Disclaimer: I do not own dragonball or z

The spring air was fresh, dew dusted lightly on the young green grass; a cool breeze caressed the air, softly blowing many blossom petals to the floor, forming a carpet of soft silk. The day had started early for both Goku and Chichi and after many hours of getting cleaned, dressed and ready Goku was finally stood at the end of the aisle awaiting his Bride to walk towards him.

He was nervous yes, strangely considering he had been in scarier more life threatening situations than this, but this was a whole new thing for him and he really wasn't sure what was going to happen. He fiddled with his cuffs and smiled lightly at the vicar that stood behind him. In front were the people watching the ceremony, all in their best dress, all talking quietly amongst them selves, along the chairs they sat in, explosions of pink and white flowers decorated the outside of the aisle.

He hadn't been waiting long before the crowd stood, Chichi walking around the corner and towards him. His jaw almost hit the floor as he watched her. He had never seen anything so beautiful, her cheeks dashed with a light pink, her soft lips painted a delicate red, a beautiful silk dress incomparable to others hung to her slender curves, her silky hair done into a complicated wonderful do, her beautiful facial features hidden slightly by the veil over her head, and in her hands she held a bouquet of violet flowers. She looked like an angel to him, the angels Grandpa had always told him stories about before he went to sleep at night. His eyes stayed on her all the time, never leaving her form as she stood in front of him her smile reflecting his.

The congregation clapped as Chichi and Goku shared their first kiss as husband and wife together. The Ox-king crying loudly behind the mass of people in front of him. He couldn't believe how fast she had grown and felt nothing but happiness and pride for her, he knew Goku could be better than most men that had asked for her hand in the past. Wiping his tears with a hankie as he followed the couple towards the small celebration for them now that the ceremony was finished.

He had said small to Chichi it was much like the grand meals her father had with other high authorities. More decorations patterned the area, a small dance floor in the corner, a table covered in many delicacies, but most of all, most amazingly was their wedding cake, a full traditional three tier wedding cake little people and all sat splendidly in the middle of the table. Chichi could almost cry from happiness it was all she could ask for and more, Goku drooled as he saw the amount of food that lay in front of him and that cake, he just couldn't believe his eyes and really couldn't wait to eat.

They had danced, eaten, cut the cake, Goku had eaten, they danced some more, Goku had eaten, talked to the guests, and now as time was getting on they were saying their goodbyes. The Ox-king hugged Chichi tightly, and patted Goku on the back before they both hopped on to Nimbus and flew into the horizon.

Goku's hand clasped Chichi's waist protectively, sniffing her hair as they flew towards their new home at Mt. Pazou. Chichi's hands stroked his skin lightly sending small sensations through his nerves.

The mountain appeared in the distance a black silhouette contrasting to the blackening sky as night was falling, a carpet of trees running along the earths surface broken every now and again by the rivers and lakes which sparkled softly under the moons rays. It truly was a beautiful place, and Chichi gazed at the beautiful surroundings of her home all the time they flew, paying most attention on the ground in front of them as Nimbus began to loose height and descend towards the ground. In front of her the black shadow of a small home lurked in the darkness, it couldn't be much bigger than one room but looked very cosy and it would do for now until they got themselves a proper home.

"Well here it is, my home" Goku said smiling proudly, jumping off of Nimbus and holding his hand out to her, easing her to the floor, his hand never leaving hers as he led her to his childhood home.

Once the door shut behind them Goku removed his hand from hers, it was so dark she could barley see his shadowed outline, she could hear him rummaging around in something.

"It's so dark how can you see anything?" She asked trying to keep completely still so she wouldn't fall over something

"Oh I've always been able to see pretty well in the dark, and well I know this house better than my self" he replied laughing slightly. She heard him move again and the room flooded with light as Goku lit a few candles. Their flickering lights made the shadows dance on the walls. The house was very small, a big bed sat in the middle of the back wall it had no mattress or sheets on it at all, there were numerous cabinets and cupboards around the room and in the corner a small stove, a small window to the left of the door let in the silver rays of the half moon.

"Goku do you have any bedding or something" She asked politely

He didn't answer just walked over to the bed and pulled many sheets and a very thin mattress out from underneath it. She helped him place it on the bed and set the sheets out, there weren't any pillows but they could do without for now. He sat down on the bed and removed his shoes, pushing them under the bed out of the way, Chichi followed his actions and sat next to him, she had removed her shoes at the door, watching him as he lay back against the mattress, his eyes contently staring at the ceiling above him. She knew he didn't know exactly what would happen tonight, but that he did know something would happen. Leaning forward towards his face their eyes met before she placed her lips harshly onto his, their lips and tongues battling the other for dominance. Hands found her waist and he held her, her single hand caressing his cheek, her other in his hair holding him tightly to her. Just for the sake of breathing they pulled apart, Chichi removing Goku's jacket and shirt, throwing them to the floor with little worry. She gazed amazed at the ripples of muscle on his young chest, running her hands softly over his skin, caressing and massaging his soft body, pinching, rubbing, massaging, licking and kissing his smooth upper body, every few minutes a moan escaping his throat. He pushed her away, turning the dominant position around, he crept his hands around her body, sliding the zip down her dress and pushing it down her sides.

Her chest hidden by a lace bra, her flat stomach and curving hips revealed to his hungry eyes, he wanted to see more, an instinct new to him pushing his desire to greater heights. His head coming down and licking the valley of her breasts as he undid the cloth, it was flung to the floor with the other clothing as he attacked her chest with the same ministration she had done to him. She fumbled with his belt, sliding it off his waist and pushing his trousers down to his ankles, giggling as he kicked them off completely, before pulling her dress gently over her legs and gently placing it on the floor his hands instantly returning to her hips, his eyes staring into hers. Their lips met in a bruising kiss, intimately caressing the others body. More clothing removed until both were completely naked before the other, both pairs of eyes gazing upon the others body. His body surged with passion, her scent driving him crazy with each breath he took, he wanted her, an instinctual voice screamed from deep within his mind, screamed for her soft curves against his body. Gasping as she rubbed his throbbing member, loving her silky hands. He wanted her to feel this way, he wanted to know that pleasure seared through her veins as well.

"Chichi how can I make you feel this way?" he asked breathlessly as he pulled her hands away. She smiled sweetly at him as she led his hands down to her concealed area, she lay back on the mattress and let him explore her. Heat pooled in her lower abdomen as he felt around, eventually finding her entrance as his rather large finger slipped inside. He heard her moans and increased his actions knowing she liked it, her moans coming faster and louder, he removed his finger. She pushed him onto his back, straddling his hips; rubing the tip of his member along her inner thighs and her moist entrance. He groaned in anticipation, his body screaming for her as she pushed herself down on him slowly. He watched her face, her eyes closed tightly and a small cry left her mouth as he burst through her barrier, pleasure shot through his body, his blood rushing, he was already in heaven as her heat surrounded him. Opening his eyes he knew she was hurt. He turned her over gently removing himself from within her, leaving the tip just inside. Wiping the tears away, and kissing her softly in an attempt to comfort her.

"You okay?" He said softly in no more than a whisper, rubbing his nose gently with hers.

"I'm good thank you" She replied smiling as she pushed her hips up, sheathing him within her again, moaning loudly and enjoying his hiss of pleasure. He moved again gently and slowly, trying his best not to cause her any more pain than she had already felt. The pain was slowly vanishing, and she wrapped her legs around his small waist, moving in time with his thrusts. The heat rising, blood boiling she moaned his name louder and louder as her climax came closer and closer, his head was buried in her neck sucking the base lightly, nipping her skin and moaning. He sped up his thrusts, heightening both of their pleasure. She was screaming for him as she finally contracted around him, his seed filling her up as he came after her, his front teeth sinking deep into the base of her neck, she screamed louder as she too bit into his neck. A wave of bliss crashing down on both of them. They pulled apart, his head falling on her heaving chest his body feeling like there was a bus attached to each limb.

They lay in bliss together for a while, Goku watching her as she returned to him from the skies they had both flown in together. Her angelic face framed by strands of her soft midnight hair, which he stroked lightly, twirling it around his finger. She smiled at him and caressed his cheek, his head still resting on her chest.

"I love you Chichi" He whispered into her ear, as her turned over placing her on his chest. He knew she already knew but he still wanted to say it.

"I love you too, and thank you" She whispered softly to him, kissing him lightly and pulling the sheets tightly around their forms.

He felt complete with her, he had done since they got married earlier that day, but now he not only felt physically joined to her, but emotionally and mentally, like they were completely joined. Her heart beating in his chest, her thoughts flowing through his mind, the love that beat through her body, flowed through him. And he wouldn't change it for the world, swap it for all the money he could need.. She was his and he was hers. Tomorrow would bring a new day, a new life, and a new future for them both.

The End