DISCLAIMER: I do not own the characters, JKR does.

Hermione had just finished her shower and was walking back to her room. She was at Grimmauld place for the summer along with a few of the other Order members. She sighed as she put on a silk nightie complete with matching panties.

"I wish I actually had someone to wear this for instead of just myself."

She sat in her desk chair while taking to the heinous task of brushing her hair. Scowling as she caught another not she threw her brush at the door and gave up. She said a spell that instantly produced her hair into a tight braid and padded over to her dresser to pull out clothes for the next day and arrange a few books she had lying around the room.

She almost gasped as a knock on the door unearthed her from her thoughts. She opened the door enough to peek out at whoever had the nerve to knock on her door at this hour. She did gasp this time. It was Professor Snape. Still dressed fully in his full robes and scowling at her.

She gulped and finally cleared her throat. "May I help you Professor?"

Snape scowled harder, " Yes you can Miss Granger. You can keep it down in there. Your infernal prancing around is disturbing my evening. Not to mention the sound of things being thrown."

Hermione's eyes were now downcast. "I'm sorry Professor…it won't happen again. I was just cleaning up."

"Whatever it was, I do not care. As long as your quiet for the rest of the night. Its my watch and I like to have silence."

Hermione timidly met his eyes and nodded. "Yes, sir. I will be going to bed now." She made to close the door until he cleared his throat again. She looked back at him. He seemed a bit standoffish.

"Miss Granger. May I suggest something?"


"Next time when you address company at your door, you might want to think about donning a dressing gown."

With that he turned on his heel and walked away. Hermione blushed furiously and shut the door quickly. She had just let her dreadful Potions Professor see her undergarments! Flushed with embarassment she quickly fled to the depths of her comforter and extinguished the lights in the room with a quick "nox".

Hermione woke the next day feeling peaked and sweaty. She had just woken from the most uncanny yet extremely provocative dream. She lay there and thought for a moment about the visions swirling about in her head.


Hermione was lying on an unfamiliar bed and a figured loomed over her. She was drawn into a passionate kiss and embrace. Her stomach clenching as a familiar energy rushed throughout her body as she organs med around the strangers fingers.

She was panting now and trying to focus on her would be lover. Her lover brushed their lips upon her neck and nibbled on her ear lobe and started to whisper huskily into her ear.

"Miss Granger, May I suggest something?"


Hermione shook her head and reluctantly climbed out of bed to stretch. She grabbed her things for another shower. Her body now sticky from the nocturnal emissions. She made her morning absolutions and readied herself to go downstairs. Grabbing her book bag she settled herself into the library. She never ate breakfast in the mornings unless Mrs. Weasley were there to make her. She settle on opening a power bar and munching on its fruity insides.

She had lots of work to research for a spell to help the Order with the recent attacks happening to the muggle families. Her family was now in hiding in America with relatives. Voldemort had made plans to attack them not to long ago but Professor Snape was able to get to them in time for the warning. Hermione sighed and found she could not concentrate any more. She put down her notepad, pen and the book and decided to see who was still left around the house.

She walked into the kitchen, no one there. She moved out the back door and saw the door to the shed was open. He was still there. The shed had been made into a small potions lab for him to make Remus' potion every month as well as work on some of his own things while it was his turn to reside at the house for the Order.

She crept towards the door to check and see if he were there. He wasn't . Curiosity getting the better of her, she moved closer to see what he was brewing.

"See anything interesting Miss Granger?"

The low voice being directly behind her had Hermione swiftly turning ready to run. That was, she would have ran if he hadn't been bodily in her way to do so. She had to crane her neck up to meet him eye to eye.

"Ah…I was just…I didn't mean to…"

"So now that you have decided to invade my privacy Miss Granger. How about you tell me what it is I am making."


He walked back to peer out the door and turned towards her again. "What am I brewing Miss Granger? Or should I have a heart malfunction if you were to say you don't know?"

She quickly took inventory of the ingredients and bit her lip, her eyes growing wide. "An aphrodisiac sir?"

He snorted and waved her out of the way to stir the potion and adjust the flame. "Not just an aphrodisiac, this is a strong Love potion for your dear beloved Potter. With this potion he should have the equivilant of the ancient magiks his mother produced to give his shield a boost when he goes to fight the Dark Lord."

Her faced wrinkled and her eyebrows laced in scrutiny of his words. "Sir are you sure?"

His face darkened. "Of course I am sure. Either it will help him against the Dark Lord or it will produce an erection for a month!"

Hermione gulped, " And potions do that to you?" She clapped her hand over her mouth. "I…I mean, not you personally sir…I meant…"

"I know what you meant Miss Granger. Now if you don't mind, I would like to finish my work here."

"Oh, of course sir. Excuse me."

She didn't stop running until she was in the safety of the library again. She didn't come out until it was time for dinner. She listened for any voices that might be in the kitchen and was relieved to hear Remus talking to Ginny. She skipped in and hugged them.

"I didn't think you two were on duty here for another few days. What's the change in plan?"

Remus shifted uncomfortably. "Um, as you know, the full moon is in the next three days. I came to take my potion. Ginny here is staying to watch me. We switched shifts with Severus and Tonks. So all of us will be here for the next couple of days until my change is over with."

Hermione hugged Remus again. "Oh, I'm sorry Remus, I forgot about the date. Have you two eaten? "

"Yes, Mum made us dinner at the Burrow before we apparated over." Ginny yawned and glanced over her shoulder looking at the stairs. " I really think I could do with an early lay in. Remus, I have taken the room next to yours with the adjorning door. So if you have any troubles after Snape…I mean Professor Snape gives you your potion, just knock. "

She smiled sleepily and walked up the stairs. A small shriek was heard moments later causing Hermione and Lupin to run to Ginny's aid.

"Ginny! Are you ok? What's wrong."

Ginny was still staring ahead of her fish mouthed and gaping. She pointed and made another "eep" in reply and Hermione followed her gaze to make an "eep" of her own. Professor Snape was standing there in just his boxer shorts. Realizing they had an audience, Snape quickly flew into the bathroom again to emerge fully robed and stalk past them without another sound.

Lupin rolled his eyes and helped Ginny off the floor. "You would think that man would learn to lock a door ."