Disclaimer: Digimon does not belong to me so please don't sue … please! lol … I mean, yeah …

My thanks to the following who reviewed:

Madd the Sane



My only hope is that I can return the favour!

Chapter 3: Destined

"I am very disappointed in you Matsudo Takato – I would've thought you knew better!"

Saiyuki strode into his room before him, seating herself at his desk near the window.

Takato yawned.

"Hey Sai I'm hungry – want any food …"

His voice trailed off as he met her steely gaze.

"Food can wait Takato sit down," she commanded, nodding at his bed.

Takato sighed.

"But Sai, I haven't eaten -"


His stomach grumbled in protest for him as he took his rightful seat on his bed.

"What is it Saiyuki? I'm tired and hungry," Takato complained.

Saiyuki's green eyes blazed as she leered at him.

"You know what it's about Takato, so don't start that amnesia crap with me!" she snapped.

Takato smiled stupidly, shifting awkwardly in his seat,

"So I take it it's not about dinner?"

Saiyuki's gaze only seemed to intensify.

"How could you embarrass Ruki like that – in front of everyone?" she began.

"What do you mean 'embarrass' her? I didn't 'embarrass' anyone! If anything I saved her the embarrassment by saying it aloud for her," he defended defiantly.

"Oh? Saying it aloud for her? Just because she didn't accept your feelings for her you though you'd embarrass her by 'saying it aloud'? Real mature Takato!"

Takato glared.

"As if you can talk! You were all over Ryo for the entire time he was at the sho-"

"This isn't about me Takato and for your information, if you would care to remember with me, I had to be 'all over' a certain someone because their SHIRT WAS INSIDE OUT!"

Takato turned pink.

He hated having shouting matches with Saiyuki. True to their colourful history of them, Saiyuki seemed to win again.

I'm an easy target to guilt he thought to himself sadly as his outward expression remained one that would rival even Ruki's darkest looks.

"I didn't mean to embarrass her like I did Sai. I only wanted her to feel what it was that I had felt when she rejected me."

Saiyuki released a heavy sigh, to his surprise.

"Well Takato you succeeded – greatly might I add. It took me an hour to convince her to continue with the rest of the shoot Takato; I never thought you could have been so selfish."

Takato's face fell as soon as he heard Saiyuki's last comment.

He watched her stand with blank eyes.

"But … Sai."

She's sad! he finally realized as she left his room pausing only at the door.

"You know what you have to do Takato," she said simply before closing the door gently behind her.

What does she want me to do? his mind screamed, Apologize?


"You have reached the Makino residence. Leave a message and depending on who's calling, we may ring-"


"Leave a message after the tone."

He took in a deep breath.

"Hey Ruki – it's me Takato, again. Please ring back-sometime in the near future preferably. My mother is going ape at the increasing phone bill so please call soon – uh – thanks."

Takato stared at the phone long after he'd hung up as if expecting, by some miracle, for it to begin ringing.

And it did.



Takato's face fell.

"Well what Saiyuki? She won't answer any of my calls and hasn't been for the past month, what do you expect me to do? Grovel at her doorstep?" Takato demanded, fighting to keep his voice controlled.

"Not such a bad idea," was the reply before her voice was replaced with an endless beeping sound.

Takato hung his own phone up.

Deep down he knew Saiyuki was right.

The only way he could talk to her now, obviously, was face to face.

"Great, now I have to go to her house!"


The sky was the deepest of blues, clear of everything but tiny gems that studded the blue tapestry.

The moon was full, Ruki choosing instead to witness its quivering reflection in the pond from the foot bridge.

She loved their garden greatest at night, especially when the moon was full.

It gave her peace and quiet and also reminded her of Renamon.

It also gave her time and space to think.

Oh Renamon, I wish you were here she thought wistfully.

Takato had rung again that evening, just as expected.

"Does the dolt honestly think I will actually ring him back? After what he did to me? Some friend!" she argued aloud.

Yet part of her, even if it was a small one, deep down knew that Takato was still hurt from when she told him she didn't love him. Yet now, beneath the night sky she wasn't sure whether that was true anymore.

By mentioning that he was now more comfortable with Saiyuki, she felt something stir in her heart.

I mean, I know I'm pretty, but can Takato really like Saiyuki?

Something foolishly told her that it was probably the case and that they were probably in each other's company right now.

Ruki glared at the quivering moon, finding a pebbled stone and throwing it into pond, shattering the reflection.

So much for someone that isn't in love with Takato her mind chided.

Ruki shook her head.

She had not only severed ties with Takato, but her contact with Ryo too.

You don't see him leaving messages five times a day without fail telling you to ring him, does he?

She shook her head totally confused.

This time she looked to the sky watching the real moon as if hoping by some chance that the turmoil in her mind would sort itself out.


Takato stood outside the closed gates staring at his feet wringing his hands.

Okay Takato this is it. You're outside where she lives, just take in a deep breath and knock. If all else fails climb the gate and hope she won't come at you with a sword or something.

Nodding as if affirming all these thoughts he took in a deep breath with eyes closed.

Opening his eyes once more he looked at the gate.

Raising his fist he knocked loudly three times.

The silence that followed was intense and Takato found himself sweating, his clammy hands wringing themselves to death.

Takato's ears picked up the sound of footsteps coming toward him.

"Who is it?" a familiar voice inquired.

The voice alone made his heart swell.

"Uh – it's me."


"Go away Takato! Don't you understand that I don't want to see you? And spare your mother the pain and stop calling me too!"

He heard footsteps moving away from the unopened gate.

"Wait Ruki please! I'm sorry-really I am! I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of everyone at the shoot like that …"

He heard her snort.

"Takato if you think that I'm not talking to you because of what you did at the photo shoot alone then you're thicker than what I thought. Honestly Takato it's more than that! You didn't just embarrass me but you embarrassed … you know what? Forget I said anything. Go home Takato, it's past your bedtime."

Alone once more he was left, listening only to the fast disappearing footsteps of the only one he ever loved.

His eyes hardened.

He wasn't just about to let her walk away without him telling her he truly was sorry.


Her footsteps moved quickly along the path.

She would not dawdle – correction she could not dawdle for fear she would end up letting Takato in which, of course, was the last thing she wanted.

Is it really? her mind questioned.

She strode to the pond, returning to stand on the footbridge she was on before.

She looked at her reflection.

Her eyes were dull, her face unusually pale.

Her eyes widened when she saw another reflection join hers.

"Ruki before you attack me – please, let me just say that I am really sorry for what I did to you ..."

Ruki turned to glower at Takato, her body stiffening.

"You broke into my house? Takato you are trespassing," she stated simply, pulling him into a forward flip into the water.

Takato landed on his front, choking in the water.

Ruki smiled slightly as if satisfied.

Takato stood, slipping at the first attempt before gaining his balance.

He returned to Ruki's side on the footbridge with great difficulty, Ruki smirking.

But Takato did not smile in his wet state.

"Ruki I am sorry for breaking into your house but I had to – you won't listen to me so perhaps you will believe me once I show you how sorry I am," he spoke.

Ruki raised a brow.

"What, you brought me flowers?"

His eyes revealed nothing, his gaze steely.

"No, something better actually," he responded.

Ruki glared.

Takato pushed her into the pond.

Sitting in the water Ruki stared at Takato wide-eyed.

Takato continued to show nothing, even as he jumped into the pond to join her.

He held out a hand, one which Ruki slapped away as she stood stumbling out of the water.

"Takato, I will never talk to you again – ever!" she shouted before she felt his hand take hers.

"Ruki wait," he pleaded as he pulled her back.

He slipped his arms around her waist tightly.

Ruki turned scarlet.

"Ruki – I'm sorry," he whispered.

When the silence that followed stretched for what seemed to be an infinity, Ruki made the mistake of looking up.

Takato smiled as he bent down and before Ruki could inflict injury upon him, his lips were touching hers.

He released her, his eyes hesitant.

"Uh – Ruki?"

She looked up at him.

She was wrong all along.

She loved him.

Takato smiled properly now as he pulled her in for another embrace of lips and this time when he let go, Ruki was ready.

"Just because I like your kisses does NOT mean you can push me into the pond!" she shouted, pushing Takato back into the water before walking toward her house not bothering to wait for him.

Takato grinned as he watched her leave.

"She likes me, she really likes me!" he cried aloud, punching the air.

From inside her room Ruki smiled.


a/n: first off thank you to all those who reviewed the three chapters of this fic … thank you and I mean it sincerely. Secondly I apologize for the long wait for the last chappie … uh … I was busy with work and what not but in all honesty there is no excuse but thank you all for your reviews and everything anyway!

I hope to come across you readers again, whether it be in any of my future fics or not it's been real!

Later days,


p.s: sorry for the kinda – lame ending … I was getting severe writers block, can't you tell?  ciao!