"Do me one favor"

"Do me one favor"

- Standard disclaimer here- you've all read it before, I don't own Ranma, nor do I particularly want to. I just enjoy being obsessed with it.

Chapter 1

"Ranma honey, I need to know exactly what's between you and Akane."

"But why Ucchan? Why does it matter?" Akane, who had a knack for over-hearing Ranma at the worst times, was walking down the deserted school hallway, she had stayed late to get extra help from the swimming teacher, not that it helped, it never did. She heard Ranma and Ukyo talking inside a closed classroom and edged closer to the door, listening intently.

"Because I want to know why you are engaged to that girl, who you obviously don't have any feelings for." Akane put her ear against the door to hear Ranma reply.

"Oh come on Ucchan. I've told you this already; our parents arranged the marriage. It wasn't my decision, no one even asked if I wanted to marry Akane."

"Do you still feel that way?" There was a pause after Ukyo said that and Akane pressed her ear even harder against the closed classroom door. She was biting the inside of lip, debating whether she should leave, but she desperately wanted to hear the answer, so she stayed; only to hear Ranma answer,

"Who could possibly want to marry that macho-chick?" Akane stifled a sob and ran, trying to get away without making any noise. Unfortunately, she didn't see the large metal trashcan that she crashed into a moment later, her vision blurred by tears.

Ranma heard the trashcan fall, crashing to the ground and inwardly swore. He should have expected this; she always overheard him whenever he bad-mouthed her. He couldn't possibly know that this time was different; that it wasn't just said to her, it wasn't said to himself, this time Ranma had said it to the girl he himself had said was cute, the one that was Ranma's oldest childhood friend, the one that could do so many of the things Akane couldn't.

"Akane!" Ranma yelled as he barreled out of the classroom, sliding slightly on the litter that was strewn over the hallway. He caught a glimpse of her turning the corner, hands covering her eyes, running blindly. "Akane, wait!" But Akane kept on running. "Damn!"

"Ranma honey, what's the matter?" Ukyo was looking out of the now open door. Ranma said nothing, he just sighed.

Akane Tendo dashed down the crowded streets, filled with people doing their shopping, she bumped into a number of people, but never looked to see who it was, that's why she didn't see her sister, Kasumi. Kasumi bent down, picking up her groceries, watching her youngest sister. "Oh dear," she sighed. "I wonder what went wrong this time."

Soon after, Akane was sprawled out, weeping on her bed, her pet pig P-chan right next to her. Ranma peered in through the window, but didn't come in. He hung upside down, staring at her. She began to talk, more to herself then anyone else, but both Ranma and P-chan could hear every word.

"He wouldn't hurt me anymore. This is the last time I allow him to get to me." Then almost as though she could feel Ranma's presence, she turned to the window.

Ranma braced himself for the attack he knew was coming, he could see the hatred in her eyes and see her fists ball up. But she never touched him, she was about to hurl him into the air, with the now so-familiar move, but instead she just turned her face back to the pillow. Ranma was so surprised to find himself not flying through the air, that he dropped, not overly gracefully into her room.

She looked up; her face a bit more composed. "I'm glad you're here," she said, in an almost normal voice. "I have come to a decision. I won't allow you to hurt me anymore, so…" her voice trailed off and when she started again, she spoke more shakily. "So I think that… that this engagement… I mean, it wasn't our idea… neither of us wanted to… and… you obviously don't… love me… so, we should… probably, break it off." She finished very quietly, trying very hard not to cry, but not succeeding, a small tear ran down her already stained face.

Ranma just stared, lost for words.

"Are you serious this time Akane?" Ranma asked, a look of wonder still plastered on his face. Akane looked into his eyes, there was an expression there that Ranma rarely saw, but maybe that was because she never let him get close enough to see it. Then she spoke, in a quiet, defeated tone,

"I know we've done this before, but I this time, I mean it. We've known each other for how long now? And we've never really gotten along. There have always been so many little signs, I just never saw them, or maybe I just didn't want to."

"What little signs?" Ranma asked, very confused, not just because of what she was saying, but with what was going on inside of him. The emotions he had so long repressed were beginning to boil up.

"Oh, the fact that we can't hold a conversation for five minutes without me clobbering, to trying to clobber you. The way you can never say anything nice to me, no matter how hard you try. And I suppose the biggest sign is the fact that you are unable to kiss me."

Ranma was now flabbergasted; he gazed at her for several minutes before saying anything, when he did it wasn't very clever,

"Well, what should I do, if I don't marry you?" Akane just looked at him for a few moments,

"You really need to ask? There are at least three women in this town alone that are almost willing to kill to marry you. Don't ask me what you should do."

"Well, I suppose then, a better question would be what would you do?" Ranma asked. Akane's eyes flashed in such a dangerous way that Ranma backed up a bit.

"Why? Don't you think that I could find anyone to marry me?" Then she took a few deep breaths and continued, calmer. "Daddy will be disappointed I guess, but this is my life not his." There was a pause. "Still I suppose I should marry a martial artist, so that I can take over the Dojo."

Ranma looked at her, not daring to say what he desperately wanted to, so instead he asked,

"Who?" Akane thought for a bit, then answered, in an almost off-hand way, as though talking about a dress she wanted,

"I suppose if worst comes to worst, I could always marry Kuno."

You can't marry that idiot!" Ranma was practically livid with rage. "He's a terrible fighter!" Akane smiled slightly,

"Not everyone can be as good as you are Ranma," she said quietly. Ranma shut up immediately. "No, if I wanted to marry someone even close to your skill level, that would probably be Ryoga." There was another pause; Ranma was unable to reply to this due to a large squeal, which emanated from P-chan.

"Come to think of it," Akane continued, "Ryoga would make an excellent fiancé. I wonder if I could get him to agree to it?" Ranma grabbed the little black pig as it attempted to jump off the bed, in something of a hurry.

"He's always getting lost though," Ranma said.

"True," mused Akane, "but he's such a sweet guy and an excellent martial artist, you've said yourself that he's the only one you've ever considered to be a worthy opponent."

Ranma looked at her, holding on to P-chan, who was viciously biting his finger. If Akane had been looking into his eyes, the topic of their conversation might have changed, the pain and love that radiated in there was worse then the look Ryoga got every time he left, thinking his love was hopeless.

"Akane… I," Ranma didn't know what to say, "if this is what you really want…"

"It is."

"Well, then before I leave, will you do me one favor?" Ranma's voice was pleading, but Akane still didn't look up.

"I suppose that would be alright. What do you want me to do?" Ranma paused, not sure of how this would sound,

"I want a kiss."

Akane looked up. Her mouth opened, shut again, but Ranma answered her unspoken question,

"A good-bye kiss, for all we've been through." Akane looked into his eyes, looked down again.

"And if I don't?" She asked quietly.

"I won't leave until I get one," Ranma answered shortly. Akane bit her lip, thinking hard. What possible harm could it do?

"All right." She looked up. "Right now?" Ranma was taken aback, he hadn't thought she'd actually agree. But he answered,

"Yeah, right now."

Akane took a deep breath and leaned forward, very hesitantly. Ranma put his hands on the edge of her bed, accidentally letting go of P-chan, who ran off unnoticed. Ranma leaned in closer, it was a terribly slow process, they were inches from each other, they stopped breathing, their noses touched, ever so lightly; Akane stopped, Ranma stopped, they looked into each others eyes, just to make sure. That one moment cost them the chance. Ryoga dashed in, looking damp. Akane gasped, jerking back. Ranma promptly kicked him through the roof.

He turned back to her, his eyes asking the question he couldn't voice. Akane knew the moment had passed, for the time being.

"I guess you'll have to stay… a bit longer," she said, whispering the last part. Ranma however, was not in the mood to drag this out.

"No. We agreed to do this now and we'll do this now." Akane didn't know what to say. Ranma strode back to her bed, pulled her off of it, put one hand on the nape of her neck, drew her forward, and… was interrupted when Shampoo burst through the wall.

"Shampoo know Ranma cheating on her." Ranma looked at her, getting frustrated. Then he had a brilliant idea and said,

"Shampoo, if you leave now, I'll date you on Saturday." Shampoo thought a moment; eyes still narrowed in hatred, looking at Akane.

"I guess is good." And she left.

Ranma turned back to Akane. "I see your point, there do seem to be a lot of obstacles between us." Akane looked sadly at him and said,

"You forget, technically there is no us anymore, not once this kiss is over." Ranma looked at her, wanting to say something, but not sure what to do, so he just put his hands on Akane's waist and pulled her to him. Akane looked at him, gave a little smile and wrapped her arms around his neck. "So let's get this over with then." Ranma nodded and leaned down, he didn't know why he was so nervous, and after all he was the one that suggested this whole thing.

With no other problems in their way, the two drew closer and closer, but at the last moment Ranma pulled away. "I'm sorry Akane, I can't."

"Just like I said," Akane whispered to herself.

"What?" Asked Ranma. Akane brought one hand up to cover her face, she was about to cry again and said in a croaky voice,

"You can't, you can't kiss me. Do you have enough proof now? Now can you just leave me? I've already broken the promise I made to myself. I swore I won't let you hurt me again." She turned to him. "Leave." Ranma stared at her for a moment and walked out of her room.