Disclaimer- i own nothing

This is Ms. I with a new story! basically it's my view on book 7! Will contain an amazing amount of spoilers! so don't read if u haven't read book 6!

PLease enjoy and know that i haven't abandoned Haunted Past i just needed something new to write as well

"Trouble is like a friend to me..." Shawn Colvin, Trouble

The trio sat on the train in silence, each lost in their own thoughts, there was so much going on, to digest.

"You two really don't have to come back to the Dursleys with me." Harry stated.

"Listen mate we told you once and we're gonna tell you again. We're coming. I've written to mum and Hermione has written to her parents. We're safer with you and the muggles any way." Ron said.

"Harry you've given us the chance to turn back and we are not so understand your stuck with us." Hermione said, a small smile tugging at the end of her lips.

Hermione looked at her watch. "I've got sum patrolling to do guys. I'll be back in a little bit." Hermione said standing up.

"Oy I'm coming with you." Ron said getting up.

"Ron I know you don't want to. Stay with Harry, I'll be fine." Hermione said.

"Listen Hermione I hate to be blunt and all," Ron said Harry snorted, "but we've got death eater wanna be's on this train and who would love nothing more then to get at you."

"I agree with him Hermione. We know you can take care of yourself but just let Ron go with you. He is a perfect after all." Harry said.

"Fine," Hermione said heading out the door followed closely by Ron.

The door closed and Harry leaned his head back, closing his eyes. Thinking of all that had happened over the last year. And he came to only one conclusion, the same one he had know he'd have to do since his 5th year. It was time to end this, end the terror Voldemort instilled in everyone.

Harry looked out the window and rummaged in his pocket for the fake Horcrux, the golden locket. With a swift move Harry opened it and un-folded the parchment that he felt he had already had memorized.

To the Dark Lord

I know I will be dead long before you read this

but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret.

I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can.

I face death in the hope that when you meet your math,

you will be mortal once more.


It was still unbelievable to Harry that Dumbledore had done so much, had lost his life for this fake Horcrux which brought up so many new questions. What was R.A.B? Where did he hide the real Horcrux? Was it even still hidden or did he destroy it or did Voldemort find it? So many questions and no answer to any of them.

"Bloody hell!" Harry said, his brain hurting as his door slide open.

"Hello Harry." the voice said, Harry turned knowing that this person meant him no harm...well not in the way death eaters might.

"Hi Ginny." Harry said, he was hoping to avoid her for as long as possible, which was quite stupid to even think really.

"Can I sit?" she asked.

Harry thought it weird she'd even ask, "Of course Ginny. We're still friends." Harry said, hoping that it was indeed true.

"Can I cut right to the point?" Ginny asked, Harry nodded, slightly afraid.

"Let me finish before you speak alright?" Ginny once again asked, Harry nodding again.

"I've been thinking Harry and I realized that I still love you! I waited a very long bloody time for you to ask me out, for you to like me and it wasn't till I lost you that I realized that I love you." Ginny said.

"But you haven't lost me!" Harry protested.

"Let me finish!" Ginny demanded.

Harry shrunk in his seat at her harsh tone that reminded Harry greatly of Mrs. Weasley.

"Thank you. And now as I was saying I love you Harry James Bloody Potter. I know Ron and Hermione are coming to stay with you this summer and I know that none of you are returning to school if it opens. I also know you don't want me to get hurt. But I've made a decision Mr. Potter and I've decided you can't dictate what I do or don't do. You three are suppose to return to the Burrow the day after your birthday for Bill and Fleur's wedding. I will wait till then but know Harry that either way I'm fighting against Voldemort." Ginny said, her eyes a blazed as she left the compartment leaving a stunned Harry behind.

Harry sat there mulling over what Ginny said but he knew it was for the best, he had to let her go. She'd be safer, she had to be.

About a half hour later the door slide open this time Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood walking in.

"Hi guys." Harry said, not really sure why they where there.

"Alright Harry I've got something to say. I want you to know I'm your friend and that I know your going to be fighting you- know...Voldemor..t and I want you to know that if you ever need me do not hesitate to call. I'm behind you mate." Neville said, turning to Luna, for once her dreamy expression gone.

"I'm behind you two Harry. Your like having a friend." Luna said.

"I am your friend Luna." Harry said.

"I know." she replied.

They soon left, Ron and Hermione returning to Harry looking as if they where in the middle of an argument.

Harry closed his eyes and tried to sleep the rest of the way.


"Harry! Harry wake up!" Hermione said, shoving Harry lightly as he jerked awake.

"What?" he whined.

"We're pulling into the station Harry." Hermione replied.

"Oh," Harry said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

The train stopped and carrying their trunks the golden trio left the Hogwarts express, all three with mixed emotions not knowing if they'd ever get to ride the train that first brought them together ever again.

"Is your mum here?" Harry asked as he looked around wondering who was taking Ginny home.

"No with well Dumbledore's passing mum and dad have been helping the order out a lot and that isn't even getting started on Bill and the wedding. Luna Lovegood's dad is gonna take her back. No worries mate." Ron said, reading his friend's mind.

"Where are your Aunt and Uncle, Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Don't now, they probably forgot they had to pick me up or Moody told them about you lot. Come on we can take a cab there." Harry said as he led his friends off of the platform.

Hermione hailed a cab and soon all three friends where loaded into the car, Hedwig flying to the Durselys, Pig and Crookshanks going to the Burrow along with Ginny.

"Where to kids?" the old driver asked.

Harry gave the man the address and the car started to move and the tree of them watched trees and other cars rush pass. It took about 45 minutes till they actually arrived at Harry's relatives house.

The three of them stood out on the lawn, looking at the perfect house.

"Alright mates I'm gonna warn you. The Dursleys aren't going to be pleased that you're here. You just let me handle things and don't worry yourselves alright?" Harry said, both Hermione and Ron nodded cautiously, neither pointing out that they where of age and could handle the muggles.

Harry walked up to the door and rung the door bell, glad that his friends and he had all worn muggle clothes, his being a couple sizes to big.

The door swung open.

"You!" Vernon Dursley yelled, his face turning purple.

"Hello Uncle Vernon I believe Professor Moody stopped by and told you of the arrangements for this summer?" Harry asked.

"If you think I'll be intimidated in my own home!" his uncle yelled.

"I'm not happy about this either Uncle Vernon but it will keep your family safe." Harry said, knowing he had won the argument as he ushered his friends in.

"Uncle Vernon these are my friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. Ron, Hermione my uncle." Harry said introducing them.

Vernon Dursley and Ron made no replied but Hermione tried to be at least polite.

"Hello Mr. Dursley. And thank you again for allowing us to stay this summer." Hermione said, still no replied as horse like woman walked into the room.

"You're here then?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am." Harry replied.

"Your friends then?" she asked indicating Ron and Hermione, Harry nodded.

"The girl can be put in the guest room. The boy and you will have to share your room." Aunt Petunia said, turning away briskly, taking her husband with her.

"Come on guys I'll show you around." Harry said, grabbing his trunk and pulling it up stairs with him.

"Hermione this is the guest room. Make your self comfortable. I'm gonna get Ron settled in." Harry said as he let Hermione into the clean crisp room as he continued down the hall, Ron behind him, his cheeks turning a hint of red as his friend saw all the locks and the food flap on the door. Harry was thankful that he made no comment. He pulled the door open, the room was just as he had left it.

"Sorry it's small in here Ron. You can have the bed, I don't mind the floor." Harry said.

"Are you kidding me mate!" Ron said, "we'll just have Hermione conjure something. No worries mate." Ron said, dragging his trunk and placing it under Harry's desk, next to where Harry dragged his trunk.

"This is gonna be one summer." Harry replied just as Vernon Dursley yelled, "BOY! FREAKS GET DOWN HERE!"

The trio walked down the stairs together.

"Yes Uncle Vernon?" Harry asked, his friends standing behind him.

"We want to go over some house rules." Petunia said sharply looking the three 'freaks' over.

"Ay! Now there will be no funny business you here me!" Vernon yelled.

"And if any of the neighbors ask you two are cousins visiting us from up north." Petunia added, Harry thinking that what dim wit would believe that.

"Boy you'll make meals if your friends and you want to eat this summer." Vernon said.

"Yes sir!" Harry said, really to tired to argue.

"Good! Now I don't want to see any of you till dinner!" Vernon said, the three of them running up stairs.

"Let me go hex them! Come on I can turn them into cups or something!" Ron ranted.

"It's not worth it mate." Harry replied.

"They are horrible people!" Hermione said, "They are the ones that give muggles a bad name." Hermione huffed.

"No worries guys. After my birthday we'll be gone. Till then we have a lot of things to do. So get settled in, I'll make dinner and then we'll get some sleep and come up with a game plan in the morning." Harry replied.

"Can I help cook?" Hermione asked, both Ron and Harry's eyes going wide. They both knew that Hermione was not a good cook, not at all.

"No worries I got it Hermione." Harry said.

"I'll um..I'll help you mate." Ron said who knew his way around the kitchen sum, you couldn't have a mum like Mrs. Weasley and not know.

"Thanks mate." Harry said, heading to the kitchen with Ron. Hermione went into the guest room with Hedwig and sat down with a roll of parchment, and idea had come to her on the train but she didn't want to say anything till she knew if it would be possible.


The whole week went by in the same fashion, Harry would cook and prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner and the Dursley left the magical beings alone for the most part. Once in a while Aunt Petunia would ask Harry to run an errand that his friends where more then happy to go with him and other time Uncle Vernon would want Harry to do manual labor out back. Ron had no problem helping Harry with any of it and the two of them working together got things done rather quickly.

It was late on a Saturday night that the trio stayed awake, all bunked in Harry's room.

"So it is settled then," Hermione said.

"I think so guys. I mean we're gonna need a home base if anything should happen or just to stay. We can't go to Sirius' house because the Order is using it. I don't trust the ministry to help us and I'm not even sure about the Order." Harry said.

"Well we will have to look for a place then." Hermione said as a brown official looking owl followed by Pig flew into the room, the brown owl dropping three letters, pig dropping but one before flying out.

Harry opened one of the three, the one that had his name.

Mr. Potter

You are formally invited to the reading of one Albus Dumbledore's will at a private room in the Leakey Cauldron. Arrive no later then noon.

Charles Truthionix.

Harry looked up to his friends and could tell that they had all received the same letter he had.

Ron picked the one up from Pig and read it.

Harry, Ron and Hermione,

I hope this letter finds you well. Alastor Moody, Tonks and I will be arriving at the house tomorrow to bring you lot to the pub. Be ready by noon.

Remus.J. Lupin

"Well then," Harry said as he was filled with mixed feelings, "I guess we better get to bed."


The Dursleys door bell rang just before noon. Harry had warned his Aunt, Uncle and cousin who all made sure they'd be out for the day.

Harry looked out the window and could see Mad Eye Moody, Tonks and Moony. He opened the door.

"Hello," Harry said as Moody pushed his way into the room.

"What do you think your doing Potter? Just opening the door like that! Constant Vigilance !" Moody yelled, making Hermione jump slightly.

"Sorry Professor." Harry said.

"It's Moody, Potter." Mad Eye said.

"Well we best get going kids," Remus said pulling from his pockets a smashed muggle beer can.

"A portkey?" Ron asked.

"Ay," Remus replied, as every one placed a finger on it, Harry feeling the familiar tug on his navel before he landed in a room already filled with people, some he recognized right away others not so much.

A man who Harry though must be Charles Truthionix tapped his wand loudly, the room hushed.

"Good, thank you. If every one will please take a seat." the man said.

"I am Mr. Truthionix, but you can call me Mr. Nix. Mr. Albus Dumbledore placed me in charge of his will if the need should arise and I am sad to say it has. Now if every one is present we may begin." Mr. Nix said, looking around the room. Harry noticed the minister was among the people who where there along with all the Weasleys, Luna and Neville.

Mr. Nix pulled out a small pensive and placed it on the table and tapped it with his wand.

"The reading of one Albus Dumbledore's will shall begin."

The lights dimmed as the bowl came to life and a ghostly looking Dumbledore steeped out of the pensive and looked around the room, as if he could actually see them all.

"Hello my friends. If you are listing to this I believe my time has finally come. I do hope I passed with my favorite socks and a lemon drop but I fear this isn't so. Shall we get to business then?"

"Good, not to begin with the Minister of Magic himself, Mr. Scrimgeour and Percy Weasley." the room was quite.

"Minister I leave you nothing in my will but a piece of advice. In times of war it is best to join forces will allies. Minister I ask for your own opinions be left at the door and that you will listen to Harry Potter, I believe he is all the light may have left. And now that I have said that I will ask you to leave." Dumbledore said.

The minister to dumbfounded soon found himself back in Diagon Ally and no longer apart of the reading of the will.

"Now Percy Weasley. Ah yes one of the more brighter students to enter Hogwarts." Dumbledore said, Percy began to look proud.

"But I'm sad to say not to much common sense son. The ministry shall fail Mr. Weasley. Choose your side carefully Percy for I'm sad to tell you it could ruin your life if it hasn't already. Now if you are willing to listen to the rumblings of an old man I ask you to stay for the rest of the reading. If not I will ask you to please join the minster and leave." Albus said, Percy did not move but looked over to his mother who was crying.

"Mr Weasley your decision?" Mr. Nex asked.

"I...I'd like to stay." Percy said, his whole family looking at him dumbfounded.

"Now next on my list. Oh yes my old friends, Hagrid, Alstor Moody, Minerva McGonagall, Horace Slughorn and my dear brother I'd like to ask you four a favor. I ask you stay with Hogwarts, no matter what never abandon Hogwarts. Minerva dear you are now Headmistress and brother I ask that you become deputy head master. Moody I am in now doubt that you will keep a Constant Vigilance on the students. And Horace I do hope you will stay on to teach. Oh and Hagrid you will keep an eye on the forest for me won't you? I also ask a sum of 20,000 gallons be deposited into each of your vaults." Dumbledore said, Harry was sure he saw the old man's eyes twinkling and could hear Hagrid balling.

"Now Ms. Tonks and Mr. Lupin I have yet a far greater task to ask the two of you. Ms. Tonks as I am sure that Hogwarts is missing a defense against the dark arts teacher I'd like to ask you to please take this job. Mr. Lupin I'd like you to help Ms. Tonks and to aslo continue what we had discussed earlier this year. Along with that I'd like 20,000 gallons deposited to Ms. Tonks. Another 50,000 to Mr. Lupin."

"Molly and Arthur Weasley. I know that this war will wear you two down more then most, with 9 children to worry about, I include Ms. Granger and Mr. Potter in on this. But yet I must ask of you another more trying task. Arthur Weasley I would like you to be the deputy head of the Order. I feel that if anything should happen or in the new heads absence you will be best to trust with this task. Molly, dear Molly. I remember when you where a young girl, attending Hogwarts yourself. Your daughter reminds me a lot of you and your brothers. I ask that your run headquarters and allow your children to do what they believe is right. Also 65,000 for your vaults"

Mr. Weasley simply nodded, while Mrs. Weasely did the same, sobbing a little harder. Harry wondered as did many others who was the new head of the order, Harry always thought it be Moody or McGonagall.

"Hmm...I have now a rather long list to go down. I think I will start with the eldest Weasley son, William 'Bill' Weasley. You turned out to be quite a strapping good man. And I do hope I was around to preform your wedding sermony. If not I am forever sorry. A wedding gift for you and your bride. A house in muggle London only a few blocks away from Diagon Ally. Along with it 15,00 to the new couple. Please except this as a wedding gift."

Harry saw Fleur crying into her soon to be husbands arms, she had liked the old, friendly man very much.

"Charlie Weasley, still taming dragons? I do hate to ask this but I would be most grateful if you would join Hogwarts staff this year and help Hagrid. His responsibilities this year will be grave and I do not wish to leave the children with out a well versed teacher. Either way, 15, 000 to your vault. This is quite fun!" Albus said with a chuckle, as he paused and placed a lemon drop in his mouth.

"Now back to Percy. If you have chosen to remain and reconcile with your family, 15,000 to your vault. If not I'd like the money to be given to his parents." the room paused.

"Now too two of the biggest pranksters to his Hogwarts in many years, Mr. Fred and George Weasley. Amazing how far you two have come. I remember the many howlers you received at meal times. Your jokes never failed to amaze me. And I fear in these dark times coming your jokes will be most appreciated. Though if I believe you have been working on what I asked then I once again thank you. 20,000 to each of your vaults, for the purpose of what we discussed after you fled Professor Umbridge. Which I must once again compliment you on gentlemen."

The twins broke into a sober looking smile.

"Ah Ron Weasley, youngest of the Weasley men, best friend to Harry Potter and an amazing strategist if I remember. Yes I believe Mr. Potter will be needing you soon enough. I give you the title of Lieutenant and as for 35 gallons to be placed in a vault for you, more if the time should arise." Dumbledore said, Ron's mouth hanging open in shock.

"Ms. Granger, whose whit could match Rowena Ravenclaws. In your first year I wondered why the hate place you in Gryffindor but you soon showered me why Ms. Granger. You may be the smartest witch to ever enter Hogwarts and not just for your brain. Keep that head of yours Ms. Granger you will need it soon. I also award you the title of Lieutenant and place 35,000 gallons in a vault for you and a library of books."

Hermione started to cry.

"Neville Longbottom, son of Alice and Frank Longbottom. A brave boy you are, as I think I told you in your first year, 'it takes great courage to stand up to your enemy but more so to your friends.' Mr. Longbottom I ask that you remain the level head in this war, you will be needed, Lieutenant 25, gallons for you."

"Ah Luna Lovegood. Your knowledge my dear I am sad to say has not reached many ears but is wise all the same. You are blunt and to the point, Mr. Potter will need you as his friend. And if I remember you are not a bad duelist either. I give you the name Lieutenant as well 25,000 gallons."

"Mr. Victor Krum I am very glad you have been able to make it along with Ms. Decour, or should I say Weasley? You two are seen as the representatives of your schools. I ask that you help form a bond, a strong one between the three schools."

Harry was shocked he had not even noticed that Victor Krum had been among them, though he could see Ron had noticed by his red ears.

"Second to last, Ms. Ginerva Weasley. You are a strong and powerful witch Ms. Weasley. First woman born into the Weasley family in many generations, I don't think I must tell you what this means. I give you the title of captain, second in command to lead in battle if the need should arise. I believe in you Ms. Weasley. A sum of 35,000 gallons is to be placed in a vault for you. Take care of him Ms. Weasely. I shall tell you what I told another bright woman many years ago, some times they just need sense knocked into them." Dumbledore said, giving Ginny a wink.

"That leaves but one I believe, Harry Potter. Now I ask that every one including Mr. Nix leave the room. Every one but Harry Potter."

The room looked dumbfounded but Mr. Nix instructed them all to do as they where told, they soon all left, though Harry was sure Fred and George would try to listen at the door.

"Do not fret Harry I had Mr. Nix cast a strong silencing charm on the door. No one will hear what I have to say till after we speak. I know you are yet young, a war burdened on your shoulders but I must ask this of you. Harry James Potter, son of James and Lily Potter I ask you to become the new head of the Order of the Phoenix."

Harry almost fell out of his seat.

"I know you have doubts my boy and that is why I place Arthur Weasley under you. It will also allow you to search for the objects we discussed. If you agree please take out your wand and tap it once against the pensive."

Harry gulped, this would be the biggest step he had ever taken in his life. A whole group of wizards and witches under him ,there lives depending on him, on his leader ship. This was nothing like the D.A.

"I believe in you Harry." Dumbledore said, Harry made up his mind.


Every one piled back into the room, the door shut.

"Oh good every one is back. Alright then for my last announcement. I'd like to introduce you all to the new leader of the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter."