Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Zack, Dr. Brennan, or Angela, and unfortunately, I don't own the hottie Seely Booth either. They are all owned by Kathy Reichs and FOX.
"Booth, I still don't see why you insisted on me coming here. It's school, what bones would be in a school?" Temperance Brennan asked as they walked down the corridor of the high school.
"You'd be surprised. The dean said they found an odd whitish-yellow material in the bottom of a locker. The police informed them to call us."
Brennan looked through the doorways, "Wait a minute. These children are still having class? Why didn't they give them a day off while we're investigating?"
"They didn't want to raise any suspicions. It's bad enough a kid may have died here, why worry the parents?" Booth stopped at a door. He read the sign, "DEAN OF STUDENTS. Guess this is it." They entered the room and were met by a not-to-friendly secretary. She pointed to where the Dean was and got back to work. Booth knocked on the door and announced himself, "Mr. Jenke? Hello, my name is Agent Seely Booth, from the FBI. This is my associate Dr. Temperance Brennan. You called about some sort of material in a locker?"
"Yes, yes. It's nice to meet you. If you come with me, I'll show you where it is." Mr. Jenke motioned for them to follow him and they did. "One of the students came to me when they noticed it. She said that she had the locker last year and that she forgot something. When she went to get it, she found..." They reached the locker and he opened it, "That."
"Booth?" Brennan said as she bent down to get closer.
"Yeah Bones?"
"Seal this off. It's now a crime scene."