In the morning, Ash was gone.
We panickedly went out looking for him, a protective net held by Samurai over our collective bodies.
It wasn't long before we came upon Ash.
He'd found Metapod and carried him a ways, and he was now squatting beside him, mumbling something comforting.
A Beedrill started heading towards an unsuspecting Ash, and Misty yelled out in warning, "Ash!"
We ran forward.
"Watch out for its Twin Needle attack!"
"Pikachu!" Careful!
The Beedrill was on a straight line towards Ash and had almost gotten him when Metapod jumped up protectively and smacked the Beedrill away, breaking off part of one of its stingers.
But in the process Metapod was sliced partially open.
Ash caught him, noticing it, "Metapod!"
The wounded Beedrill flew away, buzzing in pain.
We walked forward, and Ash was desperately asking, "Are you hurt? Are you okay, Metapod?"
And then it happened.
A bright light from inside bursted out through the hole in its cocoon.
"Pika, pika!" I was overjoyed. His wish, it's coming true!
Yes. Metapod was finally becoming a Butterfree.
He slowly uncrumpled outwardly, stretching himself out.
"Free, free!" he flapped his wings in excitement, flying up into the air in joy.
"Butterfree," Ash muttered in awe.
Even Misty the bug-hater had to admit, "Oh, it's so beautiful!"
"Pika!" I agreed.
Dexter pinged. "Butterfree. One week after Caterpie evolves into Metapod, it again evolves into Butterfree."
Butterfree flew past Ash in pride, showing off his new beauty.
Before anymore enjoyment of this new evolution could be made, another big swarm of Beedrill topped the trees.
Misty exclaimed, "Here come the other Beedrills!"
"Hmm," Ash thought out loud.
His butterfly Pokémon made a noise to get his attention. "Butterfree..." His high-pitched wavery voice tried to communicate what he wanted to do. I can do it! Let me put 'em to sleep!
"Yeah," Ash's eyes sparkled. "Okay! Butterfree. Knock 'em out with your Sleep Powder!"
Butterfree happily complied, sending a glittering shower of dust that landed on top of the Beedrill, causing them to fall asleep and hit the ground one at a time.
Before long, even a nearby Weedle and Team Rocket had fallen asleep.
Team Rocket?
How'd they get there?
"Yay!" Ash yelled. "You put 'em all to sleep! Butterfree, you're the best! Ha ha! Hooray!" He started hopping up and down in ecstasy.
"You were able to handle your Butterfree so well, just after it evolved," Samurai complimented him. "Most impressive!"
"Pikachu!" I agreed.
'Atta boy, Ash!
...Somehow he still had the energy to continue jumping up and down in the air over and over...and over.
"This trail will lead you to Pewter City," Samurai told us.
We were standing at the end of the forest, looking at a long dirt path.
"That's great. But before we leave you Samurai, we still have to finish our match," Ash told him.
"Compared with you, my friend, I am the novice. But I will keep perfecting my technique, and one day we will meet again."
"I'm sure it will be a most spectacular match," Ash threw Samurai's words back to him.
"That is guaranteed."
"Just promise not to match Metapod versus Metapod again," Misty told them.
"Pika-chu," I crossed my arms and nodded with closed eyes.
Definitely no more Metapod versus Metapod.
"Until then, Samurai!" Ash called out to him.
We started walking away.
"See ya!" Misty gave her own good-bye.
"Pikachu!" I yelled. Bye!
"Farewell," I picked up Samurai's mutter.
We were finally on our way to Pewter City. I didn't know what we would find, but I knew that it really was the end of the old days and the beginning of the new.