Disclaimer: Of course I do not own anything remotely connected to King Arthur. I will draw upon them at will, but own no rights. They are merely serving as my latest plot bunny. No infringement is intended. All original characters and the storyline are mine, however, an purely fictitious. You can sue all you want, but I have no money.

Summary: A sister returned. She has changed and will she change those around her? Rated for possible violence and mature themes.

A/N: This is a plot bunny that has been rather persistant. I want to thank my good friend C.J. who has listened to all the possibilities this story may go through. This is a true work in progress as it may take any direction at any time. I won't tell you who the pairing is because anyone who knows me, know already.

Melina - Chapter One


The first thing Melina noticed was the dappled war horse that was standing in the path. Seeming to block everything that may move that way. It's nose was bent down, pushing at the heavily fallen snow. It didn't even seem to have noticed her yet. Or had and couldn't be bothered.

But, what would such a beast be alone on a heavily traveled path? Fully tacked and just idling around?

Kicking her own horse, she encouraged him to move quicker. Bacchus' hooves slipping on the snow just a bit. Not much to cause any imbalance. The large gelding was sure of foot and the snow didn't bother him in the least.

Coming closer to the dapple, Melina then noticed the figure propped up against a nearby tree. It looked like a man. One that seemed to be wounded as he had one of his hands against his shoulder. He didn't look as though he was unconscious, he moved his head away from the tree as he must have heard her coming toward him.

From what she could see, he had been there for a good while. The snow had fallen more and his dark hair was covered.

She stopped Bacchus a good distance away from the injured man. Not sure that he was friend of foe, she pulled out her long dagger. Holding the blade pointed toward the ground.

The dark haired man did the same, pulling a long bladed sword into his lap. Though he made no move to get up, his eyes never left her as she made her way to him. From what she could see of his face, it was calculating. Obviously deciding if she were friend or foe.

Melina didn't say anything as she came upon the injured man. She was also deciding if he would hurt her. Standing still and quiet for several minutes, she finally decided that he was really in no shape to do her much harm.

"Will you live?" There was no point in asking the man if he was okay. It was obvious that he wasn't. It was just a matter of weather or not he would survive this injury. "Will you live?" She asked him again when he didn't respond to her.

"Aye. Tis but a scratch."

It wasn't, but she wasn't going to press the matter.

"Can you ride back to where you came from?" There was no way he would survive if he stayed where he was. Night was setting in and from experience, she knew that ghosts inhabited the woods.

The man against the tree grunted, trying to get up. But a gasp of pain sent him back again. "Not by myself." His voice sounded angry. Almost like he didn't want to admit that he was weakened.

Melina made up her mind that this man needed assistance. "How far are you away from home?"

"To many miles to bother counting."

Ah. So he wasn't a local. His accent and the obvious absence of the blue tattoos told her that he wasn't one of the wild tribes that frequently lived among the woods. And he had made no attempt at hurting yet, so she figured he was some kind of soldier.

If that was the case, then his commander would want his man back.

"Let me help you."

"I don't think you can."

Melina snorted at the man's stubbornness. "You can't stay here, you are bleeding to much and it's getting dark."

"It's no business of yours." This time the man did look up and Melina could see a bit of stubbornness in those dark eyes.

She really should just leave him there to rot. He was right, his well being was no concern of hers. But her sense of what was right wouldn't let her. "Look, mister. I don't want you to freeze to death nor do I want you to be caught by the ghosts of the forest."

Melina whistled and the huge gelding trotted to her, waiting for his next command. She held her hand out to the dark haired man, offering to help him up. She was slightly surprised when he took her offer of help.

Her skin burned when his hands grasped hers, sending shivers that were completely unrelated to the cold up her arm.

Obviously, the man felt it also as his face turned sharply to hers. His eyes becoming smokey, his mouth set in a thin line. He quickly pulled his hand from hers, then grabbing the saddle straps of Bacchus' tack to hold himself steady.

"I can't ride alone."

"Then you can ride with me. My horse can carry us both."

The injured man looked at her for a long moment before deciding that it was true. Or at least worth the try. Grunting his agreement, he moved closer to the horse's side.

It took longer than she would have liked to get the man onto her horse and settled into the saddle. He was heavier than he looked and that shoulder wound had started bleeding again. But, soon enough he was up. Slumped over the pummel and staring at something. He looked like he was trying to hide what he was feeling. His eyes squinted shut at one point and his breathing became a bit more labored.

And at that moment, Melina was certain it was pain.

Melina pulled out an scrap of a thick woolen material. It usually served as a scarf in this kind of weather, but she decided that this man needed it to help stop the flowing blood more than she needed to keep warm. His face had gone greyer and he had started shivering. The blood loss was starting to catch up with him and they needed to hurry.

Quickly, she tied his warhorse's lead to her own saddle and climbed up behind the man. Her shorter arms barely reaching around him to grasp her own mount's reins.

A thought occurred to her as she kicked Bacchus into motion. "I don't know the way."

The man in front of her took in a deep breath, a hiss coming out at it obviously hurt to do so.

"Just follow this path until you get to the wall." He murmured before he fell silent again.

A/N: Okay folks. I again put my fragile heart and mind into your loving hands. Thoughts and comments are welcomed but flames will be doused with snow. Oh, C.J.? Thank you for the use of your daughter's name.