
"Dragoon!" came two yells from the backyard of the grangiers house.

"hmm.. i wonder where kai is. He's the one who told us to start practicing at 7 in the morning, and he's been getting here later and later and i dont want the job to wake up

tyson, and besides, he's patr of the team too and needs just as much practice as they do." hillary complained to Kenny who was analyzing the rpm's of tyson and ray's blade. Kenny made a sound to show hillary that he was listening, though not very intrested. "Not to mention he's been acting really weird lately, like he's trying to hide something from us, and he.." Just as hilary was about to blow when kai came rounding the conner into Tyson's backyard.

"Kai! Where have you been? Your like 2 an a half hours late! And your the one who set up the scheduele!" Hilary started to yell at kai who just walked past her casually.

"You know i'm not the one to agree with hil," tyson started as he and ray ended the battle catching his blade, "and if i know that she has a point, then you should definately know she does."

"I thought that i would never say this, but kai, your turning out just like tyson, and its kind of scaring me." max said standing up.

"I dont have time for this you guys." Kai said pretty weakly.

"Kai? are you ok? you seem sort of, different?" Ray spoke out which then made everyone forget that he was late and started to worrie about his health.

"Im fine" Kai said annoyed at them for not leaving him alone like they usually do.

"Are you sure?" Hil asked wiht much concern.

"Yes now can you please just leave me alone i have a huge headache!" and with that they went back to trainning, this time max and tyosn went up against each other. it was pretty much quiet besides the niose of kenny typing on his computer. When max and tyson were done it was time for kai and ray to go up against each other. Ray got up and was getting ready when he noticed that kai wasnt moving. He walked over to him with all of these crazy thoughts in his head that kai was dead. when he got to kai his emotions and worries just exploded and he started to shake and yell.

"KAI! KAI ARE YOU ALRIGHT? KAI? WAKE UP! KAI! PLEA..." before ray could finish, he got a fist in his mouth.

"What part of leave me alone, i have a headache dont you understand?" Kai yelled as he stood up and was about to leave when Hiro came ranning outside. he stoped and observed the scene. Tyson and Max were standing next to each other and were just staring like they were scared to say something. aftre all, kai was always the quiet one, the one who never spoke out or got out of line with them (N/A: key words "with them"). he then looked the the left of ty and max and saw hilary and kenny. Hillary looked like she was gonna scream at kai, her eyes full of tears, and kenny, well kenny kind of fainted. he then looked at the focus point of it all, ray had his hand over his nose, which was obvisouly bleeding. Then, he looked at kai, who had eyes full of pain and he was leaving.

"Kai." Hiro went running after him once he was going out into the streets. "kai, hey wait up a sec."

"hnn?" kai stopped, not bother to look behind him.

""you alright?"

"Ya why wouldnt i be?"

"cuz, you just punched your friend in the face!" hiro started to raise his voice at him.

"Please could yopu keep it down? i have a headache, like really bad." kai said turning around, but refusing to made eye contact.

"Kai? whats going on? some thing has to of happened to you for u you to be acting this way, i mean common, you dont just go around punching people you care about." kai then just turned back around. "What? what is it kia?" hiro sounded more annoyed than concerned at this point. "Huh? whats your problem? o, so your not going to tell me? fine how about i guess? is it.. a girl? no? is it cause, you've been starving yourself, cuz u seem alot skinnier than you were like just 3 weeks ago. or.. is it cuz your just looking for attention? you want attention kai?" hiro stepped up right behinde kai. "you have my attention kai. now can you just please tell me whats up with you?" he finished, backing up a bit and sounding more concerned again.

"I dont want attention. not from you, not from anyone. now if you dont mind, i have to be going home now." Kai said, his eyes covered by his hair. he started to walk off as hiro grabbed his arm. "AAAHHHHH!" he yelled and imediatly pulled his arm back but found that he couldnt get out of hiro's grip. "ahh.. hiro let go.. ahh" he was practicly begging hiro to let him go. hiro pulled kai closer and rolled his sleve up to revle to huge black and blue mark which was taking up the majority of his arm. Hiro was surprised and he lifted his shirt to find cuts burried deeply into Kai's torso and he could see that he had more bruses equally disturbing as the one on his arm.

"Kai? who did this to you?" he asked letting him go.

"im sorry, i have to go." Kai said still hiding his eyes, but hiro could tell that he was crying and when ray shook him to wake him up, he must have touched one of the bruses. No doupt that hiro was worried. he just stood there as he watched Kai walk rather fats own the street.