A loud growl resounded in the darken forest. Yells of denial echoed as a hundred eyes stared at the creature in the forest. Purple cat like eyes widen in the emotional pain that they had. An elongated large zombie looking cat punched the tree cringing once more as memories played by minds-eye. Tan pants hung off it's lower body, while it's suspenders dragged on the ground. "It's not my fault!" It cried out once more, unaware of a pair of human eyes watching him.

Blue eyes flickered in concern, one hand resting on her broach. However, she shook away her intention to transform. With the shake of her head, moonlight fell on spherical buns on her head. The shade of gold it played on matched well with her pale coloring. A veteran at fighting youma, she realized that this was not one. Maybe a cousin to a phage? She thought in wonder, her hand resting on her broach one more. She observed as the strange creature took off, and without hesitation she followed. Her heart was crying to her to help the creature.

He collapsed beside a small lake, gouging scars into the rock he clutched. Memories kept playing as he kept reaffirming his guilt. However, his purple eyes widened as he caught sight of a female shape. Golden hair had him ready to flee, and the female must of sense such. "Wait, I am not going to hurt you." She yelled out. He stopped confused, his purple eyes being overlapped by his surprised pupils. Why wasn't she running away or cringing in fear from him? He wondered in thought, still tense enough to run, just in case the female changed her mind. Yet, he wasn't prepared for what greeted his sight. Wide innocent blue sapphires stared at him in concern and wonder, purity radiated from her orbs. He couldn't detect a trace of fear from her at all. She kneeled down beside him, working his claw from it's grip on the rock. "Hello." She stated, sitting on the rock he had easily impaled, but she didn't even flinch. Instead, she rubbed a soothing hand over his claw, his voice still lost in his confusion. "My name is Usagi." She introduced herself.

Usagi watched the frightened gaze of the creature before her. Her heart cried at it's position, mindedly she wondered if it could talk as she could of sworn she had heard someone yelling. After all that was what had drawn her attention into the woods. Her memory was shoddy, she couldn't recall in this rebirth if she had others that fought along beside her or much else. Only that when she transformed, her hair turned a blinding silver. However, her senshi instincts had never guided her wrong. So, here she sat cradling the claw of the silent creature.

He blinked as she smiled soothingly, merely holding his claw like smooth glass. 'Can she not see me?' He wondered in thought, for where was the fear he normally triggered? His mind had currently stopped it's torture in wake of this new development.

"Well, I guess you can't speak." Usagi commented, waving off her foolishness. "Whatever is bothering you, know that life will turn out well in the end." She told him and stood up still holding the claw. Suddenly the sound of a snapping twig had her tensing. Another one had her smiling sadly, hesitantly she place a peck on what she assumed was the creature's cheek and bounded back into the forest. None to soon, as a shape began to make it's way to the lake side.

"I'm Kyo." He whispered to the empty air, and once again tense up to flee. Seeing long brown hair whispering in the wind, he turned to run, and was halted by another. He gazed between them, suddenly the male that had halted his run leapt toward him. He thrashed about, digging one claw into the shoulder of the male. Words spilled from his lips, but his mind processed none of them. Suddenly the brunette female was hugging his arm and talking. His mind finally focused, and he stopped thrashing. He spoke of his fear, and many other things, his only true vocalized word that resound in the forest was a name. "Tohru." Kyo stated sadly. His mind had written the blond off as a figment of his imagination. However, when he mutated once more into his domestic orange cat form, his eyes caught on golden strands on the rock. One paw clasped around them as he passed out in Tohru's arms.

Usagi smiled softly from her position far into the trees. The air no longer felt heavy in the forest, so she turned to walk back to her new home. Originally she had lived in the Juuban providence, however her parents had moved due to all the strange happenings there. In memories she couldn't recall such disasters and she didn't really possess the will to go verify those claims in the papers. However, she merely assumed it had to do with the senshi of prior years. As her advisor Luna use to go on and on about her predecessors. Vaguely she always felt that Luna was holding something back. Her other advisor Artemis would laugh at the accusations in a weak way, but offered nothing else. Shrugging, she cast her eyes to her watch and nearly shrieked. "I'm going to be late!" Usagi yelped, as her mother's stern warning rung in her head. Tomorrow she promised to comeback this way to check on the creature in the forest. She gulped once more as her eyes fell on her watch. Mother wasn't going to be happy if she slept in late that caused her to be late for registering for classes in the new school tomorrow. Absently she wondered at her poor grades in the years she possessed holes in her memory. True, she still wasn't a great student, but at least with straight C's not to many could complain. Her musings were cut short as she dashed into the home. Usagi gulped in fear as her mother towered over her before gesturing her into bed.

Hmm, new cross, new story. Too many thoughts. Actually this one has also been around for a while. 'Sighs.' FB/SM Enjoy, please read and review and I shall get back to you. Much Care, WolfchildBlazer