Responses to Reviews to Missed Lights

Sailor Ra-Hmm, that's okay, not everyone in the world is tech savvy. Did the email you sent me return with the needed addresses? I won't forget, especially if you keep reminding me. (Winks.) And, don't worry, you aren't driving me insane, you are pushing me to do my best. :)

Harpygirl91-(Smiles.) No problem, you're very much welcome. :)

Saturn's Spawn-Yes, she is, a very intriguing person. :) Well, I like different too, and Hotaru is a multi-facet persona, so she could very well make the first move, especially hanging around with Haruka so much. Rei/Otogi, sure. (Nods.) Have my word then. Oh, and I don't mind reading the fiction you suggest, NEVER apologize. Writing is a sharing of imagination, and though everyone's imagination isn't the same, you shouldn't have to apologize for it. :)

This one is dedicated to : Sailor Ra.

Thanks for the reviews, and I claim no ownership of said shows.

Summary : Setsuna/Pegasus. (AU.) One-Shot

Lonely circumstances biased in knowledge, those who drift on the edge of good and evil, forever solitary and yet not.

All Knowing Circumstances.

Gold, is the only color festering before the eye of amber staring besieged at the orb. Long aristocratic fingers grasped the golden orb, that had a disconcerting eye etched upon, which the hand it rested it tightened. A sigh echoed in the room as if it was part of the breath and atmosphere of the room. The golden orb, was the size of a eye as well, and held dark promises as well. Echoing a heavier sigh, the amber-eyed one leaned forward, and silver locks hung forward in action. The past of this one was littered with pain and misdeed, and nor could they continue to ignore the possession of the golden eye. Leaning back into the chair, the body was revealed to be masculine and dressed in a red pantsuit. He tilted his head, closing his eyelids and facing the ceiling the golden eye yet to be released.

A small depressed ironic chuckled escaped the male, and he picked up a faded photograph, writing on the back describing the people within. Crawford J Pegasus, in scripted silver was alighted on the back along with a painful name of Cyndia. Memories swarmed him, but Pegasus paid them little mind as his attention fell back to the object known as the Millennium Eye.

"A cursed object, and yet its power.." Pegasus murmured, remembering exactly what he had been able to do in his tournament. For a moment he thought how the one who stole the eye returned it with an almost vacant air. Glancing at the Eye, he thought back to the guardian's of the items warning about the Eye not belonging to him. "Yet, if it is not mine, how is it in my position again?" He questioned the empty air. The other unoccupied hand rose to his blank eye socket, 'should I risk it again?' He asked himself. "My questions would be answered, but do I want them to be?" Pegasus murmured to the Eye, which seemed to glowed promisingly. At one time Pegasus would have of never of looked twice at the millennium eye, but that was before the death of his love, and maybe even the death of his conscious. It wasn't that he didn't suffer from guilt of his actions that are tied with the golden eye, but for his love, he didn't care any more.

With the haze of past memories and needing future truths Pegasus raised the golden orb to his empty eye. A deep breath whispered from him before he shoved the golden orb into the eye socket, and his world went black.

Colorless was the world surrounding the lonely guardian. The vapors that flowed around had no true pigment and it echoed the color of their soul. A breeze from nowhere blew strands of delicate emerald hair to dance in a timeless pattern. Eyelids were closed hiding what color they maybe, and glove hands rested in predetermine positions. One rested on a skirted hip, the glove's white tone a stark contrast to the dark forest green skirt. The other gripped a long staff-like key with a garnet orb resting upon it. Three smooth tipped claws held the orb in place, making the top look like a three dimension heart shape. Though the person never moved, it was not to say they were resting, but concentrating fully on their life's concert. Another wind blew through ruffling the dark forest green collar and bow. A silent sigh escaped the weary guardian who opened their eyes to view the world. Garnets sparkled with mystery peered out, but the toll of age could also be seen.

The lonely senshi, a lady of great and terrible power, Sera Pluto. Her ostracized life-style was not one of complete choosing. Which is why the few people she cared for and interacted with, she guarded with a fierce but silent passion. The mists that were colorless, turned a bleak grey, reflecting the guardian's feelings. Eons of knowledge laid in her mind and of cultures past, but it did nothing to soothe the bite of loneliness. True, she guarded a princess with a golden heart, who visited when she could, and teammates who welcomed her with open arms. However, her loneliness was for a companion of life, one she could share her knowledge and fierce love with. However, such a companion seemed not to exist, for many turned away when the truth was told. Her princess would grant immortality to the one that captured her heart, if she wished it, but Pluto was forever knowing that noone wished to share her lonely burden.

Suddenly the mist turned a warning red, as she felt a tremble in the time lines nexus. She noted it was not her home dimension, and sought out where the disturbance originated from. Her eyes caught one specific dimension, that she guarded almost as fiercely as her own. Egyptian symbols flashed, and she lost herself to the viewing.

Peering, she found the male she tended to watch a little obsessively. Pluto knew her heart was endangered because of this, but she ignored the warnings. She had watched as his wife died, and sent silent comfort, watched as he nearly sold his soul to bring her back and failed, she appeared then in his dreams to soothe him, but always as a shimmering image of his wife. Now, she observed as he turned back to that tainted object, the millennium eye once more. Without fully thinking her actions through, her physical body shifted from the gates of time to the room the male resided in. Pluto caught him as he fell into the realm of darkness. Sighing, she picked him up, and placed him on his bedroom bed. Sitting next to him, she brushed away the silver bangs, and laid a concerned gloved hand on his forehead. Sighing at her mindless action, she removed her hand, to take the glove off. Again she placed a cool hand on the male's forehead. "Oh Pegasus, this is not the way." She whispered to the fainted man. Removing her other glove, she placed them away in her subspace pocket, and went to retrieve a bowl full of cool water and a cloth.

Minutes passed as she tended the unconscious Pegasus. Her movements and administrations gentle and caring. Long elegant fingers combed calming through the silver strands, soothing whatever nightmares he suffered. A groan, and a flittering of eyelids surprised her, and she forgot to shift to the form of Cyndia. She made the move to go, when a gentle, but firm hand clasped her wrist. "Don't go.."He whispered, and Sera Pluto felt her heart clutch, but she knew when he fully opened his eyes he would curse her existence. So ignoring his whisper, she tried to concentrate on the time gates. "Please, Setsuna." was the plea, and Setsuna knew she was caught.

Turning to him in surprise, momentarily forgetting the power of the Millennium Eye, she locked orbs with the dashing amber that greeted her. "How?" Setsuna whispered, for she had powered down after his plea. A rough, dry chuckle escaped Pegasus, and an ironic eyebrow rose.

"Dear guardian, I thought you knew everything." He teased lightly, causing Setsuna to huff silently. "The Eye can read minds, remember." Pegasus informed her, and Setsuna felt invaded. Turning her head away, she yanked gently to inform him to release her. However, with his strength slowly returning, he shook his head and sat up. Another arm sneaking around the tense guardian and brought her to a sitting position on the edge of the bed. "Please, do not go, the eye only merely revealed the identity of the one standing over me." He whispered. "I feared it to be another thief, however, I am glad it is you my silent watcher." Pegasus explained, running a soothing hand over one of her tanned cheeks.

"Then how?" Setsuna asked, garnets troubled, but curious.

"Your visits at my most needed times, though in the form of Cyndia, alerted me." Pegasus stated. "Your true form always showed threw when ever you made ready to leave, be it in my dreams." He added. "Confounded about who you truly were, I searched several legends to find your identity." Pegasus said, and Setsuna held a hand to silence him.

"My true name is never in the books, only my senshi identity." Setsuna stated.

"I know, but one time, while I was sleeping, you whispered your name to me, and my heart remembers." Pegasus explained. Setsuna blinked, trying to recall such a time. "I believe you said something along the lines, I wish you could see me, Setsuna Meiou." He spoke. Setsuna colored, because she was whispering one of her heart's desires.

"And do you see me, Crawford?" She inquired, a tone of fear fading in. Pegasus leaned closer, his lips brushing her ears.

"How could I not?" He answered. Setsuna hugged him in heartfelt surprise, and he hugged her back. Before pulling back and kissing her temple. "Stay with me?" Pegasus pleaded.

"Just for now, and maybe you can stay with me." Setsuna answered.

Just as I promised, the Setsuna/Pegasus one. Enjoy, and Please review.

Much Care,
