Title: Light in Dark, Warm in Cold
Theme #1 – Cold hands

Disclaimer: Get Backers & its characters are not mine; they belong to two wonderful, brilliant people—Rando Ayamine and Yuya Aoki, plus their publishing companies & etc. I'm just a lowly fanfiction writer with no money, a few crazy ideas and some time to spare.
Author's Notes: This is /so/ very late. When there's JuKazu, there's always angst… but we can't have that now, can we? Slightly yaoi, purely shounen ai ;-) Written for the 30romances, a LiveJournal community. R&R appreciated of course! Arigato to my beta, Neaera-san

Haha-ue – Mother
Sumanai – Sorry
Dou shitte – What is it (what's wrong)?
Iya - No

He woke up suddenly, and found himself surrounded by complete darkness. Panic and fear suffocated him with their invisible hands, creeping all over him bit by bit, where he could not see. His whole body was shivering, though strangely, he felt numb and drained. He could not move even a single finger. Not a thought entered his mind, only the sinking realization of facing the unknown, vulnerable and unprepared in the midst of this darkness.

A slight movement at his side roused his senses.

"Haha-ue…" came a soft whimper. Small and seemingly frail hands clutched the hem of his robe near his chest, near his heart. Drawn out and haggard breaths lingered on the slightly exposed skin beneath his collarbone. "Haha-ue…"

And just like that the fear in his heart left him. Panic had let him go. In their absence, grief took its place, as everything came rushing back to him in a fleeting blur.

The towering flames…
the blinding haze of smoke…
the stench of death around him…
burning bodies on the floor… the pleas… the cries… the tears…

"Haha-ue…" the younger boy at his side cried again while he slept. The littlest ray of moonlight that permeated through the dense trees touched his sweet, gentle face, which was now covered in soot and dirt. His long, dark hair clung to his skin, mingled with tears and sweat, soiling his beautiful and soft features. He smelled of both burnt wood and paper, and of peach blossoms that had just bloomed in the spring. He looked weak and pale, but his hands held an amazingly strong grip to his robes.

He laid his hands on the smaller boy's shoulders and felt him jerk back and shudder intensely. From sadness or fear or the cold, he could not tell… So he did the only thing he could at that moment: gently wrapping his arms around the other boy's waist, he pressed his body closer to him, praying for what little warmth his body could give for them to share.

One hand enclosed the small fingers that now seized a death grip on his collar: they were cold as ice. The warmth of his hands didn't seem enough.

"I will… I will become stronger." He whispered, drawing the younger boy closer to his chest, closing the gap between them.

"So nothing—no one can ever hurt you again." Fresh tears rolled down his cheek, as he squeezed the cold hands more tightly, willing his body to transfer any heat it could give off.

"So you wouldn't have to cry again." He vowed quietly, ardently into the night, to the nothingness that could hear him.

"I will become stronger so I can protect you." He whispered the words over and over, slowly etching them into the core of his being. "Kazuki, I will protect you."

…And the darkness swallowed them once more.


He woke up to the familiar darkness; the remnants of a dream, a memory of so long ago swam vaguely in his mind. But there was no panic this time; he knew neither fear nor sadness. Only comforting warmth, a sweet serenity.

He heard the light ruffling of heavy cloth and fabric against the tatami mat, the almost inaudible tingle of bells. He felt the careful movement at his side; the steady breathing that tickled the skin below his ear. Shifting slightly to his right, he caught whiff of peach blossoms, mingled with a faint smell of soap and water. He breathed in deeply, happy, satisfied.

"Juubei? Dou shitte?"

His was the familiar voice that was the source of this calm within his darkened world. His was the familiar, distinct scent that surrounded his senses, protecting him from his doubts and fears.

"Sumanai, Kazuki. Did I wake you?"

Soft strands of stray hair grazed at his cheeks as the other shook his head. "Iya. I was just about to sleep." He felt warm fingers move surreptitiously over his arm, onto his bare chest, as the younger man who lay beside him snuggled closer to him.

His was the touch that melted away all his grief and sadness.

"I thought you were sleeping." Kazuki chided at him, as his other hand reached for Juubei's under the thick blanket.

"I was."

"Juubei!" He heard him gasp a little when their fingers met. "Your hands are cold!" But the other did not pull his hands away. Instead, he wound his fingers deeper around Juubei's and brought their hands between them, near his chest, near his heart.

He sighed. Why he deserved this peace, why he deserved his kindness, he could not figure out--after what he had done. After all, he wasn't able to keep his promise. His hands deserved to be cold. "Kazuki… Those are the hands of the one who betrayed you."

"No, Juubei." Kazuki replied in a soft voice, in a tone reminiscent to that of his mother's when she would tell him a story he'd fall asleep to as a child. "These are the hands of the one who warms my heart." He felt long, delicate fingers squeeze his own, a silent gesture of assurance.

Perhaps there is a chance…

"These are the hands of the one who protects me." He felt wet, soft lips touch his fingers, kissing them slowly one by one. His blood pounded in his ears, and he took a sharp intake of breath as Kazuki continued with his ministrations.

that he deserves this…

"These are the hands of the one who heals my soul." He turned to his side as he felt Kazuki tilt his head slightly upwards, towards him…

Perhaps there is a chance that he deserves this…

"These are the hands of the one I love…" …before their lips met, and the evening, the darkness, the whole world simply melted away.

after all.