Hi, Mag's here again. Sorry for the short break. I was procrastinating. And I had lack of sleep :(

So here's the next chapter, the summary will be explained by the story itself. It's really short because there's only one scene in here, and you'll finally be seeing some action! Enjoy.

Thanks for reviews, though not as much as usual. Has my standard decreased? Comments/Criticisms will be welcome, and flames, not really. But the effort will be appreciated.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Nat was a lousy help. (Park Avenue Angel), please visit her profile, there's a LJ fic up, and it's pretty good!


Hermione flinched.

"I… There –"

Viktor's gaze did not waver.

"I meant it in a friendly way," said Hermione lamely. Viktor looked at the floor, trying to fight the temptation to laugh out loud. Then he looked back at Hermione.

"How so?"

Hermione opened her mouth, then closed it, unable to come up with a reply. Viktor rose, his gaze still upon her as he sat down on the bed beside her.

"Are you afraid to accept me?"

Hermione shook her head slowly. She was feeling almost dizzy. Like she was about to faint.


The ends of Viktor's lips curled into a smirk and Hermione licked her own, noticing how dry they were.

"But – but that doesn't mean – "

The rest of her words died on her lips as Viktor's deep brown eyes locked onto Hermione's hazel ones. She immediately shifted her gaze but a finger was placed just below her chin, steering her gently but forcefully to face him again.

Viktor's face was now barely inches before hers and Hermione could feel his breath brushing lightly against her. But his lips moved past her cheek as stopped at her jaw, breathing slowly into her ear, sending a tingling sensation down her neck. She suppressed a shudder.

"Good," he whispered.

Hermione involuntarily let a small, surprised gasp escape her mouth as she clutched the bed sheets, tensing up. He continued breathing gently on her neck, dragging his finger from her chin to the other side of her jaw slowly. Hermione's breathing grew more ragged and her heart started thumping against her chest rapidly.

Ba-dump… Ba-dump…

Viktor withdrew and placed his face so close to Hermione's that she could feel his lips moving lightly against her own like a ghostly touch.

"S-stop…" Hermione mumbled, visibly nervous. She shut her eyes. This had to be a dream, and all she had to do was wake up to end it… It wasn't really happening, Viktor wasn't doing this to her…

But Viktor did not cease with his actions. He pressed his lips against the side of hers lightly and Hermione's heart missed a beat. An arm attached itself firmly onto Hermione's shoulder and pushed her backwards onto the bed. Hermione allowed herself to be led, trying to relax as she opened her eyes slowly and saw Viktor closing in on her. Her eyes dropped onto his lips which were now less than a millimeter apart from hers.

Viktor grinned as he leaned forward in an agonizing slow pace and brushed his lips against hers. She remained as still as a stone as he continued peppering her with feather-light kisses. She clenched her sides even harder, heart set ablaze but relaxed when he finally deepened the kiss, and plunged his tongue into her half-opened mouth.

As a wonderful feeling pulsed through her, there was only one thought in her mind: that this, the bliss that she was going through now, was wrong.

But she couldn't bear to turn Viktor away just like she had before. She wanted this so badly…

It was like entering heaven without having to die...

Hermione slipped her arm around Viktor's neck as his tongue traced the insides of her mouth, sliding her leg onto the bed from the floor to make herself more comfortable. Her shin accidentally brushed against a small bulge, causing Viktor to moan against her lips and she flushed a crimson shade.

He pulled away from the kiss and trailed away down her neck and Hermione's eyes fluttered open, feeling abandoned and frustrated.

"What -?" Viktor placed a silencing finger on her lips and got up on his knees on the bed. Hermione pushed herself up and looked at Viktor's face, searching for an answer, but it was impossible. He was unreadable.

But he broke out in a smile and laid a tender kiss on her cheek.

"You didn't reject me," he said happily. Hermione returned his smile.

"I couldn't." Hermione replied and Viktor bent forward to kiss her on her lips again.

Yay! Purple Button!