Chapter 50: Like A Simple Dream

Ronjad looked out into the ocean knowing that his adventure soon be over. All of his friends were on a boat heading back to the mainland. He sighed and turned to all his friends.

Melody and Ash were snuggled up against each other sleeping while Melody's sister read a map. Pan, Josh, Brock, and Whitey were playing rock, paper, scissors. Kait, Casey, and Misty were all looking out into the water. Max and Blue were holding each other's hands and talking.

Then he looked towards his girlfriend, Lovrina. She and Jenny were auguring over Ronjad. "He was with me first!" said Lovrina, "And he already told you that he isn't interested in you!"

"I don't care!" said Jenny, "Soon he'll realize that we both belong together after we spend sometime together!"

"Like he is ever going to be with you!" said Lovrina at her, "We both have a special bond made of love, trust, and saving each others lives. The only thing that ties both of you together is that you seen each other and nothing else!"

"Humph," mumbled Jenny, "We'll see about that!"

Ronjad rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the sea and he looked at it from the side of the boat. "Nothing in sight eh?" said Pan joining his friend.

"No," Ronjad said to him, "It's just so hard to believe that this adventure as finally come to a close here on this boat."

Pan laughed and said, "What do you mean it's over? You still don't know who that skeleton belongs to, you don't know what Umbrella's plan was with that UFO, Bianca is missing, and you don't know the true origin of those electric creatures, aliens, and glowing lights. There are still a bunch of things left that makes this adventure for you far from over."

Ronjad was silent and then he said, "You're right. There are tons of stuff I learned but still don't have enough clues to unravel there mystery behind them."

"See," said Pan, "The fun isn't over just yet."

"It's over for me though," said Ronjad to him, "I deciding to stop all my searches and decided to leave all the remaining mysteries to be unsolved. I just want a nice life with my girlfriend without any more dangers that I can put her in."

Pan nodded and said, "You may want to stop, but Josh, Kait, and me want to know more of the truth that is left. We take over where you'll be leaving off."

"Thanks man," said Ronjad turning to face him, "You do that."

"Hey!" shouted Brock leaning over the boat, "I see land!" Everyone who was busy sleeping, auguring, or anything else got up and headed toward each side of the boat to see the main land coming up in front of them.

The rest of the remaining town's folk left to go leave with relatives or other things, while the friends all headed towards the main port near by and they watched the boat then leave. "Well," said Whitey to everyone, "My mom is waiting for me over by my uncle. We are going to live with them for a while until we can get a new home. It's been fun and exciting! See ya everyone!"

"See ya Whitey," said Max watching his friend take off towards his waiting mom and uncle, and then Max turned to the team, "I heading home, and Blue is coming with me. I'm sure May returned home after leaving the island. It'll be nice to get back home after all of this."

"I coming because I wanted to meet his mom and dad!" said Blue with a smile, "We'll see you all later!" Then both of them disappeared into the crowd of people passing by.

"I'm heading back to Pallet Town with Melody and Carol," said Ash to Ronjad, "I want my mom to meet her and see what thinks of her son finally having a girlfriend. Plus, I want to see Pikachu again."

"I'll for sure be shock to her!" said Melody.

"Wait!" shouted Calvin running up to them, "I'm coming with you three!"

"I thought you said you'll leave Melody alone now?" said Lovrina suspiciously.

"I am!" said Calvin, "I have some family in Pallet Town that I'm staying with for now. I want to travel with some on the long road from here to there."

"Fine," said Melody folding her arms, "But you if you pull anything, I'll break your legs!" Calvin nodded and then they all took off.

"You know," said Ronjad looking around, "This is where the whole adventure and trip began for me and I guess it'll end here."

"Yeah," said Brock, "I'm heading back to Pewter City to meet up with my brothers and sisters. I'm sure there are all very worried."

"I want to go with you!" said Jenny, "My brother works at the museum and maybe I can get a job there."

"So you are going to forget about my boyfriend now?" said Lovrina hopefully.

"You kidding me?" said Jenny, "I'm going to work and mature even more before meet you two again and prove that he'll love me in the end once we are all adults." Jenny stuck her tongue out at her and took off with Brock.

"I'm heading back to my gym," said Misty, "I bet my sisters wouldn't believe all that happened if I told them so!"

"I'm coming as well," said Casey, "I want to a gym battle against you to show you I'm getting much better then before." They smiled one last time and they headed off.

Only Lovrina, Ronjad, Josh, Kait, and Pan were left standing around, but not for long. "Well," said Kait to Lovrina and Ronjad, "It was nice to have a great adventure even if I turned into an alien for most of it. We'll be heading off to America to start our quest to unlock those secrets Umbrella had in there labs."

Kait, Josh, and Pan gave Ronjad and Lovrina a thumbs-up sign and headed off. The couple looked at each and smiled. Lovrina said, "Now what?"

"We go anywhere but an island," said Ronjad smiling, "I need a vacation from this vacation for sure after all of this!" They both hugged and kissed each other and headed off away from the water.

"Wait a minute!" said Lovrina stopping, "Of all the time we spent together. We still don't know each other's last name!"

"Your right!" said Ronjad, "We still don't know! My full name is Ronjad Dark. What is your's?"

"Lovrina Grace," she smiled, "And we both know." They then started to walk on.

Ronjad stopped and turned to look back at the ocean. He thought he could see an orange light swimming slowly in the water near the pier, but he couldn't be sure. "Sometime wrong?" said Lovrina with concern.

He turned to face her and said, "No. Nothing at all. Let's just go and some fun for once this year." They then headed off into the light...

To Be Continued…

Author Notice: Yep, that was it. My first ever story I ever written for this website as now ended here. But the series hasn't! So keep you eyes peeled for the upcoming sequel, The Underground Quake.

Well my friends another month has past by us, this means it's time for story of the month! The Top 5 Stories of the Month of July are:

1. Forgotten By. KH-Akyra

2. Emerald: The Legend of Hoenn By: Katie Legends

3. ReiShine By: Digital Skitty

4. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass By: bobsnormal

5. Twilight By: Rave Drifter

This month, I would like to here about any good Cardcaptor Sakura and Calvin & Hobbes I should check out.

Now it's time to thank all the reviewers who ever review this great story:

Scribblez: The first ever reviewer for this story!

Dinolover9999: Thanks for reviewing.

KH-Akyra: Only reviewed once, but it was still nice she reviewed at all.

Michelicious: She gave up reading this story because it got too hard for her to read it.

Shep4king: The first person to ever see through my anagram of Ronjad's name!

Anime Master64: Good guy, made a great story!

Elmo-x-takumi: This guy has my story as one of his favorite stories.

Strix Moonwing: Another good person.

Tall person: He stopped reviewing before the story got any good.

Shadow Guardian of the Gate: A great person! He reviewed this story since the earliest chapters and is a cool person! You should for sure read some of his/her stories.

Kirin RaKash: Thanks for reviewing

Dragoknight: My most favorite author of all time! Sorry everyone else, but every story he wrote I actually liked.

Star High Above: She isn't an authoress anymore, she left during December sadly

Celebi: Humph, only read three chapters and said she didn't like it! She should of read more! All the best stuff didn't happen until like chapter 10!

Ghost Author: Didn't read review much.

Kqmck-117: Reviewed a lot of my chapters.

Mullenium Master: Another great person! She reviewed about all of my chapters, but sadly once she left, she stopped. Then she returned, but still didn't review! I'm not bitter, I just hope she reviews this last chapter.

Charmanderchamp: Great reviewer! Hasn't been reviewing recently.

The Maura: Only review once, but she was very critical.

Sakuryn: A good reviewer, but didn't review very recently.

Tenchi Lily: Reviewed once.

Rei do Mundo: Didn't review much sadly.

Noob: Thanks for the review

Katie Legends: Started to review at Chapter 28 and hasn't stopped yet! She rocks and is a great writer.

Ajm88: Started reviewing in Chapter 32 as an anonym reviewer and then during Chapter 45 he/she joined Fanfiction. Good for AJm88

AshK: Reviewed later in the story, but that was nice.

In the next story, Ronjad and Lovrina go to meet Ronjad's friend Sakura Flowers. During their visit, underground monsters attack the town and it's up to them to save the people.

Date: 8/2/06

Next Up: Dark World: Story 2: The Underground Quake

Reviewers: Ajm88

Katie Legends

I thank you all for your reviews and for you people who just read instead of reviewing. I thank you all for your support, encouraging words, and your interest in this story. I hope to see you all in the next story of the series!


Jordan R. Was Here


Peace out and rock on forever everyone!