Hello minna! Oralindie here, bringing you yet another oneshot. Please R&R!

Disclaimer: Do I really have to say it?

lawyers: #glare#

Ora: #throws up hands# Fine! I don't own Stargate. Never have, never will. #sob#

Chocolate Kisses

Sam looked at the recipe book, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Ok, 2 cups flour, 1 cup chocolate chips. She walked over to her cupboard and got out the ingredients she needed, carefully measuring out the flour and using her finger to level it out, then dumping it into the bowl. Her eyes twinkled as she reached for the chocolate. She went over the ingredients again to make sure she had it right, but when she looked back at the measuring cup, she didn't like what she saw. 1 cup! I don't think so! Sam dropped the cup and poured the whole bag of chocolate chips into the mixing bowl, smiling the entire time.

She glanced up at the clock, trying to determine how much time she had before Jack, Daniel, and Teal'c arrived. So, anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour, depending on whether or not Daniel gets lost. Again. Seriously, he can navigate his way around the galaxy, but gets lost going to my house! Sighing at the irony of life, Sam brushed off her hands and had just picked up a wooden spoon to mix the dough together when the doorbell rang. Putting the spoon down, she walked to her front door, curious as to who could be there. She opened the door and her eyes widened.


Jack's grin had a rather sheepish look about it as he replied, "Hey, Carter."

Sam stepped aside so that he could come in. "I wasn't expecting you this early, sir."

Jack rolled his eyes. "Sam, I'm retired! You don't have to call me 'sir' anymore!"

"Sorry, it's habit…sir." Her eyes twinkled mischievously as she added the last part, and Jack grinned and followed her back into the kitchen. His eyes widened as he saw the mess in said room.

"If I'd known you were doing one of your experiments…."

Sam laughed and turned away from him so that she could finish mixing the cookie dough. "Well, I decided that you, Daniel, and Teal'c would be my new guinea pi—" she jumped a little as she felt him come up behind her and place his arms around her, putting his hand over hers to grasp the spoon she held. "Um, sir?"

Jack turned her around and looked into her crystal blue eyes. "Sam, I thought I told you to call me Jack." She was having trouble breathing because he was coming closer, his deep brown eyes gazing down on her, and just when she thought she couldn't stand it any longer, their lips met.

Both of them jumped when a metal spoon clattered with the floor. Looking over in the direction of the sound they saw Daniel standing there, his hand clutching the counter, mouth gaping. Teal'c stood a little farther behind him, an amused smirk on his face. Daniel started to stutter. "Um…just…saw the door…and…um…it was…unlocked….I—I'm just going to…to go now…." In the blink of an eye he was gone, Teal'c followed his lead, still smirking.

Jack smiled and turned back to Sam, "Well, now that we're undisturbed…." He leaned in to kiss her again, but was stopped by Sam's finger gently pressed against his lips. As she started to speak, Jack could see a mischevious twinkle in her eyes.

"Uh, uh. It's my turn...Jack." Watching him grin, she tilted her head up and kissed him.