Author's note: Hey everyone. Don't kill me. I know its been forever, and this story fun and fluffy as it is almost done. Only one more chapter left and I'm almost done, but I do have a term paper to write, I'll try to post it soon as I can. :)

Chapter VI – Planning

"So are you still playing nice boy with them?"

"That's pretty kinky, Slayer,"

"Oh, ew. That was so not what I was asking!"

"Then what were you asking, pet?"

"You are being impossible, why are you being impossible?"

"Because it makes you pout, slayer, and when you pout you are bloody irresistible."

"Back to the plan."

"You're blushing!"



"We have to discuss the plan."

"I know the bloody plan."

"We need to have this completely clear."

"Its as clear as its going to bloody get!"

"Let's go over it."


"Just one more time. I only want to have to kill my ex- honey and your ho-bag only once."

"Do not underestimate me."

"Oh, I don't. You know I don't. I just hope that they do."

"You flatter me."

"Don't get used to it. So you just wheel around-"

"Mind me own business like a good little lackey then-"

"Why do you talk like that, Spike? you went to Oxford!"


"Okay, okay, You wait for me to attack in which case-"

"I fight off the hounds and hellions of torment with vicious fist and fang-"

"And make sure-"

"To keep the minions off your back."

"You know, of course that you might have to-"

"Kill Dru. Dust my ripe wicked plum the woman I took care of the last hundred or so years; we've gone over this, slayer. She's not mine anymore. Never was."

"You can say it now."

"Angel... Oh, look, Slayer, you didn't flinch. Looks like we both made some progress yeah?"

"Getting profound now, Spike?"

"Lots of time to think in m'chariot. Can't wait to get out of it."

"Still call it that?"

"Sounds better than 'wheel chair' don't it, slayer?"

"I will admit begrudgingly."

"BLOODY HELL! are you agreeing with me? Well, lookie here, Hell just became a skating rink."

"I'll deny it to my deathbed.

"And Angel-" of his look she corrected herself. "Angelus has no idea that you're here?"

"Oh no, he sent me himself. This is all part of his heinous, evil plan. I'm to make nice with you and then kill you when you're back is turned, I'm also to steal all the watcher's tweed suits and the school flag."

"He admits it! Evil dead bleach boy is going to stab us all in the back." There was a pause. "And he went to Oxford. Didn't Giles go to Oxford?"

Buffy and Spike snapped out of their conversation when a completely different voice chimed in. For a second they had completely forgotten that they were in the middle of the library of Sunnydale High and that they were surrounded by the scoobies. They turned their heads in Xander's direction. In fact, the rest of the scoobies turned to stare at him.

"What? No one else find this is the least bit wiggy that these two are having that conversation?"

Oz nodded.

"Strangeness abounds."

"Why is Spike even here?" Xander asked, holding out a wooden cross and trying his best to look menacing and unafraid.

The vampire in question rolled his eyes. He turned to the dark haired youth with a look of pure annoyance.

"We've got a truce, whelp." He stepped away from Buffy and towards Xander, his demeanor shifted immediately from playful and sardonic to menacing and Xander knew in an instant why William the Bloody was a feared and revered name in the Watcher's council. "Of course," Spike drawled un-hurriedly, reveling in Xander's fear. "Our agreement never extended to-"

"Spike!" chastised Buffy before he could get to the point of what he was saying.

Spike turned back to Buffy, his demeanor shifting again.

"Right, right, Slayer, I'll play nice with the kiddies." He said rolling his eyes.

"Good." Buffy said crossing her arms over her chest and lifting her chin. "Because we have not finished discussing the plan."

Spike looked at her incredulously.

"There was more to this plan of yours?" he asked arching his eyebrow. "Slayer, we both know what we're doing. S'not bloody rocket science, pet."

Buffy signed and looked down, chewing on her bottom lip.

"Spike, I just need to make sure I didn't miss anything." She said quietly. She paused and looked down at her hands so no one could see the tears welling up in her eyes. "I can't miss anything."

The volatile vampire immediately frowned, he craned his neck peering at her intently.


"All of this is my fault, Spike." She said in the same quiet but firm voice. She pushed back the tears and looked up. "I brought forth the true Angelus." She looked up, determination in her eyes proving once again how being a slayer had aged Buffy beyond her years. "And after this I want to rest for the first time since my birthday."

Spike eyed her cautiously for a long moment.

"Something happen today, pet?"

"Buffy, Are you sure-"

Both eyes turned to Giles, both having forgotten that they weren't the only ones present in the room again.

"I'm sure, Giles." Buffy answered before Giles could voice the question. They all knew what the younger Englishman wanted to know. "Spike wants to help." She grinned at Spike. "He's part of the world, kinda affected if it should, Oh, Say, All go to hell."

"Well, er, he did try to end the world himself."

Buffy smirked at Spike.

"He tried to destroy it." She said wryly. "That's a completely different thing."

Spike winked at her in recognition of his own words.

"So about what happened?" he prompted.

"Angel sent a minion. Wants to meet me face to face. Alone."

Spike froze, he turned his stricken navy eyes to Buffy who was surprised to see Spike looking so intense.

"Don't go."


"Seriously, pet." The vampire repeated. "Don't go. It's a trap." He turned acknowledging the scoobies as a whole for the first time that night. "M'guessing you're planning on resouling the git."

At all their surprised faces he waved his hand.

"That's right, er, Spike, very astute of you."

"Only thing in the world that smells that bad, Watcher, is Toad Stone." he jerked his chin in the direction of the table. "And if I know the way you sods operate you're planning on doing it right here in the unprotected school." He waited for the watcher to nod begrudgingly.

"Well, actually-" Willow piped up, but Spike cut her off.

"Not that I'm saying this is a good idea, mind. " he said ignoring Willow. "but if you must do it in one of your houses, one he's never been to." Spike paused and quickly amended him self. "One he doesn't know the location of." He turned back to Buffy. "Either way, pet, do not go meet Angelus. S'a trap. I've seen this ploy a hundred times."

The slayer looked at Spike strangely.

"Spike, were you just being level headed?" she asked incredulously. "who are you and what have you done with the bleached vampire that was here just a minute ago?"

The tell tale smirk spread across Spike's face.

"Baby, I have layers like you wouldn't believe."

Buffy's lips quirked.

"Ah, there he is."

"Hate to disappoint."