Final part! Enjoy!

~~~Both POV's~~~
"I...I...Love you too Takeru"

***Takeru's POV***
My heart leapt out of my rib cage. My adrenaline level reached its maximum at her words. I smiled for the first time in a month. She leaned up and gave me a long kiss on the lips, not caring that I was still sick.

God, it felt so good to have her lips on mine again.

It was the perfect moment. Stars outside sparkling brighter then ever, my only love had come back to me. Nothing could have ruined this moment! Then, my stomach let out a loud grumble from the lack of food I had eaten.

ALMOST, nothing.

Kari let out a smile and a laugh against my lips. We pulled apart and started laughing hysterically. Our brothers had come into the room and looked at us like we were both nuts. Matt smiled, despite his attempts not to laugh as my stomach growled yet again. Tai lost all control and doubled over in a fit of laughter. I was laughing so hard my side hurt. Matt went to go get some food for me once he grabbed some of his money. He laughed as he walked down the hall. Once the 3 of us had regained our seriousness, Tai said he was glad I was feeling like myself again.

I was too.

He went to go call my parents and everyone else telling them the good news, leaving Kari and I alone. She sat on my bedside, brushing some of my hair out of my face like she used too. I enjoyed having her fingers run through my hair again. I closed my eyes and relaxed as she kept running her small fingers through it, the smile never fading from my lips. She hummed our song as she told me how much she missed me and doing all these little things like playing with my hair. I propped myself up against the bed backboard and opened my arms in a silent invitation. She gladly excepted and crawled into my arms, placing herself between both my legs. She leaned back against me as I wrapped my pale arms around her again.

Man, how I missed doing this so much.

Her soft, lt brown hair tickled my neck a bit as she rested her head in the hollow of my neck. We both let out contented sighs of happiness. Nothing could disturb us, not even my loud stomach. Then my parents rushed into the room.

I can't get a break!

Kari scooted out of my arms and off of the bed while my parents got me into a huge hug. About a half-hour later, my parents left, leaving Kari and I alone again. She scooted back into my arms and rested her head back into my neck, her warm breath on my neck as she breathed. We let out twin sighs of content as we leaned back again. Then the whole group of destined rushed in.


Kari laughed as she noticed my frustrated sigh, getting off the bed again so everyone could hug me to death, saying how their glad I'm feeling like myself. I think Davis was disappointed we got back together, but he hid it well. A hour later, everyone was gone again except Matt, Tai and Kari. I literally inhaled at least 3 pizza boxes.

I was hungrier then I thought.

After eating, Matt and Tai left us alone. I told them not to let ANYONE in the room under ANY circumstances. Chuckling, they left. Kari crawled back into my arms, snuggling closer. Her arms wrapped themselves around my body tightly. I wrapped my arms protectively around her, never wanting to let go. We both drifted off to sleep, happy in each others embrace. Our dream filled sleeps filled with one thought...

Kari's POV

My heart leapt with joy as my lips met with his. I didn't care if he was sick, it felt so good to feel his lips on mine again. It was a romantic moment for us, nothing could have ruined this! TK's stomach let out a loud growl from the lack of food.

All right, ALOMST nothing.

I let out a laugh and smiled against his lips. TK and I broke apart, laughing our heads off. Tai and Matt came in, thinking we were off our rocker. Tai broke down into a laughing fit with us while Matt hid his laughter behind a smile. Tai went to go call everyone with the good news while Matt went to get us some Pizza's from the pizzeria across the street. I pushed back a stubborn piece of blonde hair from his face as I sat on his bedside.

It felt so good to run my fingers through his soft blonde hair.

He opened his arms in a silent invitation for me to join him. I crawled into his arms and rested my head into his neck. His arms wrapped tightly around me, rubbing my arms. Nothing could have ruined our great moment. Then Mr. and Mrs. Ishida ran in.

OK, so ALMOST nothing.

I moved out of the way and off the bed so they could hug their son. I smiled at the family's happiness. Mrs. Ishida was glad everything was OK between us, as was Mr. Ishida. They left about a half-hour later, and I crawled back into his arms. I let out a groan inwardly as the digidestined ran in. A laugh escaped me as TK audibly groaned. Once again, I moved off the bed so they could hug him. Davis hid his sadness fairly well. It took about an hour to get them out of the room leaving Matt, Tai, TK and myself. TK practically inhaled 3 pizza boxes.

Geeze, where does all that food go when he's skinny as a toothpick?

Matt and Tai left us alone again, making sure to not let anyone in for anything or any reason at TK's request. I crawled back into his warm embrace and snuggled close. We both fell asleep with the same thought in our dreams...

~~~Both POV's~~~

Love can be a wonderful or horrible thing.