightly at her employer did not change her position; instead the beautiful man merely chuckled at her, his golden eyes twinkling with secrets as he grinned beauteously at her. He overwhelmed her slightly and she turned beseechingly at Kyo for his straight honesty, instead his orbs peered at her in study which also made her uncomfortable. There was the pressure of secrets on the trio, but Ayame ignored, Kyo studied, and Usagi buried, the secrets of senshi and juunishi were not things shared lightly. Exhaustion set in from the early morning and the meeting with Akito which made her yawned, snuggle into Ayame's chest and fall into a light doze. This surprise the two males as to fall asleep in ones presence implies trust, Ayame was vastly touched that Usagi trusted him that much to fall asleep in his arms especially since she had met the clan head. Kyo pushed away the feeling that made his stomach uncomfortable and instead smiled a small smile at the offered trust of the blond, the one who did not run in fear of his true form. He had questions of course, like how it was possible that she could touch them without causing them to change, but he let her be for now.

Usagi knew she was dreaming standing by a lake she had never seen with multi-colored fairies, and a silver woman floating above the lake of white. The fairies felt familiar as the flew about giggling with laughter that haunted memories she didn't remember having, and the soft smile of the silver woman warming a part of her heart tied to something she couldn't grasp. "Welcome wielder, it has been a while since we last interacted, do I scare you?" The silver woman questioned, and the crystal latched onto the choker around her neck prodded at Usagi's memories. "Did I grant your request as you had asked, was the recipient pleased?" She asked, and the soft light that was very dim around the woman reflected in her eyes.

"Ginzuishou, you are the Ginzuishou, no I do not fear you." Usagi responded, her hand going to rest where her broach normally resided in the waking world. "Why do you summon me Ginzuishou, what is it that you ask of me?" Usagi asked and the silver woman who was the reflection of the ginzuishou laughed lightly.

"Silly we are bound, I would ask nothing of you, just like you ask nothing of me, and we know each other far to well to ask." The ginzuishou responded. "I have granted you a gift little moonlight; use it well with the inherent magic that is your birth and death right." She spoke and appearing in her hands was a pearl orb and within were the characters for the zodiac which were glowing a soft white color. "You will understand someday, soon, little light, but for now we wish you to be happy, for when you are happy and loved we are strong." The ginzuishou stated and every time she said we the multicolored fairies would circle and giggle and she would have a flash, a quick flash of a different fuku wearing female. Usagi was unsure what to make of it as the landscape wavered as though it was a heat residue, and she knew nothing else of the dream world. The fairies stopped circling around the ginzuishou and instead took forms of seven women, two children, and one male still bathed in different colored lights.

"We love you Usagi, and we will protect you long after you have moved on be well and be happy." They declared as one, even if all sets of eyes were sad and tinged with tears.

Usagi shifted lightly in his hold as he rolled his shoulder to free the muscle from its tense position, he considered for a second doing something incredibly naughty but his thoughts were halted by a warning red glare. Ayame only pouted at the younger juunishi, before turning his attention back to the sidewalk drinking in the admiring sighs of all the lovely girls they passed who looked on in jealous awe at the sight. He was well-known in his business district even though he flirted with the female customers, but he wasn't as bad as Shigure yet and he enjoyed the positive attention it was a soothing balm to his dark past even though he still had to keep them at a distance. Yet, not this time, he glanced down at the blond in his arms, she was able to approach and be approached without the curse of juunishi affecting them. It made him feel giddy and hopeful, hopeful that this curse could finally be put to rest and maybe, just maybe he and Yuki could be a family again. Ayame did not dwell much deeper than that because they had finally reach the shop, and he pondered on how to wake the sleeping beauty. Until he realized what he called her, and leaned down still aware of the red glare on the side of his face.

"Awaken dear avatar of romance, or are you in need of a princely kiss?" He called out and the blond wiggled in his arms before curling more into his warmth. Grinning without further ado he leaned down while lifting her up a little more and was stopped by a fierce yell and solid punch. Kyo had defended her honor and yelled at him for even trying that, and Ayame could only chuckle through the smarting pain in his left cheek. "Are you jealous Kyonkichi-kun, do you want the maiden to wake for you?" Ayame heckled making the orange-haired youth go as red as his eyes. The following shouts finally awaken Usagi who blinks at the pair who had not noticed her awakening, and gently slides from the distracted Ayame's arms. Without their knowledge she slips into Ayame's shop and greets her fellow co-worker Mine, who grins and offers up several interesting outfits. Usagi grins lightly, yawning while processing all that she had been through in the week, and wondered if normality was over-rated.

Her presence was missed as Ayame went to toss his arms up and realized the weight was missing. "Ho, ho, ho, it seems my little avatar is learning to impress me, for she has all ready entered into the lands of precious ones dreams of love." Ayame chuckled out while lifting a gloved hand to his lips in mockery of an aristocrat. Kyo's hair pointed up in flared anger as the spikes took shape of cat's ears and stormed into the shop to convince the girl to leave Ayame's workforce. Ayame and Kyo were surprised by the sight they came upon while entering the older Sohma's store. Usagi was pinned down by Mine who was attempting to train Usagi's hair in a different hairstyle to go along with the uh outfit that the blond was trying to tug off.

"Ayame-san, please, this is embarrassing." Usagi pleaded, but her pleas fell on deaf ears as the pair of males were too busy observing the clothing to be much help. Usagi was dyed a pale red, almost pink, because of embarrassment mixed with mortification that made her skin match the blush Mine was trying to put on her. Her hair was draped all over the white couch, splayed out like a dying angel, and her arms pinned above her head by one of Mine's knees. The soft baby blue skirt stopped with flaring ruffles just below the decency line, and the white tied bow sash that served as a belt dangled streamers down her fish-net covered legs. Two thin strings held the light lavender shirt onto her body with a spandex tight feel, and fake diamonds perched at the end of her eyelids made it sparkle with beauty, but she felt vastly uncomfortable. She seriously hoped this was not one of the outfits Ayame was taking about for the show, her father would kill him if he saw this or he would have a heart attack one or the other. The red dye of a fire engine finally crossed her tinted cheeks as the males eyes twinkled or fogged out in staring at her, uncomfortable she turned pleading eyes to the woman pinning her down with a scary smile. "Ayame-san, please, I wish to get up this is uncomfortable." She begged once more, and Ayame was not a cruel man, merely a passionate one and therefore awoke from his patent daydreams.

"Ayame, though if it makes you feel more comfortable, Aya, dear heart." He flirted while leaning down and removing Mine gently from her perch. "Now, now, Mine, your enthusiasm is well-received, but let's not scare off our avatar hmm." He scolded his worker kindly even if his golden eyes were still twinkling with daydreams. Mine nodded, but she knew she had chosen well because the males were still in a dream-like trance, especially the ginger-haired boy. Usagi was whisked upwards by Ayame's pull and once again blinded by a flash of a camera and the parade of silks that seem to descend from on high. Curiously she turned to ask Kyo what he thought of all this because the continuing rain of compliments from Ayame was making her head spin. "Ho, ho, ho, taking after my heart little one?" Ayame questioned from behind causing her to tilt her head curiously. Weaving his fingers gently through her strands he pulled forward some that had silver instead of gold, Usagi only blinked those were not there yesterday. "Ho, ho, ho, how perfect, how perfect, the symmetry you offer toward my own romances, I'm practically floored." Once again Usagi was lost to the exuberance that was Ayame.

"Are you complementing me, or forsaking me?" Usagi asked quietly, and Ayame bowed down from his height to lift one of her hands to his lips.

"Au contraire I believe I shall embrace you into my world." He answered brushing his lips against her hand then spinning around right into Mine's waiting arms. Usagi figured she would always be dizzy in Ayame's presence, but at least it was a pleasant dizziness.

Kyo had been lost in bubble-coated dreams and hormones that played wonderfully with his buried guilt, but after Ayame's lines, he finally fished himself out of the induced haze. He was going to kill the snake, and then kill the rat for ever attempting to have an older brother like that. However, first he needed to rescue the blond from the snake's embrace, because she was looking quite out of it at the moment. His thoughts were slammed to quiet as she was once again yanked from his vision to behind the silk curtain that shielded her from prying eyes. It took eighty-seven different outfits, before Ayame was satisfied and Kyo could finally have motor functions and there by retrieving Usagi from the shop.

"See you Saturday Usagi-chan, be ready for your big debut, and don't forget your necklace." Ayame stated happily as they finally exited the shop that was Ayame's world.

"I've lost several hours somewhere…" Usagi mumbled leaning dazedly on Kyo's shoulder. The ginger-haired youth shook his head, and steadied her with his right arm, his ears twitched at the young girls they passed who giggled at them. Slightly angry though not quite sure why he guided the blond back to Shigure's home still amazed he could keep her close without transforming into his cursed cat form. His thoughts were interrupted by a slam up ahead and he was greeted by Kagura's yell before him, glancing up in fear he watched as she approached in a violent whirlwind.

"Kyo-kun, you idiot, idiot, idiot, what did you think you were doing!" Kagura shouted at him waving a hammer around that had come from somewhere, the swinging stopped when she saw exactly what she had come upon. Kyo was able to hold another female, one who wasn't a cursed Sohma, and wasn't transforming. Her mind tried to process this, but the rest of Shigure's housemates had arrived, Shigure himself humming and clutching at photographs.

"Usa-chan, you photograph well, I have to thank Aya for this inspiration." Shigure sung out, and then observed the situation, a sly grin ran across his face and he leapt at the pair. "Not fair Usa-chan, give your greatest fan, Shigure a hug, and remember sharing is caring." He stated and tackled the still dazed blond girl, unaware that Yuki had retrieved the pictures from his hand and was silently shedding them in honor-bound nature. Both Kyo and Yuki blinked at the seen before dragging the older dog cursed one off of the extremely silent blond.

"This dream keeps getting stranger." She murmured while letting one hand drag through Shigure's soft hair as he was forcefully removed from her chest. The younger pair of males scolded silently Shigure before attempting to help the blond first if Kagura hadn't gotten there first and had lifted the blond with one arm.

"What are you to Kyo-kun, answer me!" Kagura shouted at the limp girl whose eyes rolled toward the woman with a stupefied expression. Assessing that the girl was out of it, she let her go and Yuki with his quick reflexes saved the girl a harsh meeting with the ground. It was at this time that the blue-eyed Tohru finally reached the group and offered to help with Usagi. Together the 'prince,' and Tohru managed to get the girl inside only to be greeted by a wide-eyed Hatori who had a felling letter clutched in his hands. Tsukino Usagi was now practically owned by the Sohma, particularly by Akito Sohma, as the letter to her parents had been dyed in deceptive honey and they allowed their little girl freedom into the Sohma web.

His doctor sense kicked in and he urged the pair to lay her on the couch. Hastily but with care he checked her over and told the worried Tohru she would be fine after a couple of hours. She had just been overwhelmed by the day, but he did not mention she had a slight energy drainage as well which concerned him. Gently he tucked the spare blanket they had given him around the bright light that may bring miracles and left leaving the letter tucked by her ear. Hatori did not wish to see the dimming of eyes when she read the return letter from her parents and included was a letter from Akito, he did not wish to see the light fade even a little. Clutched once more in his lips was a cigarette and though it was a nasty habit he had only this one release so he kept it as it normally drained the tension from his body.

Ikuko worried her lips as she read over the letter that had been hand delivered by an orange-haired man in a suit. Usagi now had a sponsor for her school tuition and while that eased the burden off of them, she was not pleased by their demands. However, it was a rich family grounded in history so for the benefit of her whimsical daughter she bereft herself of Usagi's presence and gave into the demands mentioned in the letter. She would do anything for her daughter's happiness and future, even allow her to stay with a well-to-do family to encourage a greater future. Kenji had agreed, not happy that the head of the household was a male, but let it be, the only one actively against this was surprisingly Shingo. He had stated this was a bad idea, he had heard rumors of the Sohma clan and how unhappy Usagi would be with them, but the parents had waved him off at the statement of rumors. Rumors after all were only rumors right? Yet, it didn't settle her heart from its worries because there was an older proverb, one that states even rumors have a shred of truth somewhere within.

AN : There some smidgen of romance thrown in there, and if you look closely some connections. There is a small hint about why the juunishi did not change in her embrace, and now Akito has Usagi in her grasp, but Usagi doesn't know. I still haven't picked a mate for Usagi yet, that's completely up in the air but while going through this journey it doesn't mean they all can't have a little fun. So it's been a while, I admit, but if you had check the poll in my bio you would understand. Ciao for now.