Part 3! Thanks to: coolgirlc, ADJL-Freakazoid, CelloSolo2007, Emachinescat, Fudogg, atecom, Lavenderpaw, and The Halfa Wannabe. Thanks, y'all!

Letters: Pt. 3 of 3


All my heroes are dead and gone

But down inside of me, they still live on.

"Heroes" Shinedown

She couldn't do it. She knew she couldn't, it was impossible.

And Jake Long, deep in his heart, knew this too- she wouldn't harm him, just as he wouldn't harm her.



Their eyes seemed intertwined with one another for the longest time. It was the stuff of legends, something that had occurred in countless novels.

The enemies... the lovers... pushed and pulled in opposite directions, in the directions that their superiors wanted, were taking the first stand. They would cease to fight.

The question was what would Grandpa and the Huntsmaster think of this?

"Huntsgirl! I said... slay the dragon! This is your chance! The Huntsclan shall be ridded of all its problems, starting now and evermore!" Huntsmaster shouted amidst the absolute silence that had fallen like a great curtain over the entire scene.

"No more problems, eh?" Rose said sternly. "Maybe for you... but it will all be just beginning for me."

"What are you saying?" her uncle took a few steps toward her, trying to comprehend what was happening. It appeared to him as if his niece was revolting against him.

"I'm saying," she replied, "that I'm done fighting. I will not hurt this dragon."

Jake's gaze softened, and a slight smile began to from at the corners of his face. He was going to get out of this alive- even when his chances of doing so had seemed bleak a few moments prior.

"You... won't fight," the Huntsmaster seemed to be in disbelief of this turn of events. He walked a few steps closer. "Then you know what I must do."

"No!" Rose exclaimed. "You won't hurt him!"

"Step aside!" he was becoming impatient.


"Fine then." She had been putting up a good fight, but to no avail. With ease, her uncle walked up to her and shoved her aside.

She landed a few feet away, and looked up to see the Huntsmaster staring intently at Jake, who was still pinned to the wall. She wanted to get up, wanted to save Jake... but somehow, some way, she felt powerless to do so.

"I've waited a long time for this," he growled, a broad sense of accomplishment and victory making his face swell with pride, "and now... it comes to this."

He held up his long Huntsclan staff, and it began to collect brilliant beams of bright light at its end. Brighter, and brighter, and...

"Farewell, American Dragon."

A blinding flash of light.

All went silent.

And the sound of death came soon after.

The dimness of a funeral home had never been something that Rose had liked. When she was about ten, she and her uncle had to go to one for Mrs. Snedeker, the old lady that lived a few paces down the street. It had smelled weird, and a lot of people were crying. Not exactly the most fun time in the world.

This one was different, though. This one had a real purpose. Not saying that Mrs. Snedeker wasn't a nice person. She just wasn't... as close to Rose as Jake had been.

She entered the viewing room, a little unsure of herself. She knew that most people there wouldn't know her. Some would, from school. But Jake's grandfather... this was the person she knew she would have to be most careful to avoid. He knew she was the Huntsgirl. And she knew that he didn't forgive her.

During the funeral, she would be forced to sit in the back. Once again, avoid Lao Shei at ALL costs. So until then... the first thing she knew she must do was see Jake.

She poked her head above everyone else. There he was, Lao- talking with a few unknowns at the side of the room. This was her chance.

She slowly made her way to th casket. She wasn't sure what she'd see... if anything. She wasn't fully certain if she could even bring herself to look.

Closer... closer...

"I can do this...," she whispered to herself, "No... problem."

She was there.

He looked... peaceful. And as if he had never been harmed. "I'm... sure they... used a spell to heal him...," Rose said as she choked back tears. She knew it'd be hard... but not this hard.

"Excuse me?"

She knew that voice. Rose turned around... and Spud and Trixie were standing there, looking at her accusingly.

"Um... hi," Rose said.

"What're YOU doing here... Huntsgirl?" Spud snarled uncharacteristically.

"Guys... you don't understand! I'm... you gotta keep this a secret, you can't let ANYONE know I'm here..."

"I don't trust ya. Never really have," Trixie said. "So if I were you... I'd just leave."

"But I-"


Rose paused briefly, before turning away. They were right- she didn't deserve to be here. She began to walk away... but someone caught her eye.

Lao Shei. He was staring at her.

"Oh no!" Rose walked a little quicker toward the exit. She looked back to see him following her.

A left. She would hide... she had seen some doors on the way in; maybe she could get away from him.

She found a random door, went inside, and closed it. She hoped that it would conceal her well enough.

She heard him coming, walking near silently toward her location. She prayed... prayed he wouldn't stop at this one.

Click. The door handle turned.

"You did not really think you could hide, did you?" Grandpa asked as he opened the door. "Dragons DO have a keen sense of smell, after all."

"Wh-what do you want?" Rose was terrified.

And he knew this. "Don't worry. I will not hurt you. I've come... to apologize."

"Apologize? To me?" Rose was stunned.

"I should have forgiven you. You and Jake really did love each other. I can see that you wanted out. I suppose I cannot hold you accountable for what the Huntsmaster has done."

"So... you-"

"I forgive you, Rose. And it is heartfelt, not sarcasm. I would like for you to stay with us... maybe we can find you a new place to stay..."

"Sorry. I don't think I can," Rose dug into her pocket. "I just can't bear to stay any longer. Maybe I'll meet up with you later. But... could you put this in his casket... for me?"

She handed him a folded-up slip of paper. Grandpa took it reluctantly, and nodded. Rose thanked him, and turned away.

He watched her go, and once she was out of sight, he slowly uncurled the piece of paper and silently read it, a few tears sliding down his cheeks as he did so.

Dear Jake,

Hey. It's me again. I don't know if you can read this. You being... what you are, after all. But it's weird- as I was writing this, it almost seemed as if you were right there at my side, helping me write it.

You've been here all along, I can see that now. You may be gone- mind and body, maybe. But your heart- it's still here. It's inside me. And right now, it's shining as bright as it ever did.

I wanted to stop my uncle- you know I did. But I couldn't. And night after night since you died, it's been haunting me. So much that I can rarely get enough sleep to satisfy me throughout the day.

Can you ever forgive me? Somehow, I hope you can. I think you already have. You see, I think that you knew that I was trying to protect you- it was my uncle that finished the job. I don't think I will ever forgive him for it, and I will fully understand if you can't as well.

He was so blind- blinded by his hatred of all magical creatures. And his desire to kill you. There was just nothing I could ever say or do to change his mind about magical creatures. He just hated them so much.

I wonder if your death was really my fault. I mean, I didn't kill you. But there's always 'what if'. What if I had never joined the Huntsclan? Would you still be alive today? I don't think I'll ever know, but... it's one of the many things I've been thinking about. Also... if I had quit the Huntsclan a few days ago, and had been able to warn you of what they were plotting- could I have saved you?

I guess I can't really play the blame game anymore. After all... it's over. You're gone. And for now, there's no bringing you back.

Do you remember the fun times? The times we spent together? I do. These are my most precious memories, and I don't think I can ever forget. Just as I'll never forget you.

It's hard- I wonder, what would you have wanted me to do? After you died, that is? What I've done thus far- is this the path I should've taken? Something told me when I was writing this that I am doing the right thing. I should've asked for forgiveness from your Grandpa. Even if he didn't give it to me, I know- it was the right thing.

So what do I do now?

I'm going to get older... and there will be other guys. Guys that might want to marry me one day.

Would you have wanted me to do this? I know we had planned on being together forever. But... we never thought something like this would happen.

I think that you would've wanted me to. You would've said something like 'You're gonna someday make some guy really happy, and you're gonna have lots of kids, and...' You get the picture.

Well... I can't write much more. The funeral is in a little bit. I'm going to see your grandfather tonight. I hope he can find it in his heart to forgive me.

I know now that you already have.

Goodbye, Jake.

Save a place up there for me.