
Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic the Hedgehog, E-123 Omega, Metal Sonic, or any of the characters mentioned here. (Honestly, if I did, there wouldn't be near as many plotholes as there are.)


Darkness... That was the only thing I'd seen for so long... Darkness, surrounding me, embracing me, becoming me... Everything was darkness, save that single pale glow from the center of the room. How I hated that glow... It was a symbol of my imprisonment. That little green light was the only thing keeping me here, because so long as that light was on, so long as that machine inside of it slept, my arsenals was in lock-down mode...

The doctor still spoke to me every now and again. I could hear his voice over the intercom, telling me that it would only be a little while longer before I could go free again... I remember his instructions perfectly.

"The only thing keeping you from escaping is the being in this pod," he said when he placed me in here. "So long as he sleeps, your weapons are locked down. But do not worry-- Metal's plan is moving along smoothly. The rumors of 'treasure' are bound to attract some greedy little pest sooner or later, and when they come...then you'll be free, and then you can complete your task..."

It was so simple, and yet so difficult... It must've been nearly a month since I first entered this room, and still no 'greedy little pest' has come to allow me to complete my mission... And so I wait, while brother goes off on his little plan to kill "Sonic" once and for all. I do not even know what this Sonic has done so horribly wrong to my brother in the first place, but it has given him such an inferiority complex that it worries me to listen to him... The way he announces how he is "the real Sonic" is saddening. I have never heard of someone who convinced himself or herself that they are someone else. His suffering is unbelievable, and more than likely unbearable. It greatly exceeds my own pain.

And that alone is why I wait…