Thanks for the reviews! Things are heating up...

"Listen carefully."

Tony listened carefully.

He listened carefully to Gibbs' story about the lady in custody.

He listened intently to the bit where she had given the phone number of the re-useable phone, and he listened with interest and trepidation to how she had been in custody for eight days. He listened with a growing certainty in his gut that, indeed, something hinky was going on, and he also listened with the feeling that Kate knew more than even Gibbs knew. And she wasn't telling. His listening was suddenly interrupted by a beeping noise in his ear.

"Uh, sorry boss, gotta go- incoming call."

Ignoring Gibbs' protests, he switched lines, pulling out paper and pen.


"That's not Kate."

"Uh, no, no it's not. Can I ask who's calling?" He didn't recognise the voice, but anyone can put on an accent.

"Where's Kate?"
"Who wants to know?"

"Where is Kate?"

'Whoa', Tony thought. "She's unavailable at the moment." He said aloud. "How…"


"Damn!" Tony switched back to Gibbs, only to find he had hung up too. He shut the cell slowly and walked back to the car, avoiding Kate's eyes. He took her arm and dragged her a little way away from the car where Abby sat expectantly.



"What did Andy say in the mall?"

No answer.


"Tony, can we drop this, ok? It's really nothing." She didn't sound like she convinced even herself.

"It's more than nothing, Kate."

She looked levelly at him.

"I think you should come back in my car. Abby can drive herself."

"Back to where?" Abby called from her seat.

"NCIS. Gibbs has some things to tell you."

"I think I have some things to tell him."

"I think you might."

R&R :)