Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach nor the characters I used in this piece ;).

Author's Note: I'm having a little trouble writing chp. 4 of Divine Intervention (Am willing to email a preview of it if you asked ) so I decided to post here my roleplay application for Arisawa Tatsuki. Also, much thanks goes to Catwin, NonEntity, and Riyuji for giving pointing out grammar mistakes and the like. Dozo! (It takes place after the events of episode 6 of the anime :D) Review ne? Pimp meh ego!

Ichigo… That idiot! Tatsuki seethed while she and her best friend, Orihime, were walking home that afternoon. Everything that deemed kickable to her like a soda can or a rock traveled a considerable distance when her shoe made contact.

Even though Orihime says that wasn't him, there's no denying that he… That he… The girl gingerly touched the cheek that the boy "tainted". She then vowed to herself that she would make Kurasaki Ichigo pay dearly for the crime he committed.

"Childhood friend or not, I'm gonna murder him!" Everything and everyone in earshot heard this shriek and wondered why the high school student with messy, jet black hair was throwing obscenities into the sky. Tatsuki was about to start plotting for revenge when something tapped her shoulder. She nearly fell over because of the shock.

"Tatsuki-chan?" Oh. It's only Orihime.


"Daijoubu desu ka?"

"Un! Heki heki!" After regaining composure, she patted her friend's head in hopes of reassuring her.

"Honto ni?"

"Honto ni honto." Tatsuki's scowl immediately disappeared. She could always count on Orihime to cheer her up. They were about to go on their way again when suddenly a strange man wearing a beach hat appeared out of nowhere, causing the pair to step back. The adult was holding up some kind of lighter in front of their faces.


"What the—"Before Tatsuki could finish her sentence, he flicked the lighter and yellow smoke engulfed the two's faces. After the smoke cleared, the girls looked at their new companion with bewildered expressions. What were we talking about again?