DEDICATED TO : Saturn's Spawn

Summary : (AU) Dartz/Setsuna

It was an never-ending loop, a pointless direction. Immortality, and yet having mortality as well. How can both touch the end and still not reach each other?

Ageless Destinies

Empty, the whole place was empty, mismatched eyes stared at the destroyed palace. Falling to their knees, guilt ate them, it was one of the moments of clarity from the monster within. The golden eye dimmed as the control wavered on the youth, while the turquoise one grew in brightness. Tan hands reached up as if to rip the cursed gold eye out and fling it far from him. Hair of the turquoise color reflected in the normal eye fell as a curtain cutting the world off from him. He was dress in white, a royal pantsuit, with light blue trim, and a golden crown dangling from his fingers.

He knew his destiny, as soon as he accepted the Leviathan, he knew he would always be the Destroyer. Honestly he couldn't remember exactly what great crime that Atlantis had committed for it to slated for destruction. His home laid in ruins around him, and his hand buried into the rubble reminding him of the power he had wielded to simply erase it's existence. A gentle clank drew his eyes to his falling crown, and he closed them to block the site. The ending thud of the metal crown that stop vibrating cause him to open his eyes once more.

His eyes scanned his home once more, and it fell on his wife, or at least the creature that was his wife. Turning away from the greed that had warped his wife, he searched for his daughter. However, he didn't find his daughter, and he closed his eyes again. Another clank echoed in the destroyed Atlantis Throne Room, but this time he did not open his eyes. Power rushed through his veins as the gold eye began to glow, Prince Dartz was no more, in his place was the Destroyer.

A clank and then a rap cause the world to fall away. There was the feeling of being yanked from place to another before there was nothing. Not a sound, not a whisper, not a presence, except for those watching garnet eyes.

Those watching garnet eyes narrowed with sorrow as dark forest green hair whipped in the windless void. Now that the Destroyer had arisen, she would accept her place as the Watcher and Protector. Olive skin arms shifted as she raised white gloves to her wet eyes. It was not in her nature to shed tears, and even less to express the want to save some one. Now it would be even more of a restriction, her fuku moving in the wind in the void, as she felt her mantle of power clothed her shoulders.

There would no longer be a personal relationship with the body that had a chain of keys. She felt the soul of her human side fighting with each and every step. In honest truth she did not want to surrender to this endless life of no intervention. Her humanity was being stripped inch by inch, all the while crying out at the unfairness for the youth whose life had been ripped asunder. Automatically she could feel her hand tapping the long silver key rod on the ground. Watching she saw the youth known as Dartz become displace from his time and placed near his next assignment. Her world slipped away as Setsuna Meiou and all that was left was the cold, unfeeling Senshi Pluto.

Cold and calculating Dartz gazed around his new surroundings. The Leviathan calling for blood and destruction, to purify this place of crime. Wind and sand whipped harshly, tearing at his cape and causing him to walk on. Tall sand triangles, which he found to be called pyramids, went on for miles as slaves built further upward. This place was corrupted with greed and power, therefore the power built again. However, his presence was all most not needed as he watched a battle of gods take place in the sky. Even though, the three gods wielded by the spiky haired prince won, it was fruitless because evil had infected the land. He felt the souls become sealed away, and he raised a hand letting Leviathan rise up.

One person, uncertain in their stage life, ran toward him, and he gazed down. "Why?" The person questioned pitifully.

"The Orichalcos commands it so." Dartz informed him, before mercifully snapping the person's neck so they would not have to suffer through the wrath of the Destroyer. "Leviathan Arise!" He commanded, and his golden eye glowed. "You have been judged Egypt, and it's time for you to be destroyed." Dartz whispered while power leaked from him. Dark chuckles fell from his lips as sand storms ravaged the land and dunes overturned burying many alive.

Then it was over, Egypt laid in ruins, buried beneath the very sands it had been built upon. Another advanced civilization destroyed to be purified. How ironic that purification belong to the destruction cycle. Yet, that was all to be said, as he was once again displace.

Pluto watched coldly as one of Earth's major civilizations become nothing but history. Absently she wondered if the Destroyer would just be resigned to Earth or would it reach the Silver Millennium? Yet, the time gates refused to show anything pointing to one or other. Tapping her rod to the ground, Dartz was moved through time. Her eyes widened as her side as Setsuna came through. One should not phantom such things as destruction of homes, because they often came true.

Senshi Pluto shoved down her human side as Dartz landed on the white lands of the peaceful moon. While her humanity cried at the destruction that was sure to follow his presence, she could not interfere. She stood still as Beryl came to lay claim of death to what was once her home, the Silver Millennium, awash with blood. Her home planet fell first, of course because it was the furthest from all help. Yet, she didn't turn away or try to switch the images shifting in her brain. It had to be done, and Setsuna buried again, Pluto stood unruffled at the Queen's sacrifice.

Dartz watched as the Queen sacrifice herself with some crystal held by her hands. He laughed as he saw the destruction laid out before him, and he didn't even have to lift a finger! A twitch ate a his heart but he ignored it, what could that human part of him do? Ask he to leave and not hurt no one else? He laughed harder then, he was only purifying as by instruction of the Orichalcos. So wasn't he hurting the ones that deserved it?

His human side didn't respond, but there was a flitter of something. A reaction to purity that surrounded the jewel that shot from the Queen. Dartz shrugged it off, it was merely a misleading tool. For a moment he thought he heard his human side whisper the same about the Orichalcos. That couldn't be true, could it? 'Ignore it, you are right!' the Leviathan hissed in his mind. He nodded, and set to demolishing what was left of the lunar civilization. 'There can be no room for doubts!' Leviathan harshly yelled, tearing his humanity down and away. A shiver ran down his back but he did nothing but rip another corpse apart.

Pluto felt nothing at the site, she did not blink nor look away. There was no disgust, no hate, no hurt, no sorrow, just nothing. Nothing seemed to be her essence and her expression, her body radiated soul-death. Yet, how could she just watch and do nothing? It seemed that her human side was crying, but far from her own ears. That possibility made her feel strangely detach, but that was the truth. As soon as she laid her blood on that contract, it was over, and she was sworn in, emotion or not.

Amazingly the Destroyer went quiet, not sending civilizations to the ground, and it was at this time pieces were set in motion. At least moved further on the world's chessboard anyhow. With the Destroyer quiet, Pluto could lay down her mantle of Watcher and Protector. Instead she took up the other role she was originally meant for, Guide. She had felt the rebirth of each soul of the pass millennium, and she would not allow this one to be corrupted. Gazing into the gates, she tugged a blond into a path of a black cat, and another blond in the path of a tri-colored haired youth.

Things went smoothly only with a few tweaks here and there. It was Setsuna watching as things aligned, and she waited for her new memories. Absently she let out a hollow smile, the future was bright, and most of all it was bright and pure. She took off a glove to rub a sore spot on her shoulder. A constant reminder of when she broke the rules and allowed a pink-haired child through the gates. Yet, it was for the good of the future, and that made her actions right. She wondered about the youth Dartz, but his presence had been hushed, as if he never existed. A small tear shed for him then, but she brushed it away, sympathy was not a good thing for a Solider. As long as he was off the radar, then things were fine, and maybe the Destroyer could finally rest.

Rest, in a bizarre way was exactly what he was doing, or biding his time. He had come upon the Egyptian group again, and he couldn't be more twisted in happiness. Paradius, which he was known by in the ignorant world twirled in his large chair. Leviathan's power had been sealed in two parts, one half during his Egyptian period, the other during that strange moon visit. Shrugging he felt Leviathan become restless and strike out against his consciousness. "Stop!" He hissed.

"Fool, hurry up!" The Leviathan yelled back.

"Just wait, we shall have our revenge, and purge this world." Dartz soothed, and the Leviathan stopped twitching.

"JUST GET ON WITH IT!" The Leviathan conceded.

Dartz merely brushed him off and chuckled as the light half of the pharaoh appear on his soul wall. It would do, as the three Egyptian glowed in distress, slowly undoing the seal upon the Leviathan. Time would come again for he to rise as the Destroyer, but for right now, he'll let his lackeys do the work.

Setsuna twitched, as she saw what the future was to become. CHAOS! The living being of evil would come and destroy them all. Left in her place was Pluto the Unreachable, or the Untouchable, depending. This was the cost of her interference, she knew it was, but she honestly thought they would change. Humans make the strangeness follies at the worst possible times. She should have known Earth people could never truly put their jealousies away, even with one of them on the throne!

Nudging would be pointless now, as that would only drive the wedge further. For once she prayed for the Destroyer to rise and purify the world. She would again rebuild it, in the end when there is nothing left. Nothing but a void, nothingness and darkness, void of mistakes and life.

She felt her hand strike the judgmental ring, and just like that the Destroyer rose. The time-line was thrashed, but she knew there would be a brighter future. Pluto obviously learned very little from her fellow senshi. Sending her other half of her soul to fight, she would continue to watch and protect the line of time. Nothing more, nothing less, someday it will be over. Her garnet eyes fell on the form of the Destroyer being blasted back. In all impossibility, he was careened into death, and Pluto watched stunned, and a bit horrified. Humans had defied their path of destruction by sending it to it's own darkness. However, she wasn't fooled, as her memories stayed true, the Destroyer would rise once more, but far from now.

Dartz blinked absently for the first time in many eons. The world around was confusing and bizarre to him. Tall buildings made of metal and glass met him as he trooped through what were called streets. He had lost to the Pharaoh Incarnate, and for the first time free, in such a long time. Yet, as wonderful as that felt, he was not dead, which mean his destiny was forever. Guilt burned in him as the images of his past deeds came back to him.

This world oozed greed, violence, hate and many other things, but Leviathan did not rise above it. He heard not it's dark voice whispering instructions in his ear, nor felt it's claws wrenched in his conscious. Did that mean someone else took up the mantle of Destroyer? He pitied the person who did, it was a terrible and lonely existence. Pity in itself though, he should have saved his pity, after all pity was for the weak.

Years spun on, but he was not displace to a different time or place. Perhaps the gods had taken pity on his soul, and freed him from his burden. His ears caught on a strange melody, and walked to what was known as a television. Three long-haired male youths were signing their hearts out with a message. A sense of harried distress surrounded them even though they betrayed nothing. Screams directed his attention away, and he came across a very weird thing.

Some woman, he assume it was a woman, was prancing around in a tin, and leather cat suit! Those gold disc flying around however, did not look healthy. In case of self-preservation he left the scene, his eyes not even blinking at the casualties or the skimpy dressed fighters. As he turned to leave, his eyes caught the farthest warrior woman, and her garnet eyes flashed. His other side flashed with information and confusion. It had been the Watcher and Protector, but what was she doing on the present plane? He ignored it, he was no longer tied to the Destroyer, and yet his mind didn't phantom the slight jump at the site of her. That should have been enough of a warning.

Pluto watched as the fight was ended in the favor of the senshi. That wouldn't hold true forever, and she was ready for it, anticipating it even. Her time at the Time Gates would have a purpose, and she would see to it that the next generation of humans would turn out right. She did blink surprised when she receive images from her split half, the Destroyer had arrived, which meant the final battle wasn't far behind.

A tug at her conscious had her examining the battle with a wise eye. She subconsciously shook her head at the princess's behavior, pleading for the enemy to stop. This was Chaos's host, as if it would care what she would want. Pluto stopped her wondering, especially when her other half expelled her star seed and bequeath it to the moon warrior. Absently she sighed, it was a terribly troublesome to acquire a star seed that didn't belong to anybody and combine it with a piece of her heart crystal. Not to many star seeds were compatible with her unstable heart crystal. Unlike the others, she had a far never-ending destiny, so dispatching her was quite impossible. The Destroyer came then, and she waited for the signal.

Dartz walked forward, the Leviathan had broken free in the clash of great powers. As such, he was kept in a space just a little off the dimension biding his time once more. Then it was all over, and as the girl threw herself into the cauldron, that is when he reacted. Quickly he sent Leviathan's crushing power toward that blasted place. He was surprised when his power stopped just short of reaching it. Then he glanced around, everything had stopped, though it fairly hard to tell.

"That would be a mistake Destroyer." A strict voice curled over him. He turned to and fro, looking for the origin of the voice.

"I find myself not caring." He responded, trying to draw the voice out.

"You know of the Rules Destroyer." It was a female, because it had a soft, light tint to the voice.

"Ah, then it is the Other." Dartz identified.

"Correct." She gleamed.

"Come out now Watcher, Protector." Dartz demanded, and was answered.

"As you wish." She placated. Which was kind of pointless, for there was nothing to destroy. Though as she stepped from the veil darkness, and flittered into the realm of stars lit by their fading life, his breath shuddered. She was a cold beauty, one perfectly matched for her job. Eyes carved from the very gemstone they gleamed like, and flashed just as dazzling. Though they filled with a silent warning, and also a tinge of warmth or was that sympathy? Hair of dark forest green, and soul sucking black twirled beside her, lashed only by the small bun. The fuku was a bit odd, at least to him, as in all case the females he met wore longer clothing. He couldn't quite decide if the color of the fuku was dark green or black, it seem to play tricks in the dim light. The white however was a sharp contrast, against her coloring, the area, and her olive skin tone. Flicking his eyes upward, he dimly noted the tiara was a nice touch, almost royal. The keys that settled on her waist was a unique belt and he wondered at what they may unlock. What drew him most was the shade of magenta that hypnotized him. For once his human side popped in with a strange imagination, wondering at what she would look like at his side.

Though, it couldn't be all odd, as technically they were mirrors, and yet opposites. How vastly odd it was that she was dark, clothing and all, he was light, irony at it's best. It was Pluto's turn to observe him, she could study him closely now.

It was striking in the dim light, his white suit, but could one really call it that? Long sleeves with pointed shoulders and a definite hang over the belt lip was the shirt or blouse. With the light blue trailing the arm and shoulder, same with the blue squares on his collar. The same blue was his cloth belt and found as the in-seam for the white pants. Black boots set the theme off lightly, and Pluto's eyes trace back up, she needed to see his face. However, her eyes followed the small tip ponytail which started at the thigh and the waterfall of light aqua fell over his head in 'm,' shape bangs. His thin circlet was there, a thin silver chain with a dark oval stone hanging in between his brows. What struck her most, beside the off-set of royalty that was in his air, was the mismatched eyes. At least they were mismatched, but for each minute he stood before her, another part of his normal turquoise turned golden. She ignored the thick chain that held the Orichalcos, as it was basically useless now. If Pluto wasn't known for her self control, she would almost let herself leer.

The silence was broken by a sound, though what it was couldn't be said, as it struck them to speak. "So, what would you have me do?" Dartz asked, as it was him, and not the Leviathan that stood before her.

"Stay, help, build a better world." Setsuna said, yes Setsuna, she had let her senshi-side relax.

"Now, I am the Destroyer." Dartz reminded.

"I am the Protector, do not worry, for destruction is part of the life cycle." Setsuna stated.

"You won't let me go?" Dartz asked, filled with many things, and yet, remarkably empty.

"No, I won't let you go." Setsuna swore.

"Stay?" Dartz parroted, hand outreaching for hers.

"Stay." Setsuna agreed, and grasped his hand.

Call this one done, a little more emotionally functional, but not physically touching. Yet, these two are very stand-offish. Enjoy and Please Review. WCB.