You know how almost all of us Tsubasa fan's have had at least one dream of the Tsubasa gang ending up in our world? Well, wouldn't it be kind of troublesome for them if they ended up in a world where they were famous? If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, then you're a little off. Here's a hint, though: I got this idea while listening to music.

Disclaimers: I don't own Syaoran, Sakura, Fai, Kurogane, or Mokona from Tsubasa. I do, however, own the Syaoran and Sakura that will appear in this fanfic. Heeheeheeā€¦


"Where are we now!" shouted Kurogane as the group materialized into a new world. Tallish, but not really skyscraping buildings with giant gaping open doors surrounded them. The sun was bright, with few clouds dotting the sky. The ground below them was rough cement, with large symbols engraved into it. Syaoran could here a low buzzing sound in the distance.

There was no one around the group to answer Kurogane's question. But a din of rapidly approaching feet reached their ears. Syaoran, hearing this, slowly set himself into a defensive stance, keeping his hands free to draw his sword. He didn't want anything to hurt his princess, and with the training Kurogane gave him, he was confident he could protect her. But as the thing making the noise rounded the corner in front of them, his eyes widened with surprise.

When Syaoran embarked on his quest to find Sakura's feathers, he knew he would have to face dangerous beings, creatures, and humans alike. He prepared himself for fighting against power-mad tyrants and rampaging monsters. But never did he suspect to be attacked by a mob of fan-girls.

"SYAORAN-KUN!" they shouted, pushing away the other three and jumping onto him.


So, what do you think of the prologue? Like it, don't like it? Tell me, so I can decide whether or not to continue it!