Disclaimer: I don't own anyone except the villain, I don't own Numb3r.

Chapter 1

"He's gone, I don't know where, he's simply gone!"

"What do you mean he's gone, he can't be gone, not from here, how could he escape!"

"I mean he's not their, I was on my way to his cell with his meal, and when I looked through his cell window, he was gone."

"I called security and had them start a security sweep of the building, he isn't here."

"We can't just give up, he's dangerous, he's capable of anything; that's why he was here in the first place; to keep him locked away from the world."

"I know."

"Fine, let's look at the security cameras and see exactly how he managed to get out, oh and have the security teams do another sweep and check up on the others; we don't need any one else escaping."

"Where do you think he'll go?"

"I don't know."

"What will he do? We've seen what he can do locked in his cell with only a blanket and pillow. Imagine what he could do being out."

"Come on focus, sitting there worrying isn't going to bring him back; we need to check the cameras."

"Oh, right, of course, I'll send the security teams to do their run and join you in a minute." With that the two women parted ways with a great feeling of agitation and concern.


Don let a grin slip across his face as he finally finished the last of the paperwork and closed the case. A couple of teens had miraculously decided to get into the black market to smuggle weapons into the U.S, fortunately they had just started and with no professional tutelage, were absolutely sloppy. When the teens realized the F.B.I was on their case, they decided to use notes to contact them; luckily they were dumb enough to sign the notes with their full and legal names. The case hadn't even been open for a week and it was already closed. Don couldn't remember the last time a case had been so easy.

Don stood up and gave a big stretch causing his back to pop. He went over and grabbed a cup of coffee watching what everyone else was doing. Everything they did had laziness to it, even when the case was still open things went slower than usual due to the sheer stupidity of the teens. Don couldn't help but laugh at how they finally caught the teens. Apparently when the teens had no where else to go and not get caught, they decided to hold up a nearby bank. One of the hostages was a little old lady that had gotten fed up with being delayed. She lost her patients and started beating the nearest teen with her purse until she'd knocked him unconscious, the other teens had been so shocked they simply stared; they didn't have the stomach to shoot her. After seeing what the little old lady did to their partner, they surrendered when she started shuffling to the next teen.

Don's thoughts were broken into by the ring of his cell phone.

"Eppes, oh hey Charlie, yeah I just closed the case. Sure I'd love to come over, what's Dad cooking tonight? Yeah okay, I'll bring the Mylanta; see you in a little bit. Bye." Don drove to Charlie's house thinking about previous cases and how they had ended. As he pulled up to the house, he couldn't think of any case that had been so easy or had such a funny ending. Parking the car, he got out and headed towards the door still deep in his thoughts. Enjoying each other's company, none of the Eppes noticed the figure in the shadows, watching them.

Author's Note Hey, this is my first Numb3rs story, reviews are wanted, and constructive criticism is welcome. Any suggestions as to where the story should go will be taken into careful consideration.