Author's Notes: CS Lewis owns all of this. This is based off of "Remembering You" from the Music Inspired by the Chronicles of Narnia CD, I also don't own that either. If you have the CD, listen to the track, the flute during the song, as well as the lyrics, just seem to yell out 'Mr Tumnus and Lucy.' This is my first Narnia fic, so be kind in your reviews! This takes place after they are back in England at the end of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.


Tumnus took a step and soon found himself bathing in the warm sunlight of the morning. Hw wondered for the second time that day, how odd it was to not be wearing his red muffler. Flute in hand, he soon found a nice spot near the base of a tree and a jovial tune could soon be heard throughout all the forest from it. His eyes taking in the bright greens of the grass and the clear sky, he looked to a small patch of snow that was just about to be melted, the edges of it going to the roots of the grass, and he found himself remembering Lucy, how they had met, the things she had shown him, and how much he missed her. Pausing in his tune, he dropped the flute to his side, smiling at the memories they had shared together. A bird soon called out and as his eyes went towards it, he sent out a prayer that she was thinking of him as well. Picking a flower from its bed of grass, he twirled it between his thumb and forefinger and let his mind make the thought of how much he missed her while he looked at its petals. He wished that she could have just stayed that day, if only he had said something to make her stay, and yet, he knew that if she had, she wouldn't be happy. She needed to be with her family, and they could always return to Narnia, as she had promised with her final hug. Taking up his flute again, the tune continued, all the merrier than it had been before, and with a shine in his eyes that could be called 'joyful tears'.


"Lu?" Peter called out, stepping out the door and finding his youngest sister sitting on the edge of the brick wall, staring out into the world. Realizing that she would want to be alone, he soon eased back, Susan coming to his side asking what the matter was with Lucy. Turning to face her, he said solemnly, "She's missing the Faun, let's leave her at it, shall we?"

Susan nodded and casting another glace to her sister, they left her to her solitude.

Lucy smiled to herself, thinking of her first friend that she had met in Narnia. Nearly every day she did this, but today she thought that being outside would make it the entire better. Mr. Tumnus's kind face soon came to her mind and her smile grew, how she loved him! He was so gentle and friendly, even in telling her of the scheme to turn her in to the White Witch. He had shown her so much, opening her eyes the world of Narnia. Smoothing the skirt of her dress, she tilted her head the sky. She closed her eyes as a warm spring breeze went past her, and she could have sworn she heard the faint tune of a flute in it's midst.

"My dear Mr. Tumnus," she said quietly, "I remember you too."

Reaching her hands out to the air, she laughed and was soon dancing on her way back inside.

Peter and Susan, who were watching from afar, smiled as she came in, cheeks flushed and smiling as bright as the sun.

"I'll see him soon, I can feel it!" She exclaimed, before taking their hands and making them join in the dance as well, with the tune that only Lucy could hear in her mind, the tune of a flute and friendship.