DISCLAIMER: I OWN NOTHING, But the plot of course tee hee.

Chapter 3

Hermione groaned as her alarm went off, but then she remembered that they were heading into Diagon Alley and sat up to wipe the sleep from her eyes. "Mphf...Crooks...off you silly cat!" Hermione shoved the ginger haired cat off her stomach. Her full bladder calling urgently to her, she slipped out of the covers, into her cozy slippers and out the door to use the loo. Sighing into the mirror once her morning absolutions were done, she washed her face and set to brushing out her hair. The braid from the night before having come on done now had her looking quite a mess.

"A rat could live happily in my hair, I really should see to getting it cut." Hermione sniffed at the thought and settled for pulling it back into a messy bun.

Back in her room she tossed on some jeans, a white tank top, and some worn loafers. Grabbing her everyday robes and kissing Crookshanks goodbye she headed downstairs for a quick bite to eat before they would be off.

"Hello Professor, morning Ginny, Remus." They nodded their heads in acknowledgement and set back to their breakfast. Hermione tossed a couple pieces of semi burnt toast on her plate and lathered them in strawberry jam. "So I have compiled a list of everything we will need this year Gin." Hermione handed the blearry eyed red head a list across the table. "As you can see, I marked the books I already have in possession that you can borrow like we talked about, it looks like you only need your divination and muggle studies books. I dropped those subjects quite some time ago. I don't see why you bothered taking divination again this year, Arithmancy or Runes would have furthered your record. You must remember you will be taking your N.E.W.T's next year and those to classes would prepare you for a plethera of high standing employment opportunities."

Ginny rolled her eyes and smiled,"Yes I could have Hermione, but we are not all as smart as you, Miss Wonder Student." Lupin sniggered into his morning coffee and had the mind to look sheepish. Snape looked as if he pretended that they weren't there and looked engrossed in the Daily Prophet. "Yes well, I do want my apprentice applications to look nothing short of the best when I send them off in the second quarter. You should worry about the same." Hermione said sharply looking a slight bit miffed at her teasing.

"Oh I do worry, about quidditch that is." Ginny turned to Remus with a giant smile, "Did you hear that they are sending scouts to school this year? The Radical Razors, the Chudley Cannons, and the Bigby Blastors are all scouting the different schools looking for new young talent. Ron has been on about it ever since the article came out. Speaking of, I believe we will probably see him and Harry at Diagon Alley today, isn't that right Remus?"

Hermione lifted an eyebrow, "Really? When will they be there?"

Remus sat back and set his cup down, "Oh they should be meeting us at Gringotts in about...oh 20 minutes? So I suggest we get a move on then. What say you?"

Ginny jumped up collecting everyone's plates and cups and placed them into the sink and with a quick cleaning charm had them back in the proper cupboards. "Let's go! What are you waiting for?"

Hermione smiled and linked arms with Ginny and headed out to the foyer to wait for Lupin and Snape.

Remus came out and took his worn robes off the hook in the side closet, he strode to the door and opened it with flourish and a bow. "Ladies first." They giggled and walked out onto the front yard of headquarters. Apparation wasn't available until they left the safety of the wards so they all walked around the block to a small alley way between a few businesses. Snape with wand in hand and looking back and forth with calculating glances looked positively menacing. It sent a chill down Hermione's spine.

"Alright then, we will side long apparate you to the front of the Leaky Cauldron, from there I will escort you ladies to Gringotts and then join Severus in tailing you. It would bring attention to all of you if we stayed to close and Hermione, you are of age so you can perform magic if needed."

Ginny whispered to Hermione, "Besides the fact their male and hate shopping." Hermione tried not to snort and elbowed her friend gently.

"Well then, Ginny if I may?" Remus held out his hand and pulled her near and with a pop they were gone. Hermione swallowed hard and gazed up at her Proffessor. "I'm ready when you are sir. Actually if you would prefer, I will do it myself. Ginny doesn't get her license until tomorrow, but I already have mine. So..."

"Miss Granger, just because you have a license to do something does not necessarily mean your fully capable of traveling. I do not feel as if I should have to explain myself to your so called friends if you splinched yourself. So stop doddling and step closer to grasp my arm." He extended his right elbow out just enough for her hand to stick through. Hermione didn't bother to argue and grasped it tightly, she new that the apparation would hinder her balance upon arrival and she didn't want to look a fool and fall. "Yes sir. I'm ready then."

Snape raised his wand and with a sinking feeling they were off. It felt as if one was being pulled through water and getting sucked through a vacuum all in one. As they blinked into existance at their destination, Hermione blinked a few times to clear away the fuzzy feeling. Seeing Ginny and Remus waiting for them she took a step forward and just as fate may have it, tripped on the curb and tumbled forward.

"Miss Granger it seems that you should add walking classes to your roster this year." Snape grunted as he hauled her back onto the curb and out of the now uncoming traffic. "You'd do better next time to pay attention." With that he let go of her arm and walked quickly across the street and into the Leaky Cauldron. Hermione caught her breath glared at the Professors retreating back but upon seeing Ginny and Remus still waiting, scampered quickly across making sure to watch for the curb and any oncoming vehicles this time.

That man has some nerve, I should have just did it myself! Walking classes? Psh. Maybe he should take some etiquette ones, he surely needs them. Foul temper...snakey bastard...

They walked straight to the back and into the alleyway and watched the bricks rearrange themselves for their enterance into Diagon Alley. Keeping an eye out for Harry and Ron, Hermione forgot about the Professor lurking and watching from the alleyways and street corners. Many people had their hoods drawn even though it was summer and the warm sun beating down upon them. People were still afraid that something or someone would be out to get them and there was reason. Voldemort was still somewhere out there and had people on constant alert. Remembering that they were out in the open, Hermione brandished her wand out of its holder and held it securely in her robe covered hand. She could hear Moody's mantra in her head, "Constant Vigilance!" and smirked at the thought.

They were nearing Gringotts now, Hermione craned her head to full height to try and catch a glimpse of her friends. "There they are! To the left there!" Ginny called out and Hermione was racing through the crowd alongside her since she had her hand attached around her wrist. "Ginny slow down! Remus won't be able to catch up." Hermione laughed and kept running. She launched herself into the waiting arms of the boys she came to love and care for. Her bestmates. She would die for them.

"Hello Ginny, Hermione. How was your summer?" Harry's smile could have lit up the sky. His raven locks that were long since deemed managable were cut short, he had to have grown another three inches since she saw him a few months ago.

"Oh Harry! You look splendid! My summer was good, and obviously yours was as well. Harry, where are your glasses?" Hermione asked, confusion set upon her face.

Harry smirked, "I had Mr. Weasley take me to a muggle eye doctor. Well not actually muggle, he's a squib, but that didn't stop Mr. Weasley from chatting him up about all the muggle things in his office." Ron laughed, "Ya you should have seen dad Ginny, every time that bloke made Harry take a test, Dad insisted he do it also. I told Harry it would have been easier to see a mediwizard but he insisted on doing it the muggle way." Ron shrugged at that statement and then nudged Harry with a grin.

Harry turned towards Ginny, "I now have almost perfect vision. I had this procedure that corrects them with a small light, sort of magical itself really."

"Well that's great Harry, now we won't have to worry about repairing your glasses as much."

"Remus!" Harry darted into the older gentleman's arms and hugged him fiercely. "I didn't know you'd be coming. I just thought it was nasty ol' Snape. I thought you would have been to weak to come out. Wait, your okay aren't you?" Harry took a step back and glanced at Remus up and down as if he might have broken the werewolf.

"That's Professor Snape Harry, and no no I'm quite alright thanks. The potions a bit stronger with Severus' addition of a pepper up solution, helps me keep a level head during the daytime hours. Nothing to worry about. Now, why don't you all get along now. We will be around, Tonks and Arthur are about too, so no funny business. We will all meet at four o'clock back at the Leaky Cauldron alright? Right then, now off with you. Shoo." He made a sweeping motion with his hands and they all smiled and walked up the steps to Gringotts to see to their funds.

Hermione could feel eyes on her as she neared the doors, taking only a quick glance back she could see dark robes darting around a corner and smiled thoughtfully.


Ya again, like I stated in my other story, I'm a busy single mother, and my muse took an extended vacation, but seems to have dropped off some of his notes in his spare time. So hope you liked the chapter, send me reviews and make me feel special for even trying to write more.