Author's Note 6 Years In The Making!

Hey guys! Hope you remember me, lol! I have to give a HUGE apology for disappearing for so many years! Life has definitely changed in ways I never expected, and fanfiction got put on the back-burner BIG time.

BUT! I am here to say that I feel as though I have the time on my hands now to return! I am going to completely revamp this story, go through the chapters I have posted and re-write some parts, add some things, take some away, and give the story a fuller plot line. At first I hadn't been sure what to do about Hermione's secret identity, but be prepared to know it really soon!

I will be posting the old chapters as they get revamped, which should allow me some time to get some new chapters going as well.

Hopefully you guys are still here!


Also here is the new summary that will be posted with the story:

Summary: Hermione has a secret... But who can she trust? Ron has been missing for months after being captured by Death Eaters, and Harry has secluded himself for fear of losing everyone he loves. There is only one person who can help her; one person who can protect her from her past. Will Draco Malfoy be able to handle a change to the Good Side to save someone he was raised to hate? D/H, possibly some B/G. Slightly A/U, EWE? format. Takes place during 7th year at Hogwarts, and is in compliance with HBP.