Makoto stretched and yawned,

"Tired?" Mark asked and walked up to him with a soda.

"Yeah, thanks," said Makoto and opened his drink up. They were at the airport but arrived a tad too early. The girls went shopping around in the airport with Gou following for some reason…

Mark and Makoto stayed behind to watch their stuff.

"I'm so tired and so bored…" Makoto groaned,

"I know you are, but don't worry about it. Just go to sleep, I'll wake you up when we're ready to leave," Mark offered,

"No thanks, it's alright. Maybe I should walk around," Makoto thought aloud.

"…Fine, go ahead, I'll stay here to watch our stuff," said Mark and sighed for being the nice guy.

"You're the best, Markie!" Makoto hugged Mark hard and took off.

"I wonder if it really pays to be the nice guy…Now I'm the one bored to death," said Mark to himself.

Makoto looked around and he spotted his other teammates in no time. Yet, he wasn't happy at what he saw.

"Hey there cutie, I saw your beybattle on T.V. Has a Hiwatari gotten soft?" there were three guys there with them. One was talking with Kaiya and was invading her space while another was giving Gou a hard time because of his height. Heck, he's not even supposed to be out of bed yet! The third guy was just standing there, amused while Cam was afraid.

"I have not gone soft!" Kaiya growled and grabbed the guy's arm and twisted it and ready to deliver more pain.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Rayna pretty much 'kung-fu'ed the guy bothering Gou. The third guy was about to step in but Makoto made Kaiya release her grip on the one she was taking on.

"Take it easy there, Kaiya," said Makoto calmly.

"Mako!" Cam cried,

"Hey, it's Kinomiya," said the third guy that didn't do anything yet.

"That's right, and I don't want to see anyone messing with my team. Because I know Kaiya will do more than give someone pain and I don't want anyone to be responsible of an injury. Now, if you don't mind, my team and I have a plane to catch," said Makoto in a serious tone.


"I thought you were going to brag," said Cam as they walked back to Mark.

"Nah, I can brag to Tai when he gets back so I have plenty of bragging left to do!"

"Figures…" Kaiya mumbled.

"Oh yeah, Gou, you should've stayed with Mark. You still need to rest," Makoto reminded.

"I thought I was okay," said Gou,

"Well next time, watch your health," said Makoto,

"…When do you become so serious?" Cam asked and Makoto grinned,

"Since I started thinking about my job as Team Captain!"

"You mean one of the team captains," Kaiya reminded strictly.

"Uh right, you're the brains, and I'm the leader," said Makoto and everyone groaned at his near idiotic ways.

Makoto was partially right, for the team catching their plane ride anyway.

Usually, Makoto would sit with Mark or Cam, and Gou more each time. But once again, he's with Kaiya since Gou insisted on sitting with Rayna and Mark and Cam aren't favorites of being with Kaiya yet and since they think faster they sat down with each other before Makoto could even choose who to sit with. Not that he minded now anyway but Kaiya seemed to be a bit bugged. Makoto called the window seat again and once in his seat and puts the seat belt on and opened the blanket and covered himself to get ready to sleep the whole ride.

"…Makoto you idiot. They're going to serve food once we take off," said Kaiya and crossed her arms.

"Oh fine, but it's still cold here," said Makoto and then reached into his bag under the seat and pulled out his new favorite scarf and puts it on the back of his neck so he didn't wrap it, just puts it on.

"You did a good job, it's really warm!"

"…I can get very bored on days so what else would I be doing?" Kaiya asked. Afterwards, they kept the conversation to a minimum. The plane ride can get very boring and even after eating, Makoto was still bored enough to sleep; yet, it's very uncomfortable to sleep on planes.

"Makoto! Quit squirming like that!" Kaiya scolded,

"I can't get comfortable!"

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"I don't know, but this is why I hate long plane rides. The trip to China was the worst of all because that was probably the longest flight…"

Kaiya started making room and reached under Makoto's blanket.

"Whoa! What are you doing?" Makoto asked startled and yet, his face was blushing at what she might be doing.

"Loosening your seatbelt only! Calm down!"

"Oh was that all…" said Makoto in relief.

Mark yawned and stretched,

"How long until we get home?" Mark asked Cam who was doing something on her laptop.

"I'm not sure. Um, maybe a bit more than a couple of hours," Cam guessed,

"Aw man, this sucks. Being the best beybladers ever it's still a pain because we go around the world and then back again to Japan," Mark complained.

"Oh Markie, it's not that bad. Our names are probably over the beyblading magazine by now," said Cam and smiled.

"Maybe, maybe not. I just hope we get home soon and I am going to sleep a week or two off," said Mark and stretched again.

"I bet you'll only sleep in for a weekend or two but then you'll be right back up with energy and beyblading Makoto," Cam predicted,

"Maybe, maybe not. But don't forget; now I have Rayna, Gou, and Kaiya to beyblade against too," Mark reminded,

"Which is why you'll be kept busy for awhile," said Cam,

"Yup! But still! When will we get back to Japan?" Mark asked, well, more like whining.


"Do you think your sister is okay with that?" Rayna asked,

"Of course! Even if she doesn't, I'm still her little brother so I can make her," said Gou and Rayna did a small giggle,

"Taking advantage of being the younger sibling right?" Rayna asked and Gou nodded.

"I wonder why Kaiya seems different than she was before. Kaiya hates people. At least that's what she says. But I think this team softened her up a bit," said Gou and tried to see where Kaiya and Makoto were sitting.

"I think it's nice that we're all staying together, though," said Rayna.

"Me too, it does get boring if it's just me and my sister," said Gou.

"Probably, but I hope we get to Japan soon. There are still some parts of Japan I haven't seen yet," said Rayna and was happy to know that she has friends to show her around. Gou nodded and volunteered to be the one to show her around Japan some more.

Makoto was in slumber land, almost anyway. He smiled and got comfy,

"You're the best Kaiya…" he whispered and started sleeping soundly with his head on Kaiya's lap. Kaiya sighed,

"Does it really pay to be the nice person?"

"…The best, Kaiya…"

"Is he really talking in his sleep?"


"Yup, talking in his sleep…"

Kaiya pulled the blanket back when it started to slide off and kept Makoto comfortable.

"So Makoto, when you wake up you better tell me what you have done to me or else I'll beat you up…"

"I must be going crazy. I'm talking to someone I know is asleep!"


It took about a year, but I we all kind of belong together right from the beginning. Sure our team captains took the longest to like each other's company but things are going great now. We haven't heard from Tai yet but Makoto is really eager to tell him, okay brag, about his victory. Before we left Russia, everyone was able to finally see their parents. Except for Mr. Hiwatari, no one really knows where he went. Well, Kaiya and Makoto knew I think. Dien tried to convince Rayna to go back to China with him but with no avail. Mary also begged Mark to go live with her in America but he reminded her that their grandfather would be lonely then and she let it go. It was still kind of sad to see her leave though. Mary wasn't that bad I guess. After a while, Gou was finally able to at least get out of bed. He sure heals pretty fast. Then again, with Kaiya beating up on him all the time it's no surprise. Makoto was fine after the battle, but now he might be more afraid of the cold than before. At least that's what we thought but I think being nearly frozen into a popsicle helped him get used to the cold. Only a bit at least. Oh yeah, we also found out that Makoto's uncle, Hiro, didn't accidentally miss us, he really did leave us. I've never seen Makoto blow a fuse like that with one of his relatives in a long time! With all the excitement in this tournament, Mark and I felt so bad for forgetting Makoto's birthday, then again, he didn't remember either…

But hey! We didn't remember ours either! Who would've thought that this single tournament got us so wound up in winning, we seemed to have forgotten everything else. Besides winning the whole thing, another great thing was making new friends and we got ourselves an official team. Makoto's mother was okay with everyone staying at the dojo as long as she doesn't have to mother all of them. It was still great though; Rayna is a great cook and is the mother for everyone else. Makoto found his new playmate, Gou, now that Tai is gone for a while. I feel so bad for Gou because I think Makoto's denseness is rubbing off on Gou. I mean, how else can a Hiwatari walk and talk at the same time and misses the door but hits the wall instead? Other than that, Gou is still intelligent. He's doing better too, though I'm not sure whether he's forcing himself to heal faster or he really is healing fast. Markie is happy to be home. He wasn't kidding about sleeping off a few days. Okay, he said a couple of weeks and I said weekends but it ended up being a few days. For him, everything seems to the same except he's actually keeping in touch with Mary now. Kaiya likes to take walks and train. I guess she's still a bit upset after losing to Makoto…again. Yeah, they had a rematch and she lost. What was weird was that she didn't beat him up like everyone thought she would, she just walked away. If Rayna's not around for some reason, Kaiya's the new mother and that's when we're all afraid. Though, she's changed since the first time we met. I was scared of her badly when I took one look at her. Now, she's not that scary anymore. She's even nicer now that I think about it. Most of her insults sounds more like joke insults than insults. Unless she's talking to Makoto, she sounds more serious when it comes to him. I don't know if it's just me but I feel a different aura from Kaiya and Makoto whenever they're together. Well, they act different around each other too. It must be me; at least that's what I thought until I saw a sight I never thought I would in my life. After dinner, Kaiya goes for a walk as usual. We all have our own little routine it seems like except Makoto broke his when he asked to join Kaiya. I thought he was in for it but instead, Kaiya calmly replied a yes. I thought I was dreaming! I still think it's a dream for that matter but Markie and I can't have the same dream can we? Anyway, as for me; I'm still the team's beyblading expert. I fix, repair, give advice, and all that kind of stuff. Mako was thinking of making me the team mascot or something. That was so ironic when he suggested that. I admit I'm cute, since everyone says that, but I had to say no. Mako then said I always was a good singer but I still said no. I also have a secret that I won't reveal to any of them, at least not yet. I know a lot about beyblades but none of my friends ever recalled me launching a beyblade in my life. Well, I can always prove them wrong probably in the next tournament or the one after that. So basically, our place hasn't changed and neither have any of us really besides getting stronger and maturing. Oh! And Markie getting cuter! I did not say that…


"Where are Makoto and Kaiya? They went out a long time ago!" said Mark looking at the clock,

"I'm sure they're alright," said Rayna as she cleans the table.

Where Kaiya and Makoto are:

"I'm bored," said Makoto sitting in chair in a building.

"Shut up," said Kaiya but she was getting impatient too.

"When will our dads return our beyblades? What could they possibly be doing with them?" Makoto asked in a whiny voice.

"I don't know okay?"

Then they saw a blade burst through the door they were waiting at.

"…Whoa…" was all Makoto would say when he saw the wall the Dranzer hit which left a huge dent.

"Sorry about that Kai!" Tyson apologized.

"…Oh I see, that's what they were doing," said Kaiya and shook her head. They should've at least warned her and Makoto that they were having a rematch so they could go somewhere safer.

In the end, everybody was happy to have known each other and be on the same team. They just never knew what troubles they would get themselves into or how far they will go together. But until then, they only have to wait and see.


For now….

Please R and R!

Same question as last chapter, for the sequel(s), should I make them into one story or two separate ones? I don't know yet but I just need options at least. If you want to, can you tell me what you guys thought of the characters if you haven't done so already in the past reviews? I had someone tell me from…uh think not even halfway through the story that Makoto and Kaiya would make a cute couple. I thought it was a crazy idea for a while but I went with it and now I like it! But that's just my opinion anyway. So yeah, keep a lookout for the sequel but I'm not sure when I'll have it come out. But it won't be soon since school has started and my updating time is limited. So don't expect it anytime this month.