This is a short story idea that I have just got into my head. I'm largely just winging it. It's an alternate universe fic to So The Drama (I wish they would do more KP movies).
This story is specifically dealing with Ron and Kim's feelings and one of the many ways I've figured them dealing with the sitch.
I do not own Kim Possible or Ron Stoppable. Nor do I own any other Disney character.
Love Lies
The words 'curse you Kim Possible' echoed through Terrible Island as Dr. Drakken's summer holiday lair was raised to the ground like many of his other lairs. Drakken had wanted to use Monster Island, if it weren't for the actual monsters. That and the local animal protection authorities had forbidden any building works there. Drakken had then tried the Forbidden Peninsula, but it was forbidden. He had then tried for the Doom Isles but apparently they were training grounds for Hench Co. It seems that any potentially spooky settings for his summer lair were off as they were either off limits through the red tapes of bureaucracy or one of his so called rival villains owned it. Still the upshot of this had been that the doctor had a great tropical island for his summer break, even Shego had been impressed. She liked to use the island for relaxing in the sun trying to get a tan. Though due to her complexion that was near impossible.
Dr. Drakken had been using another one of his 'death ray' plans. Usually at some point Drakken's plan always employed a ray of some sort. Usually to do with death, but not always. This one however was meant to vapourise all of the world's water if they did not hand over their power to him. Though due to Kim and Ron's interference all he managed to do was vapourise the syntho-goo in half his army of syntho-drones and the water in his outdoor pool. This had ticked off both Drakken and Shego who enjoyed using the pool to relax on a regular basis. Dr. Drakken had then started complaining about his inflatable ducky at that point.
All that was behind Team Possible for the moment. Directly behind that is. The rubble that was the lair was now collapsing down a cliff after Ron and Kim as Shego and Drakken fled in their helicopter to whatever lair was the closest and easy to use, god knows the villainous duo never cleaned them regularly. Luckily Kim had a jet-pack function in her back-pack and was currently trying to outrun the debris with her best friend in her arms, who had yet again managed to lose his trousers.
Eventually as the pair continued at full speed through the air the land slide that was Drakken's base slowed. Though Kim kept on and veered to the right to get out of the way of anymore potential landslides. She carried on for fifteen minutes before deciding to ditch down in the canopy below. "Ron, brace yourself. I'm going to land us down there." Kim warned her partner.
"Aww, man. I still haven't managed to put my pants back on." Ron whined. The pair then came down suddenly and broke through what was the canopy of the tropical forest surrounding Drakken's lair. Kim and Ron were rocked from side to side as she tried to steer the jet-pack but she couldn't help being struck by the odd branch or two. Neither could Ron considering all the 'owws' and 'ooos' that came from him. Eventually Ron stopped saying anything. The reason became apparent when they finally managed to land as he had a mouthful of leaves. Not to mention a hair full as well. Kim giggled at the site as he struggled to clean himself and put on his trousers.
"Ha ha, Kim." Ron said shooting a look at her.
"I did warn you Ron. I didn't see any break in the canopy for miles and I didn't know how much longer the jet-pack would last." The red head replied. Kim couldn't help but look a little more closely as Ron was managing to put his trousers back on. Blushing, she looked away so he wouldn't notice her looking and hopefully not see the red tint to her cheeks. Come on Kim! Ron doesn't sneak a peak when you're changing out of things like scuba gear, she thought chastisingly. Pity, she added.
"Man, I can't believe it. I have mystical monkey power and I still lose my pants. Geez, if Yori could see me now." Ron complained from behind Kim.
Rufus, who had remained in Ron's trouser pocket since the jet-pack ride got out and climbed onto Ron's shoulder. The naked mole-rat was contemplating whether he should find another resting spot since his master continued to lose his trousers most days.
"Yori! Who the hell is that?" The red head practically screamed as she spun round. Ron cringed as he knew first hand about a red head's temper. I am SO not jelling.
"Uh, oh, u-u-uh." Ron stuttered realising that he may have let slip something very important. Not the girl's name but something about Yamanoichi. He had promised Sensei that he would tell no one about his time there. Though as far as anyone knew he was an exchange programme in a Japanese school and certainly not a secret ninja school up in the mountains where they teach the mystic arts as well as ninjitsu. "Ah, you remember when I was on exchange in Japan, right KP?" The blonde replied with that dear in the headlights look on his face. Aw man, KP looks like she's gonna blow.
"You met a girl there? I knew it." Kim said hotly. She could feel her blood boiling just picturing this Japanese temptress.
"Wow, Kim. It's nothing like that. She was a classmate." The blonde said, somehow sensing safer ground there.
"Nothing happened?" Asked Kim. Kim was now using the Puppy Dog Pout though she hadn't realised it. All anger left her as she suddenly felt more vulnerable than she had ever felt before.
"No. I mean she is cute but I don't know if she felt that way. She was friendly though." Apparently this wasn't exactly the answer she had been looking for. Kim just huffed at Ron and turned her back at him and walked a few feet away. I don't think that's a good thing, he thought to himself.
"I'm calling Wade. We need to get out of here." Kim shouted back over her shoulder. Ron could see her pick the Kimmunicator out of her back pocket and bring it round to her front. After a moment's silence she turned round.
"Ron, the Kimmunicator's not working." She told him. Though she didn't know it Wade was busy bouncing so many signals off of so many satellites to get a signal through and it still wasn't working. The young genius figured he would have to think of something else.
"Drakken's satellite dish must still be working." He replied. Drakken's satellite dish was not actually a part of his evil scheme as Kim and Ron found out when arriving there when they first lost contact with Wade. Apparently Dr. Drakken and Shego were big fans of satellite tv but not very good at paying the bills. So they had built their own receiver dish. As usual with anything Drakken built it had its flaws. The major one being that all communications on the island were jammed by the signal. This wasn't so bad for Shego and Dr. Drakken considering this was their summer lair and somewhere they usually went for their holidays.
"You know what that means, don't you?" Kim answered back.
"Yeah, if we hurry back to the lair we can catch the late night wrestling." Ron joked. Though seeing Kim's scowl at his comment he realised that maybe he had said the wrong thing, again.
"No, Ron. It means we can't contact Wade. Not on this island anyway and I don't think we can manage to get back up there. For one thing I don't think my jet-pack can manage it and another, we don't even know if the satellite is buried under all that rubble or not." Kim reasoned. Still, we've been in worse sitch's, Kim thought.
"So we're stuck here? Kim the next island isn't exactly close. We can't swim it and they are tropical waters. I mean there are probably going to be so many sharks out there." Ron started whining.
"Mmm-hmm. Sharks." Rufus said as he hunched over and stuck his paw over his back making an impression of a dorsal fin.
"I know Ron. I think we should stay here until we decide on our course of action. So we had better prepare for staying the night at least." Kim said in her mission mode voice. Ron may complain a lot but he couldn't disobey the voice. Failing that she could always pout.
"OK, KP. So what do we do?" Ron asked.
Kim took off her back-pack and let it down. "Here, take this. Check how much fuel is left. I'm going to head out and collect fire wood." With that Kim headed off.
"Kim, take Rufus with you." Ron called after her. Rufus jumped down from Ron's shoulder and headed after her.
"Why?" Ron heard from the darkness around him.
"He can act as an early warning system for any wild animals so you don't get attacked." He shouted to nowhere in particular.
"Thanks." He heard from somewhere though he couldn't tell where. Oh well, I can't follow her now. Might as well get on with what she said, Ron thought. The blonde teen checked the fuel tank on the jet-pack. It was indeed too low to get them back up the cliff. Though Ron wondered if he and Kim made a raft would it be enough to get them to the next island if not out of range of Drakken's satellite? He figured he would tell her when she got back.
Kim came back not too long after night had fallen. This was her second trip out that day for fire wood. It was a good thing she had Rufus with her as she wouldn't have been able to find her way back otherwise. She came back to what looked like a camp. Ron had a fire going with a pot above it and a tent up. Though Kim knew that they packed a tent in case of emergency she was still amazed that he could put it up on his own as well as set a camp fire and set up a pot rest above it. He can do a lot when he just puts his mind to it, Kim suddenly beamed. Full of pride for her Ron. Her Ron? It wasn't like she was his mother or... Nevermind.
"Hi Ron. That's great work. You've done quite a bit of work while I was away." Kim praised as Ron stuck his head out of the tent and waived a hello. "See, you're not all thumbs. Looks like you're more useful than the average guy, who can't even answer the question 'how do I look in this'."
"Oh yeah, Kim. I'm a regular house husband." Ron joked back. "Though I probably wouldn't be brave enough to answer that question either."
Kim and Ron both set about eating dinner which Ron had cooked from their rations. Even GJ couldn't make decent tasting rations so Ron had made up his own. On every mission he would bring along his own ingredients. Kim was always glad for that. One of the perks of having Ron Stoppable as a friend and partner. She wouldn't starve in his company and he was a master chef. Not an actual master chef but he could have been one if he went for it. He was her culinary opposite she thought. Kim was a complete disaster in the kitchen. As far as she was concerned she wouldn't make anything that was more complicated than tea or coffee.
Seeing a sad look cross her face Ron asked her what was wrong. "Nothing really. I was just thinking that you can do anything in the kitchen and yet it's the only place where I can't. It's embarrassing." Kim replied.
"Kim, don't sweat it. For one thing you'll always have the Ron-man to help you there. Secondly if you want to learn I can teach you." Ron reassured her.
"Really? You're sure? You do remember my last attempt in my kitchen?" Kim asked concerned.
Ron moved a little closer to Kim and placed his arm around her shoulders and leaned his head down to her. "Sure Kim. I remember but that doesn't mean that I'd give up on you. I'd never do that just like you would never give up on me." He said squeezing her in a hug. Kim just leaned her head into Ron and placed her head against his. They sat like that for long while the both of them silently holding each other. Please, Ron. Just make a move. I want it, Kim thought pleadingly.
Getting up reluctantly Ron told Kim it was time for bed. Rufus was already fast asleep in the tent by this time. The pair walked over to the tent which was far enough away so the fire could burn all night without risk of setting the tent alight. As Kim got in she noticed that something was out of place. Looking at Ron she could see his slightly red face as he failed to meet her eyes. Stammering a little he told her that while he had found a lots of gadgets in her backpack and even some of his rations he had given her he did not see her sleeping bag.
Wonderful. "That's too bad." Kim said not able to put an ounce of sincerity into the statement. "I guess we're going to have to share."
"Well, maybe not. I could, uh, keep watch if you like?" Ron said nervously. Crestfallen Kim didn't know what to say. She had been building up to this moment for what seemed like half a year. Ever since she realised her feelings for Ron she just couldn't bring herself to go through with telling him how she felt for him. Now that her fantasy was just about to come true Ron goes and blows what hope she had. For all her passion when it came to her crushes Kim just couldn't admit them and had lost many potential boyfriends to her shyness. Though only Ron knew how shy she actually was. It was worse this time round. It wasn't just anyone, it was Ron. The one person she knew inside and out, her oldest friend.
Kim had came to realise these feelings when Ron dated Tara. Tara was her friend and fellow cheerleader but both were nearly ruined for Tara as Kim had nearly let her jealousy get the better of her. Even after the falling out with Ron and making up with him she had still failed to tell him how she felt. If only he would give her a sign then maybe she would have the courage.
So here she was. Ready for bed and falling asleep, alone as Ron sat watch. Ron had slipped out to let her change for bed. Kim had taken off her bra and trousers but put her top back on. In this tropical climate and the fire outside it wouldn't be hard keeping warm but she still wanted to feel comfortable when she slept. Soon enough she was out like a light.
Kim woke up a bit later. How long, she couldn't tell. What she saw was Ron sitting at the side of the tent just watching her. Kim realised that he had been watching her sleep and not keeping watch. Kim wondered at this. Why would he be watching me? Kim wondered to herself and allowing to get her hopes up as she came to only one answer.
"Ron, why don't you come to bed?" Kim said in a soothing voice.
As though stirred from a daze Ron appeared shocked. He'd been caught watching her. He hadn't been paying attention just watching as she breathed in and out. He'd almost fallen asleep like that. Ron couldn't answer instead he just stammered and looked like a dear in the headlights.
"Ron, just get in." Kim said while unzipping the sleeping bag enough and holding it up for him. Though she didn't realise she was giving him the perfect view of her bare legs, white panties and her sleavless crop top. She waved her hand for him to come in and she she did he followed her down into the bag.
Zipping up the bag around him Ron realised something he didn't expect as Kim brushed against him in the sleeping bag. "Kim, where's your bra?"
"Ron, I'm not putting it back on for your sake. Don't expect me to sleep in that thing." Kim said in a mock crossed tone as she snuggled up to Ron. This obviously made him a little uncomfortable as he felt her rubbing against him.
This is going to be a long night, Ron thought.